Additional bibliography for study
Der Nersessian, Sirarpie, “Program and Iconography of the Frescoes of the Parecclesion,” in The Kariye Djami: Studies in the Art of the Kariye Djami and its Intellectual Background, ed. Paul A. Underwood (Princeton, 1975), 305-349
Dufrenne,Suzy, Les programmes iconographiques des églises byzantines de Mistra (Bibliothèque des Cahiers Archéologiques) 4 (Paris, 1970)
Gerstel, Sharon E. J., “The Chora Parekklesion, the Hope for a Peaceful Afterlife, and Monastic Devotional Practices,” in The Kariye Camii Reconsidered, eds. Holger A. Klein, Robert G. Ousterhout and Brigitte Pitarakis (Istanbul Research institute Symposium Series) 1 (Istanbul, 2011), 107-145
Gkioles, Nikolaos, Ο Βυζαντινός τρούλλος και το εικονογραφικό του πρόγραμμa (Μέσα 6ου αι. – 1204) (Athens, 1990)
Mango, Cyril, The Brazen House, A study of the Vestibule of the Imperial Palace of Constantinople (Copenhagen, 1959)
Millet, Gabriel, Monuments de l’Athos, I. Les peintures (Paris, 1927)
Semoglou, Athanasios, “L’éloquence au service d’archéologie. Les ‘enfants aimés’ de Théodore Métochite et sa bibliothèque dans le monastère de Chora,” Series Byzantina. Studies on Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Art 8 (2010), 45-65