Course Content (Syllabus)
The subject of the course is the theoretical and educational approach of the contemporary concept of the cultural heritage (tangible and intangible cultural heritage, natural heritage and digital heritage) with the aim to prepare the future teachers to be able to use these types and forms of cultural heritage for children’s holistic development and the cultivation of skills, attitudes and values in the contemporary multicultural environment. The main axes of the course are: (a.) The types and forms of cultural heritage (tangible, intangible, natural and digital heritage, (b.) The role of education (formal, non-formal and informal) to promote understanding, values, respect to diversity and human rights and skills including soft skills, (c) The very concept of cultural participation, the significance of participatory and collaborative practices, the multidimensional concept of access and its role for the equal cultural participation and inclusion of all children (e.g. mixed ability classes, children with disabilities and / or special educational needs, children with migrant biography, etc.), (d) The Universal Design for Learning-UDL, (e.) The connection of the school with the community and the family for the promotion of the cultural heritage in education, and (f.) The design of activities inside and outside the school and the use of arts, pedagogical methods and educational material (traditional and digital) for cultural heritage in the education of all children.
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
Λενακάκης, Α., & Κανάρη, Χ. (Επιμ.) (2023). Πολιτισμός, τέχνες και συμπερίληψη. Θεωρητικές προσεγγίσεις και εφαρμογές. Σοφία.
Gombrich, Ε. Η. (1998). Το χρονικό της τέχνης. Αθήνα: Μορφωτικό Ίδρυμα Εθνικής Τραπέζης.
Bourdieu, P. (2002). Η διάκριση. Πατάκη.