Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course, students will
- understand supply chain management problems
- understand the strategies and techniques that help companies improve their Supply Chain performance and consequently upgrade their position in the market
- be able to apply the quantitative methods necessary for decision making
Course Content (Syllabus)
The topics examined include the following:
Introduction to Logistics and Supply Chain Management. Objectives of supply chain management. The value chain.
Logistics operations. Inventory management and control, transportation, materials handling, orders fullfilment, demand forecasting, packaging, procurement, customer support and returns handling.
Evaluation of logistics performance. Defining service objectives. Classification of customers, suppliers and products based on their value to the business. Service level and safety stock calculation.
Flexibility in Supply Chains. Pull and push strategies. Postponement of diversification.
Economic Order Quantity. Other inventory management systems.
Variability in the management of supply chains. Increase in demand variability (bullwhip effect).
Logistics services: 3PL and 4PL.
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
Christopher, M., «Logistics και Διαχείριση Εφοδιαστικής Αλυσίδας», Εκδόσεις Κριτική, Αθήνα, 2006.
S. Chopra - P. Meindl, Διοίκηση Εφοδιαστικής Αλυσίδας, 5η Έκδοση, 2015.
Βιδάλης, Μ., «Εφοδιαστική (Logistics): Μία Ποσοτική Προσέγγιση», Εκδόσεις Κλειδάριθμος, Αθήνα, 2008.
Additional bibliography for study
Taylor, D.A., «Διαχείριση Εφοδιαστικής Αλυσίδας», Εκδόσεις Κλειδάριθμος, Αθήνα, 2006.
Λάϊος, Λ., «Διοίκηση Εφοδιασμού», Εκδόσεις Humantec, ΑΘήνα, 2010.
Μπινιώρης, Σ., «Εισαγωγή στη Διαχείριση Εφοδιαστικής Αλυσίδας», Εκδόσεις Πασχαλίδης, Αθήνα, 2003.
Παπαδημητρίου, Σ., Σχινάς, Ο., «Εισαγωγή στα Logistics», Εκδόσεις Σταμούλη, Αθήνα, 2004.
Ballou, R.H., «Business Logistics / Supply Chain Management», 5th edition, Prentice Hall, 2004.