Learning Outcomes
-to realize the theoretical foundation of preschool education and analysis of the research field of pedagogical science
-to understand and analyze the contemporary problems of Pedagogical Science
-to clarify pedagogical terms and the pedagogical contradictions
-to understand the multiple factors influencing the educational phenomenon
-to reflect about the role of teacher and student and their relationship
- to reflect on the parameters that compose and influence the educational process
Course Content (Syllabus)
The lesson initially attempts to transcend the school experiences that we all bring from the period when we were students and the visuals that were formed unconsciously! We aim to develop a different approach to knowledge, which will cause cognitive conflicts and reflective processes according to which the students and future teachers will become acquainted with other perspectives, will re-evaluate the concept of school and will gradually build their future professional role, not in the logic of the charismatic teacher but of the reflective teacher-researcher, through the elaboration of modern interdisciplinary educational topics. In particular, the theoretical and scientific foundation of pre-school education will be approached, emphasis will be placed on the importance that have attached to it at the international level, with special focus on international organizations and lastly the work of significant educators will be briefly
approached. Some selected theoretical reflections of "great educators" and innovations, which were suggested in relation to the socio-political context of their time, as well as their impact on later ones will be discussed.
Pedagogical Science, Science of Education, Main Terms, Main Questions, School Functions, Pedagogical pair, Importance of Preschool Education
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
-Ανδρούσου, Αλ., & Tσάφος, Β. (Επιμ) (2020) Επιστήμες της εκπαίδευσης. Ένα διεπιστημονικό πεδίο. Αθήνα: Gutenberg
-Κακανά, Δ.Μ. & Σιμούλη, Π. (επιμ.) (2008) Η προσχολική Εκπαίδευση στον 21ο Αιώνα: Θεωρητικές Προσεγγίσεις και Διδακτικές Πρακτικές. Θεσσαλονίκη: Επίκεντρο
Additional bibliography for study
-Aubrey, K. & Riley, A. (2020) Κατανοώντας και αξιοποιώντας παιδαγωγικά προκλητικές θεωρίες (Επιμ. Β. Μητροπούλου, & Χ. Τουρτούρας). Θεσσαλονίκη: εκδ. Τζιόλας
-Houssaye, J. (2000) Δεκαπέντε Παιδαγωγοί. Μεταίχμιο, Αθήνα
-Πυργιωτάκη Ε. Ι. (2011) Εισαγωγή στην Παιδαγωγική Επιστήμη, Αθήνα: Πεδίο
-Φράγκος, Χ. (2002) Ψυχοπαιδαγωγική. Αθήνα: Δαρδανός- Gutenberg (38η εκδ.)
-Κιτσαράς, Γ. (2001). Προσχολική Παιδαγωγική. Αθήνα
-Κρίβας Σ. (2002), Παιδαγωγική Επιστήμη. Βασική θεματική, Gutenberg, Αθήνα.
-Ματσαγγούρας Η. (2009), Εισαγωγή στις επιστήμες της παιδαγωγικής, Gutenberg, Αθήνα.
-Mialaret G. (1999), Εισαγωγή στις Επιστήμες της Αγωγής, Τυπωθήτω, Αθήνα.
-Mialaret G. (2011), Περί παιδαγωγικής και εκπαίδευσης, Δαρδανός, Αθήνα.