Course Content (Syllabus)
Learning contents, schedule
Introduction: Pedagogy - Science of Education: Pedagogy’s object, the basic concepts, the issue of autonomy of Pedagogy, Pedagogy’s disciplines, Pedagogy and interdisciplinarity, Pedagogy in Greece. (1st and 2nd lecture).
Section One: History of pedagogical thinking and Theories of Pedagogy
A. History and Philosophy of Education in modern times: 1. Pedagogical thought from the 16th to the 19th century, criticism of school and Pedagogy in the 20th century (movement of New Education and Progressive Education, De-schooling, Marxist critique, Anti-pedagogy). 2. Educational idealism, realism, pragmatism and reconstructivism.
B. "Paradigms" of Pedagogy and relation between theory and practice: 1. Hermeneutical Pedagogy, 2. Empirical Pedagogy 3. Marxist Education, 4. Critical Pedagogy and emancipation, 5. Contemporary approaches (System Pedagogy, Deconstructive Pedagogy, Post-Critical Pedagogy).
C. Education, training and ideology. (3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th lecture)
Section Two: Purpose and methods of pedagogical research
A. Field of pedagogical research
B. Analytical-empirical (quantitative) and synthetic (qualitative) research, explanation, understanding, ideology critique, deconstruction, research techniques and methods of analysis (7th and 8th lecture)
Section Three: Educational groups and the field of Pedagogy
A. Reference groups-biological and psychological conditions: the child, the teenager, the adult, the student, the teacher, the adult educator
B. Institutions and structures that provide education and training: the family, the pre-school education- preschool systems, the school-school and society, vocational schools, university, non-formal education (e.g. youth centers), adult education and continuing education, non-formal education structures and informal learning (media, ICT, church, etc.).
G. Ideals, goals, objectives, operation and role of education in societies of late capitalism. The future of education. (9th, 10th and 11th lecture)
Section Four: Pedagogy and contemporary global problems
Pedagogy in the era of crisis: Planning a critical education designed to critical consciousness, participation, peace, social justice and ecology(12th and 13th lecture).
Exercises: As part of the course, the participants will visit university libraries, and be provided with information on how to search and find educational literature and scientific articles; they will also practice on academic writing, whereas a limited number of students of the Department of Philosophy and Pedagogy will write synthetic works, which will be presented in the course.