Learning Outcomes
The students are expected that at the end of the course they will
• understand the relationship of socio-economic conditions with the schools of thought of Geography and the influence of the latter on the shaping of policies
• connect the epistemological currents with the schools of thought of Geography
• recognize the differences between the schools of thought of Geography
• understand the relationship of each school of thought of Geography with spatial planning and development
Course Content (Syllabus)
The aim of the course is to understand the basic phenomena / questions that concern the science of Geography and the different approaches taken by the schools of thought for their analysis and interpretation and on the other hand the relationship and the application of the findings of Geography in spatial planning / development.
The following schools of thought are examined in the light of the socio-economic context under which they have emerged, and of their contribution in spatial planning and development:
o Classical Geography
o Regional Geography
o Anarchist Geographers
o Chicago School of Human Ecology
o Quantitative Geography
o “Transitional” paradigms (Behavioural Geography, Humanistic Geography, Liberal Geography etc)
o Critical Geography
o “The Cultural turn”
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
• Λ. Λεοντίδου, (2011) Αγεωγράφητος χώρα: Ελληνικά είδωλα στις επιστημολογικές διαδρομές της Ευρωπαϊκής Γεωγραφίας, Προπομπός
• Αφουξενίδης, Α., Γκιάλης, Σ., Ιωσηφίδης, Θ., Κουρλιούρος, Η. (επιμ) (2019) Γεωγραφίες στην εποχή της ρευστότητας, Προπομπός
• Τερκενλή, Θ.Σ., Ιωσηφίδης, Θ., Χωριανόπουλος, Ι. (επιμ.) 2007, Ανθρωπογεωγραφία: Άνθρωπος, Κοινωνία και Χώρος. Κριτική