Additional bibliography for study
Ενδεικτική βιβλιογραφία
Anderson, C. J. (1998) ‘When in doubt, use proxies: attitudes toward domestic politics and support for European integration’, Comparative Political Studies, 31 (5), 569–60.
Bakker, R., de Vries, C., Edwards, E., Hooghe, L., Jolly, S., Marks, G., Polk, J., Rovny, J., Steenbergen, M. &Vachudova, M. A. (2015) Measuring party positions in Europe: The Chapel Hill expert survey trend file, 1999–2010. Party Politics, 21, 143-152.
Boomgaarden, H., Schuck, A., Elenbaas, M. & de Vreese, D. (2011) ‘Mapping EU attitudes: conceptual and empirical dimensions of euroscepticism and EU support’, European Union Politics, 12 (2), 241–266.
Braun, D. & Schmitt, H. (2020) Different emphases, same positions? The election manifestos of political parties in the EU multilevel electoral system compared. Party Politics, 26, 640-650.
de Vries, C. (2010) EU Issue Voting: Asset or Liability? How European Integration Affects Parties’ Electoral Fortunes. European Union Politics, 11, 89-117.
Eichenberg, R. C. & Dalton, R. (2007) Post-Maastricht Blues: The Transformation of Citizen Support for European Integration, 1973-2004. Acta Politica, 42, 128-152.
Gabel, M. & Palmer, H. (1995) ‘Understanding variation in public support for European integration’, European Journal of Political Research,27(1), 3–19.
Hix, S. (1999) “Dimensions and Alignments in European Union Politics: Cognitive Constraints and Partisan Responses.” European Journal of Political Research 35(1): 69–106.
Hix, S. & Lord, Chr. (1997) Political Parties in the European Union.
Hobolt, S. B. & Wratil, C. (2015) ‘Public opinion and the crisis: the dynamics of support for the euro’, Journal of European Policy, 22 (2): 238–256.
Hooghe, L. & Marks, G. (2001) Multi-Level Governance and European Integration, Lanham et al., Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
Hooghe, L. & Marks, G. (2009) A Postfunctionalist Theory of European Integration: From Permissive Consensus to Constraining Dissensus. British Journal of Political Science, 39, 1-23
Hooghe, L. & Marks, G. (2018) ‘Cleavage theory meets Europe’s crises: Lipset, Rokkan, and the transnational cleavage’, Journal of European Public Policy, 25 (1), 109–135.
Hooghe, L., Marks, G. & Wilson, C. J. (2002) Does Left/Right Structure Party Positions on European Integration? Comparative Political Studies, 35, 965-989.
Hutter, S. & Grande, E. (2014) Politicizing Europe in the national electoral arena: A comparative analysis of five West European countries, 1970-2010. Journal of Common Market Studies, 52, 1002-1018
Kriesi, H. (2018) ‘The implications of the euro crisis for democracy’, Journal of European Public Policy, 25 (1), 59–82.
Ladrech, R. (2015) Europeanization of national politics: The centrality of political parties. IN Magone, J. M. (Ed.) Routledge Handbook of European Politics. London/New York, Routledge.
Marks, G. & Steenbergen, M. (2004) European Integration and Political Conflict, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
Marks, G., Wilson, C. J. & Ray, L. (2002) National Political Parties and European Integration. American Journal of Political Science, 46, 585-594.
Reif, K. & Schmitt, H. (1980) Nine Second-Order National Elections - A Conceptual Framework for the Analysis of European Election Results. European Journal of Political Research, 8, 3-44.
Schmitt, H. (Ed.) (2010) European Parliament Elections after Eastern Enlargement, London, Routledge.
Schmitt, H., Sanz, A., Braun, D. & Teperoglou, E. (2020) It all happens at once: Understanding electoral behavior in second-order elections. Politics and Governance, 8, 6-18.
Schmitt, Η. & Teperoglou, Ε. (2018) “ Voting behavior in multi-level electoral systems”, in
Justin Fisher, Edward Fieldhouse, Mark N. Franklin, Rachel Gibson, Marta Cantijoch and Christopher Wlezien The Routledge Handbook of Elections, Voting Behavior and Public Opinion, Abingdon: Routledge, 232-243
Teperoglou, E. & Belchior, A.M (2020) Ιs ‘Old Southern Europe’ Still Eurosceptic? Determinants of Mass Attitudes before, during and after the Eurozone Crisis, South European Society and Politics, DOI: 10.1080/13608746.2020.1805878
van der Eijk, C., Franklin, M. & Marsh, M. (1996) What Voters Teach Us About Europe-Wide Elections: What Europe-Wide Elections Teach Us About Voters. Electoral Studies, 15, 149-166.
Van Elsas, E., Hakhverdian, A. & Van der Brug, W. (2016) ‘United against a common foe? The nature and origins of euroscepticism among left-wing and right-wing voters’, West European Politics, 39 (6), 1181–1204.