Learning Outcomes
Students are acquainted with consumer behavior, the act of buying, having and being. Consumer behavior is more than buying things. It also embraces the study of how having or not having things affets our lives and how our possessions influence the way we feel about ourselves and about each other. In addition to understanding why people buy things we also try to appreciate how products, services and consumption activities contribute to the broader social world we experience
Course Content (Syllabus)
The study of consumer behavior covers a lot of ground. It is the study of the processes involved when individuals or groups select, purchase, use or dispose of products, services, ideas or experiences to satisfy needs and desires. Consumers take many forms, ranging from small kids to executives in large corporations Consumption includes almost anything from a mere product to a celebrity or even democracy.
The topics covered in this course entail decision making, cultural influences, consumer well being, perception, learning and memory, attitudes and persuasion, consumer identity and networked consumer behavior.
Consumer Behavior, Buying Process, Demographics, Psychografic variables
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
Solomon, M. X. Μπουτσούκη (επιμέλεια), Συμπεριφορά Καταναλωτή, 11η Ε.(μετάφραση), Εκδόσεις Τζιόλα, Θεσσαλονίκη.
Σιώμκος, Γ. Ι. (2018), Συμπεριφορά Καταναλωτή , Λευκωσία: Broken Hill Publishers Ltd.
Additional bibliography for study
Συμπεριφορά Καταναλωτή, Γ. Μπάλτας & Π. Παπασταθοπούλου, 2013, Εκδόσεις Rossili
Bearden, W. O., Netmeyer, R. G., & Mobley, M. F. (2010), Handbook of marketing scales: Multi-item measures for marketing and consumer behavior research. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
Blythe, J. (2008), Consumer Behaviour. Thomson Learning, London.
De Mooij, M., (2011), Consumer behavior and culture: Consequences for global marketing and advertising, Thousand Oaks California: Sage Publications.
Solomon, Michael R. (2006), Consumer Behavior, (2nd ed.), Boston, MA.: Allyn and Bacon.
Lindstrom, M. (2008), Buyology. Truth and lies about why we buy, New York: Doubleday.
J. Paul Peter and Jerry C. Olson (1999) Consumer Behavior and Marketing Strategy, Irwin McGraw-Hill.
E. Arnould, L. Price, and G. Zinkham (2002). Consumers (2nd ed.), New York: McGraw-Hill.
P. Peter, and J.Olson, (2007), Consumer Behavior. London: McGraw-Hill.
Ενδεικτικές ιστοσελίδες:
Association for Consumer Research: http://www.acrwebsite.org/
Society for Consumer Psychology: http://www.journalofconsumerpsychology.com/
American Marketing Association: www.marketingpower.com
American Association of Advertising Agencies www.aaaa.org
American Academy of Advertising www.aaasite.org