Course Content (Syllabus)
Section 1 - Introductory
Introduction to Lesson, Purpose & Requirements - What is Knowledge & Skills
Section 2 - Science & Research
The Tools & Objectives of Science (Theory, Method, Research) - Scientific Research, The
Terminology & its types
Module 3 Methodology & Research
The three main research approaches (Positive, Interpretative & Chiropractic
example) - Objectivity & Research - The Ethics of Research
Module 4 The Process & Stages of Research
Identifying and formulating a research problem - Research Questions and
Case Studies - The use of theory - Research design - Localization of possible
Critical Points - Definition of Stages and Duration - Definitions &
research constraints - conducting research - writing the research
Section 5 The Bibliographic Overview
How do we make a "bibliographic" overview and what role in our research
Section 6 The Communication & Recruitment of Scientific "Production"
How We Write A Research Report & A Scientific Article (Structure and
Characteristics) - By Which Criteria We Evaluate Research References &
Scientific Articles - Resurrection, Utility and Recognition of Science
Project in the Scientific Community & Society
Section 7 - Principles of bibliographic search
Search for bibliography - e-services (VPN, HEAL-link, E-learning, Scopus, ERIC,
Google Scholar, EKT, citation manager - Zotero,)
Section 8 - Basic principles of statistics
• Basic research principles (reliability, validity, generality),
• Basic statistical principles [scales and measurement levels, dependent / independent
samples, dependent / independent variables, experimental / semi-experimental method,
parametric / non-parametric criteria, basic quantitative analysis criteria (X2, t-test),
meaning of statistical significance, effect sizes]
Section 9 - Quantitative example
Quantitative Example [scale concept - variable - factor, variables under
investigation into EA, patterns of behavior change, NEP, Theory of Planned Behavior
etc., various scales]
Module - Quality example
Qualitative approaches to research (drama / theater, phenomenography, qualitative and quantitative
trace analysis)
Malandrakis G.
Section 11 - Diagnostic tools 2/3/4 knots
• Development of 2/3/4 node diagnostics to investigate the level of understanding
and misunderstandings about scientific concepts (2/3/4 tier tests).
• Educational and research use of concept maps (examples)
Section 12 -
• Examples of combined methodological approaches in the IP through
published research in international scientific journals (EER, JEE, JRST, IJSE, IJES, IRGEE,
Section 13 - Coding of data
• Practical principles for encoding questionnaires and interviews
• Application of questionnaire coding
• Recapitulation and discussion, overall view of the course