Learning Outcomes
Following the successful conclusion of the classes, the students are expected to understand:
1. The relationship between food quality and the various processes applied by the food industry for the exploitation of plant and livestock raw materials.
2. The importance of microorganisms as factors that either makes it possible to prepare food products with acceptable quality characteristics or lead to products of low safety or quality.
3. The importance of using enzymes for the preparation of foods and food constituents.
4. The importance of environmental factors, such as light, oxygene, temperature and relative humidity, of composition and certain characteristics of raw materials used for their production or of packaging, in determining food deterioration or safety.
5. The principles of preservation methods applied by the food industry for the preparation of products of high quality and satisfactory commercial life.
Course Content (Syllabus)
Principles of food processing. Exploitation of microorganism cultures and enzyme preparations in food production. Food preservation (chemical, biochemical and microbial spoilage of foods, food biological safety, environmental factors affecting the microbial spoilage and biological safety of foods, food preservation by dehydration, refrigeration, freezing, thermal processing, irradiation and other physical methods, preservation by smoking, preservation with the use of antimicrobial additives, salt, vinegar, sugar or ethanol). Types of packaging materials used in foods. Edible food packaging materials.
Food, Processing, Preservation, Packaging
Erasmus students are examined in June exam period in written tests. The suggested books(available at the Library of the School of Chemistry) are:
H. Ramaswamy & M. Markotte, Food Processing – Principles and Applications, CRC Press – Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, FL, 2006, ISBN 978-1-58716-008-0
C. W. Bamforth, Food, Fermentation and Micro-organisms, Blackwell Publ. Ltd, Oxford, UK, 2005, ISBN 978-0-6320-5987-4
R. J. Whitehurst & B. A. Law (Eds.), Enzymes in Food Technology, Sheffield Academic Press, Sheffield, UK, 2002, ISBN 1–84127–223–X
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