Learning Outcomes
After successful completion students are expected to have acquired applied knowledge and abilities to:
1. Understanding the correlation between land uses and key components for the functiοnal and structural configuration of cities and
2. synthesize information for understanding land use allocation in regard to institutions, policies and tools for land use plannning
Course Content (Syllabus)
The main goal of the course is to get deeper into land use planning issues as a central part of spatial planning. In this sense, land use planning and allocation theories based on economic approaches as well as more recent approaches such as the ecosystem and place-based approach are examined. Reference is made to key policies promoted by the EU in relation to land use planning and the main issues raised in the context of sustainable and resilient development. Land use planning tools such as regulatory, financial, investment and behavioral are presented. Special references are made to the Greek institutional framework and the land use planning tools it contains (eg POTA).
In the context of land use planning tools special reference is made to land use simulation models with emphasis on land use and transport interaction models. Using appropriate software, students are trained to use an urban simulation model and analyze existing land uses, identify and configure key spatial elements, and display alternative urban development scenarios based on certain assumptions, constraints, and tools taught.
land use planning, urban simulation models, urban planning, spatial planning
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
Βιβλίο [11461]: Από τη χωροταξία στη χωροδιαχείριση, Κυβέλου Στέλλα
Βιβλίο [86197810]: Πολεοδομία vs Μεταφορές, Βλαστός Θάνος, Μηλάκης Δημήτρης
Βιβλίο [68404442]: Θεωρία και μεθοδολογία πολεοδομίας, Αλέξανδρος-Φ. Λαγόπουλος