Course Content (Syllabus)
Ergonomics: definitions. Muscular work- Dynamic and static work. Forest operations. Presentation of the most important tools used in wood harvesting. Axes, Saws, (Saws and chainsaws), Wedges, Hooks, log rotators and hammers. Meters. Peelers, other machinery, animals. Forest worker accessories. Description of the work phases during the harvesting of wood: Felling. Felling direction. Processing, debranching, bucking and debarking of logs. Chipping. Firewood processing. Wood extraction. Upper landings. Logging residues. Forestry workforce: Forest work. Training of forest workers. Form and effectiveness of forestry education systems in foreign countries. Employee exposure to noise. Exposure of workers to hazardous substances. Exposure of workers to vibration in the arm-arm / whole body system. Effect of climatic conditions on the working human. Time studies. Timing methods. Selection of foresters. Data collection sheets. Expenses for employment of tools, animals and machinery. General importance of time studies. Time and labor, methods of payment for forest workers. Elements of work psychology. Satisfaction of the workforce
10. Accident analysis. Promotional measures of hygiene and safety at work.
Additional bibliography for study
FAO, 1992. Introduction to ergonomics in forestry in developing countries. FAO FORESTRY PAPER 100, p. 208.
USDA 1980 Protect Your Hearing! Equip. Tips. Revision No.2. USDA. U.S. Department of Agriculture - Forest Service Equipment Development Center. SanDimas, California , U.S.A.
Potočnik and Poje 2017. Forestry ergonomics and occupational safety in high ranking scientific journals from 2005-2016. Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering 38(2):291-310
Fraser, T.M., 1980. Ergonomic principles in the Design of HandTools. Occupational Safety and Health Series. No. 44. Geneva, SWitzerland.
FAO/ECE/ILO, 1983. Ergonomics Applied to Forestry. Proceedings, 17-22 October 1983. Vienna and Ossiach, Austria. Economic Commission for Europe.
Loon, J.H., Staudt, F.J. and Zander, J. 1979. Ergonomics in tropical agriculture and forestry. Proceedings of the Fifth Joint Ergonomic Symposium organized by the Ergonomic Commissions of LAAMRH, CIGR and IUFRO. Wageningen, Netherlands, May 14-18, 1979.
Kantola, M. and Virtanen, K. 1986. Handbook on Appropriate Technology for Forestry Operations in Developing Countries. Part 1. Tree felling and conversion clearing of forest plantations. Forestry Training Programme. Publication 16. National Board of Vocational Education of the Government of Finland.