Learning Outcomes
Theoretical and practical / experiential training in the fundamental principles of Alexander Technique and their application in the study, teaching and interpretation of music. The aim of the course is to enhance the performance of the musician in his complex qualities as a student / researcher of musical works, teacher / pedagogue and performer.
Improving student performance is achieved by increasing observability, widening the perceptual field, and exposure to new methods of assessing personal and team performance. The reinforcing application of Alexander Technique is primarily experiential and complementary to a literature review and preparation for examination and evaluation of the theoretical bases at the end of the semester.
Course Content (Syllabus)
This course aims at the acquainting and the experiencing of freedom in movement and, consequently, in musical action through the perspective of Alexander Technique. The particular approach to movement and expression introduced by Frederick Matthias Alexander about a century ago, through a complete pedagogical system, has brought about significant changes in how to deal with and teach the movement of musicians. Based on the naturalness of human motion, Alexander Technique as an educational tool aims to simplify and liberate movement, expand the perceptual field, and activate the neuromuscular coordination of virtuosity required in musical study, teaching and interpretation. The primary teaching objectives are (a) the awareness of the power of habit; (b) the awareness of the head-spine neuromuscular organization of movement; (c) the study of the Inhibition according to the Alexander Technique; (d) the study of the relationship of sensing, feeling and movement; and (e) the cultivation of attention and perception . Music-pedagogical issues that are affected, analyzed and studied are the vocal and instrumental technique, study methods, stage anxiety, freedom of movement and the transmission of knowledge with oral suggestion and / or kinetic suggestion.
Additional bibliography for study
Alcantara, P. de (2000) Technique Alexander pour les musiciens. aleXitère. (Collection Médecine des Arts).
Alexander, F.M. (1997 [1932]) The Use of the Self. New York: IRDEAT.
Kleinman, J. & Buckoke, P. (2013) The Alexander Technique for Musicians. London: Bloomsbury.