Course Content (Syllabus)
- Evolution of life. Creation of biological systems.
- Trace elements in vivo. Selective and competitive activity of trace elements.
- The role of metal ions in biological systems. Coordination compounds in vivo.
- Metal-based drugs.
- Iron metalloproteins. Transportation and storage of iron.
- Manganese metalloenzymes. Oxygen evolving center in photosystem II.
- Enzymes containing zinc.
- Copper as trace element.
- Molybdenum in vivo. The role of molybdenum and iron in nitrogenase.
- Interaction of metal ions and coordination compounds with biomolecules.
- Physical methods used to study metalloenzymes.
- Μagnetic nanoparticles as drug carriers, hyperthermia agents and molecular imaging agents
- Radiopharmaceuticals. Radioactive tracers - Labelling
metals in life, metalloproteins, metal-based drugs, bioinorganic chemistry,