Learning Outcomes
Cognitive: The purposes of the course are to present to the student the Statutory, Economical, Legal and Bioethical framework concerning the biotechnological applications in Greece, the E.U. countries and at the International level. The aim of the course is to give the special and advantage knowledge in order the student to know the existence legislation, in addition to understand the necessity of modulation of an international management framework for the current and future biotechnological applications. A new framework which would permit the production – transfer and marketing of the biotechnological products, while taken care of the human subjects from hazardous effects.
Skills: Knowledge of the processes and of the problems that exists in the production of biotechnological products.
Course Content (Syllabus)
The industry of Biotechnology in the European Union and in the USA. Patents. The biotechnology in the health section and the agricultural production. Biotechnology – energy and environment. Biotechnology and biological war. International trading of biotechnological products. Biotechnology – DNA and the Low. DNA identification of animals and plants. Medico-legal aspects of biotechnological applications – Comparison between the European Union and the USA regulations in the Biotechnology section. Biotechnology: Socio-economic dimension. Bioethics