Learning Outcomes
After successfully attending the course the postgraduate student should be capable of :
• Conceiving the severity of water problems at international, regional and local levels and recognizing their relations to the more general environmental problems
• Understanding the basic principles of sustainable water management policies as well as their economic and social aspects and recognizing and being familiar with the corresponding techniques
• Dealing with and solving problems regarding the exploitation, protection and rehabilitation of water systems in the context of the holistic approach of ecosystems.
Course Content (Syllabus)
Water resources and the environment: water on the planet. The crisis of management and the crisis of water resources. Water resources management and environmental planning. Sustainable water policy. Principles and methods. The holistic approach. Integrated water resources management. Applications and examples from Greece and internationally.
Water supply and demand: Supply management. The technological dimension of water resources management. Water resources and hydraulic works. Environmental impacts. Demand management. The social dimension of water resources management. Applications to water supply and irrigation uses. Water resources management in the perspective of sustainability. Integrated river basin management. Water demand management. Decentralized and Participatory approaches and practices in water management. Sustainability indicators and their evaluation.
Water as an economic good: Economic methods and tools in water resources protection and management. Water management and management tools and instruments. Costing water according to its full value. Examples from the Greek and international reality.
Legal framework: Responsibilities and jurisdictions. European Water Framework Directive (2000/60). Harmonization of Greek legislation with the European legislation. Water resources management and regional development. Water resources management plan. Examples and applications.
Management of transboundary river basins: Conflict mitigation and tension management. Integrated transboundary basin management. International agreements and problems. Decision-making methods in international water management. Principles of Water Diplomacy. Examples from Greek and international reality.
Integrated water management, green development, transboundary water basins, suppy, demand, water pricing, structural, non structural adaptation methods, climate change
Additional bibliography for study
Daniel P. Loucks, Eelco van Beek,Water Resource Systems Planning and Management. An Introduction to Methods, Models, and Applications. https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-44234-1