Learning Outcomes
The objectives of the course sought to be achieved through an applied teaching
process, have a direct dependence on the individual learning outcomes of this process.
As long as the course is conducted properly, the resulting learning outcomes can
be classified in two categories:
a) acquisition of special knowledge, and
b) development of special abilities and skills.
Apparently, the common designation of the term "special" is about focusing the whole process on
research issues.
The individual learning outcomes for these two categories are given in detail immediately
Acquisition of specialist knowledge
The knowledge that every graduate student acquires by attending the class pertains to the information and familiarization with the conceptual contents of key issues related to research. These issues are as follows:
• The basic concepts (science, research, knowledge) and the connection between them
• The internationally recognized and applied rules of ethics and conduct in research
• The research process and related concepts (structure and design of research, originality, the role of the researcher)
• The specialization of research activity in the natural sciences (methodology, methods, techniques, use of technology and its means)
• The various forms of dissemination of research results and the corresponding activities of a new researcher
• Basic concepts, principles and sources of terminology with an emphasis on their correct use in basic and
technological research
Development of special abilities and skills
From a broader set of necessary abilities and skills, which the student needs to develop or every new researcher should improve in a short time, those listed below are supported - to a small or large extent - by the specific course. Finally, an additional set of abilities and skills are provided, which should be developed through various ways during the course of the research for the graduate M.Sc. degree.
Below is a ranking of the abilities and skills, which are expected to be acquired by a graduate degree student, in five individual thematic units.
Design and organization of research
• Ability to identify and evaluate research problems
• Understanding of research methods and techniques and their appropriate application
• Ability to critically analyze and evaluate the findings of other researchers
• Ability to summarize, record and report on a research project
Conducting research - research environment
• Understanding the wider environment, in which a research is conducted
• Perception and awareness of issues related to ethics and ethics when conducting research
• Understanding the different rights and obligations of researchers in the various forms of research (basic, independent, funded)
• Understanding the processes of publication and academic or commercial exploitation of research results
Research management
• Familiarity with and ability to access appropriate bibliographic and other resources sources of information
• Ability to effectively use IT technologies for database management data, the recording and presentation of information
Communication and publication of research
• Ability to write correct and appropriate texts depending on the occasion (e.g. reports on progress, publications, theses)
• Ability to prepare for oral presentations-speeches
• Familiarity with the preparation and use of supervisory support material
Collective work
• Develop and maintain collaborative relationships with supervisors and colleagues
• Understanding the ways of behavior and its effects on third parties through personal
participation and contribution to the success of group initiatives and tasks
Course Content (Syllabus)
1. Introduction-basic concepts (Class organization in groups of 4, Connecting and using Blackboard)
2. Research process (Search – article selection)
3. Bibliographic information
4. Technical terminology
5. Research with quantitative data
6. Oral presentations
7. Article review speeches (Critical analysis (speaker) - Creative discussion(entire class))
8. Posters and diagrams
9. The written text
10. Conference (Simulation of the Conference, Presentations of the articles (with PPT) - Posting of posters and commenting on them)
Research, research methodology, international bibliography, evaluation of scientific work, conception of original idea, implementation of ideas with technological significance