Learning Outcomes
After the completion of the course, the students will be able to manage the techniques of any text understanding, in order to translate later.
Course Content (Syllabus)
This course aims to offer an in-depth study of the structures and levels of the French language as a target language through linguistic analysis. To that end, different text types are studied and various techniques are used to enrich the students' vocabulary and enhance correct language usage. Students practice written expression to produce various texts.
Additional bibliography for study
1. Dictionnaire Robert
2. Dictionnaire Larousse
3. Dictionnaire des synonymes, Larousse
4. Reussir le resume de texte et la note de synthese, Jean Profit Lyon: Chronique sociale, 1996.
5. Le resume, le compte rendu, la synthese, Ghislaine Cotentyn-Rey, Paris: CLE
6. La comprehension en lecture, Jocelyne Giasson: De Boeck, 2000.