Course Content (Syllabus)
- Simple statically determinate structures. - Calculation of reactions at the supports and of the
internal stress-resultants of simple statically determinate structures using the method of
sections and the conditions of equilibrium. - Differential equation of bending. - Properties of
the axial, shear force and bending moment diagrams (N, Q, M). - Exploiting symmetry. -
Simple examples (simply supported, cantilever beams). - Complex statically determinate
structures (Gerber beams, three-hinge frames, reinforced beams), Calculation of N, Q, M
diagrams. - Statically determinate trusses, Calculation of axial forces using nodal equilibrium
and Ritter sections. - Constitutive (stress-strain) laws of linear structural elements. - Principle
of virtual work. - Calculation of displacements at discrete points of a structure under loading
conditions that include external loading as well as external and internal constraints. -
Determination of the deflected shape of structural elements and structural assemblies. - The
Mohr principle. - Influence lines. - Betti’s theorem and the 3 reciprocity proposals. -
Calculation of influence lines of reactions and stress-resultants using the conditions of
equilibrium and the principle of virtual work. - 3-D statically determinate structures.
Structural Analysis, Statically determinate structures, Support reactions, internal stresses and displacements, Influence lines
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
[11361]: Στατική των γραμμικών φορέων, Τόμος 1, Νιτσιώτας Γ.
[41954881]: Στατική των Κατασκευών Ι, Αβραμίδης Ι.
[3136]: Στατική των κατασκευών τόμος Ια, Αβραμίδης Ι. και Μορφίδης Κ.
[22769200]: Στατική των Γραμμικών Φορέων, Βαλιάσης Θ.