Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
-Study scientifically texts of modern ecumenical ecclesiological reflection
-Analyze current problems in the world, which lead in conflicts, violence and social injustice
-Realize the universality of the vision of the people for peace and justice.
-Value and assess the participation of the Christian churches to help build a culture of peace and justice
-Shape critically their own view on crucial issues concerning Christian churches and Religions within the context of modern ecumenical dialogue
Course Content (Syllabus)
The course deals with the question of how the ecumenical movement of Christian Churches is trying to answer the challenge of economic globalization, and also with the necessity of the Interreligious dialogue and solidarity among believers of different religions towards building a culture of 'just peace' for all creation.Τhe interest of the course focuses on the World Council of Churches (WCC), one of the biggest and oldest transnational non-governmental players within international community. WCC is an example of transnational religious nog-governmental organization that engages in a wide range of issues concerning human rights and the fight against racism, the peaceful conflict resolution, the abolition of nuclear weapons and disarmament, the economic and social development, the climate change and the protection of the environment, the discrimination against women, the rights of refugees and indigenous, the foundations and the criteria for political ethics in a global context.
World Council of Churches, transnational non-governmental organization, dialogue, religion and politics, international affairs, peace and justice.
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
1. Στ. Τσομπανίδης, Εκκλησία της εξόδου: Οικουμένη, κοινωνία, άνθρωπος. Θέματα οικουμενικού προβληματισμού, εκδόσεις Ostracon, Θεσσαλονίκη 2018,
ISBN: 978-618-5146-71-9
2. Στ. Τσομπανίδης, Μετα-λετουργία: Η συμμετοχή της Ορθόδοξης Εκκλησίας και θεολογίας στην κοινή χριστιανική μαρτυρία για δικαιοσύνη, ειρήνη και ακεραιότητα της δημιουργίας, Εκδ. Πουρναράς, Θεσσαλονίκη 2009. ISBN 978-960-242-428-5
Additional bibliography for study
Stanley D. Brunn, “The World Council of Churches as a Global Actor: Ecumenical Space as Geographical Space”, Geographica Slovenica, 34/1, 2001, pp. 65-78.
J. Haynes και X. Καραγιαννοπούλου (επιμ.), Θρησκεία και Πολιτική. Μια Σύγχρονη Επιτομή, μτφ. Λουκρητία Μακροπούλου, Αθήνα, Πεδίο, 2018.
Ninan ,Koshy, Churches in the World of Nations, Geneva, WCC, 1994.
Konrad,Raiser, “International order”, N. Losky et altri (eds), Dictionary of Ecumenical Movement, Geneva, WCC,2002, pp. 598-603.
Στ. Τσομπανίδης, «Παγκόσμιο Συμβούλιο Εκκλησιών και Διεθνής Πολιτική Σκηνή», Το Πολιτικό Φαινόμενο σε Μετάβαση. Προκλήσεις για τη Δημοκρατία, το Κράτος και την Κοινωνία, (επ.) Σ. Κονιόρδος, Τμήμα Πολιτικής Επιστήμης & Διεθνών Σχέσεων Πανεπιστήμιο Πελοποννήσου, Κόρινθος 2020, 845-855.
WCC (1998), The role of the WCC in international affairs, διαθέσιμο στο: http://www.wcc-coe.org/wcc/what/international/ia-booklet.html#top