Learning Outcomes
(a)Familiarization with theoretical and methodological scientific traditions concerning multilingualism.
(b)Organizing and conducting of small-scale surveys (5000-7000 words) in this scientific field, following the standards of an academic paper.
(c)Developing a high degree of ability in both the critical reading and in integrating the literature in their texts.
(d)Be able to discuss and combine their findings with research priorities of educational linguistics.
Course Content (Syllabus)
Multilingualism and language education
There are many new facts in today’s globalized world (e.g. new economic reality, continuous movement of people, extensive use of digital media in communication and entertainment) that require the revision of established sociolinguistic notions, such as language community and variety or second and foreign language. In this context, the notion of multilingualism has been used to describe the new reality, especially concerning the digital literacy practices of young people. This course will focus on the exploration of this new literate reality through indicative case studies of children from immigrant background. The main aim of the course is to connect this new global reality with the everyday school reality and especially with the language education for children from immigrant background. Theories from Sociolinguistics of Globalization, Social Semiotics, New Literacy Studies and Educational Linguistics will be used.
Multilingualism, multiliteracies, teaching, ethnographic research, translanguiging