Course Content (Syllabus)
The subject of the course “The Cultural Heritage in Education” is the theoretical and educational approach of cultural heritage (e.g. archaeological sites, monuments, historical sites, etc.) with the aim to prepare the future teachers to be able to use these elements both in the classroom and outside classroom within a variety of relevant teaching activities for the intellectual, social and personal development and the cultivation of a range of skills of children of early education and first school age. The main thematic axes of the course are the following: a. the concept and the content of cultural heritage (immovable, movable cultural heritage, etc.), b. the brief presentation of the Greek civilization, c. the role of cultural heritage in education over time and in contemporary society with emphasis on values that promote dialogue and social cohesion in the contemporary multicultural social reality, d. the theoretical background of educational use of cultural heritage and the learning benefits for all children, e. the connection of the cultural heritage with the thematic areas of the Curriculum, f. the methodological framework for the design of educational activities in relation to the cultural heritage with emphasis on learning theories, interdisciplinarity, experiential learning and the principles of Universal Design for Learning in order to respond to the heterogeneity of the students population (e.g. mixed ability classes, children with disabilities and / or special educational needs, multiculturalism, etc.) through examples and similar practical, field activities and exercises, g. the use of a variety of educational materials (e.g. museum educational material, new technologies), and h. the role of teachers as mediators between museum, school and parents.