Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
• understand and edit text modern ecumenical ecclesiological reflection.
•to understand the current problems in the world, which lead in conflicts, violence and social injustice.
•realize the universality of the vision of the people for peace and justice.
• be informed about the participation of the Christian churches to help build a culture of peace and justice and to assess and evaluate.
•be in the position to express their opinion on critical issues that concern the Christian churches and the Religions in the modern ecumenical dialogue.
Course Content (Syllabus)
The course deals with the question of how the ecumenical movement of Christian Churches is trying to answer the challenge of economic globalization, and also with the necessity of the Interreligious dialogue and solidarity among believers of different religions towards building a culture of 'just peace' for all creation.
Ecumenical Movement, dialogue, coexistence, globalization, fundamentalism
The evaluation of students is performed with:
Oral presentation of work (optional)
Oral examination at the end of the semester
Students’ participation in classroom (discussion, asking questions, formulating comments, giving information) is usually used as a general indicator of the interest of the student and is auxiliary to the results of exams.
The evaluation (oral or written) of the performance of students is ensured with transparency. Apart from the clear and precise explanation of the assessment criteria for this course, transparency ensured by isobaric topics in the exam, with possibility of recheck of the written upon request of the student, with evaluation in public.
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
1. Στ. Τσομπανίδης, Εκκλησία της εξόδου: Οικουμένη, κοινωνία, άνθρωπος. Θέματα οικουμενικού προβληματισμού, εκδόσεις Ostracon, Θεσσαλονίκη 2018.
2. Στ. Τσομπανίδης, Μετα-λειτουργία: Η συμμετοχή της Ορθόδοξης Εκκλησίας και θεολογίας στην κοινή χριστιανική μαρτυρία για δικαιοσύνη, ειρήνη και ακεραιότητα της δημιουργίας, Εκδ. Πουρναράς, Θεσ¬σα¬λο¬νί¬κη 2009.
Additional bibliography for study
Haynes, J και Καραγιαννοπούλου, X. (επιμ.), Θρησκεία και Πολιτική. Μια Σύγχρονη Επιτομή, μτφ. Λουκρητία Μακροπούλου, Αθήνα, Πεδίο, 2018.
Koshy, Ninan, Churches in the World of Nations, Geneva, WCC, 1994.
Limouris, G. (ed.), Orthodox Visions of Ecumenism: Statements, Messages and Reports on the Ecumenical Movement, 1902-1992, WCC, Geneva 1994.
Τσομπανίδης, Στυλιανός (2008), Εκκλησιολογία και Παγκοσμιοποίηση. Οι Εκκλησίες στην οικουμενική πορεία για μια εναλλακτική παγκοσμιοποίηση στην υπηρεσία των ανθρώπων και της γης, Θεσσαλονίκη, Πουρναράς.
WCC (1998), The role of the WCC in international affairs, διαθέσιμο στο: http://www.wcc-coe.org/wcc/what/international/ia-booklet.html#top.