Additional bibliography for study
Berry, Wallace, 1989: Musical Structure and Performance, New Haven, Yale University Press.
Bowen, José, 1999: "Finding the Music in Musicology: Performance History and Musical Works", στο Cook, Nicholas, Everist, Mark (επιμ.), Rethinking Music, New York, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 424-451.
Butt, John, 2004: Playing with History, The Historical Approach to Musical Performance, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
Cone, Edward T., 1968: Musical Form and Musical Performance, New York, W. W. Norton & Company.
Cook, Nicholas, 2014: Beyond the Score, Music as Performance, Oxford, New York, Oxford University Press.
Dunsby, Jonathan, 1995: Performing Music: Shared Concerns, Oxford, The Clarendon Press.
Leech-Wilkinson, Daniel, 2009: The Changing Sound of Music: Approaches to Studying Recorded Musical Performances, London, Centre for the History and Analysis of Recorded Music (
Rink, John (επιμ.), 1995: The Practice of Performance: Studies in Musical Interpretation, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
Rink, John (επιμ.), 2005: Musical Performance: A Guide to Understanding, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
Taruskin, Richard, 1995: Text and Act, New York, Oxford, Oxford University Press.