Additional bibliography for study
Amato, P.R. , Loomis, L.S. and Alan Booth. (March 1995). "Parental Divorce, Marital Conflict and Offspring Well-being during Early Adulthood". Social Forces, 73 (3), 895-915.
Amato, P.R. (1993). "Children’s Adjustment of Divorce: Theories, Hypotheses, and Empirical Support". Journal of Marriage and the Family, 55, 23-38.Amato, P.R. and B. Keith. (1991a). "Parental Divorce and Adult Well-being: A Meta-Analysis". Journal of Marriage and the Family, 53, 43-58.
Amato, P.R. and B. Keith. (1991b). "Parental Divorce and the Well-being of Children: A Meta-Analysis". Psychological Bulletin, 110 (1), 26-46.
Golombok,S.Perry,B., Burston,A. Murray,C., Mooney-Somers,J.& Stevens, M. (2003).Children With Lesbian Parents: A Community Study. Developmental Psychology, 39, 1, 20–33.
Golombok,S.,& Badger, S. (2010).Children raised in mother-headed families from infancy: a follow-up of children of lesbian and single heterosexual mothers, at early adulthood. Human Reproduction,25,1,150–157.
Hetherington, E.M. (1989). "Coping with Family Transitions: Winners, Losers, and Survivors". Child Development, 60 (1), 1-14.
Hetherington, E.M. (1993). "An Overview of the Virginia Longitudinal Study of Divorce and Remarriage with a Focus on Early Adolescence". Journal of Family Psychology, 7 (1), 39-56.
Wallerstein, J.S. and J.B.Kelly (1975). "The Effects of Parental Divorce: Experiences of the Preschool Child". Journal of the American Academy of Child Psychiatry, 14, 600-616.
Wainright,J.,Russell,S.,& Patterson, C. (2004).Psychosocial Adjustment, School Outcomes, and Romantic Relationships of Adolescents With Same-Sex Parents.Developmental Psychology,75, 6, 1886 – 1898.