Learning Outcomes
Attending the course successfullly, students:
- understand the basic concepts of urban planning
- familiarise with the basic tools of urban planning
- train to employ the basic tools of urban planning in practice
- identify the links of urban planning to higher tiers of spatial planning as well as urban design
- understand the concept of sustainable developement and its relation to urban planning
- identify the environmental aspects of urban planning at the local regional and planetary scale
- develop skills in constructing complex strategies for the urban environment
- practice structuring and presenting complete urban planning schemes
Course Content (Syllabus)
The course focuses on urban planning by enhancing its continuity with the spatial planning scale and its specification in the scale of urban design. It deepens into the techniques of urban interpretation and analysis. It develops the objectives and instruments of urban strategies and planning (land uses, road network hierarchy, planning indices and models). Emphasis is put on the legislatory framework in force in Greece and the subsequent processes of drafting urban plans. Planning tools are investigated in urban design scales in specifying urban form according to various design directions.
The potential, as well as, restrictions that arise from the attributes of the physical terrain and the structural, morphological, developmental and statutory characteristics of the city constitute the starting-point in the planning project. Natural environment protection is introduced as a critical parameter in urban planning; it is relevant across all scales, phases and issues of planning.
The elaboration of the planning project is organized in three phases that provide feed-back to each other in non-linear ways: i) interpretation – analysis of the wider area, ii) forwarding of principles and objectives for the creation of a new neighborhood, urban strategy and its specification of its urban planning organization, iii) urban design of selected parts of the neighborhood (street lay-out and simulations of its implementation).
The planning project refers to a part of a peripheral Municipality of Thessaloniki Urban Complex on which all relevant information and studies, cartographic maps and base-plans are provided in order to be taken into account critically. Design proposals elaboration take place on the level of urban strategies (scale 1:10.000), urban planning (1:5.000) and urban design in a selected part of the area studied (scales 1:2.000 and 1:1.000).
Dr. Angelidou Margarita, Architect - Urban Planner, participates in the cource as an invited lecturer.
Artemis Psaltoglou (PhDc-doctorate student), participate in the supervision of the student exercises.
urban analysis, urban strategies, urban planning, urban design
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
Βιβλίο [41955468]: Πόλη και πολεοδομικές πρακτικές - Νέα αναθεωρημένη έκδοση, Ανδρικοπούλου Ελένη, Γιαννακού Αθηνά, Καυκαλάς Γρηγόρης, Πιτσιάβα - Λατινοπούλου Μάγδα
Βιβλίο [45243]: Πολεοδομικός Σχεδιασμός, Β' ΕΚΔΟΣΗ, Αραβαντινός Α.
Βιβλίο [50662484]: Τοπία αστικής διάχυσης: αστικοποίηση και πολεοδομικός σχεδιασμός, Χριστοδούλου Χάρις
Βιβλίο [40461]: Η βιώσιμη πόλη, [επιμέλεια] Μιχάλης Μοδινός, Ηλίας Ευθυμιόπουλος
Βιβλίο [68404442]: Θεωρία και μεθοδολογία πολεοδομίας, Έκδοση: 1η έκδ./2017, Αλέξανδρος-Φ. Λαγόπουλος