Course Content (Syllabus)
The families of electoral systems (proportional, majoritarian, mixed) and the parameters that characterize them in terms of the electorate and the party system are analyzed.
Various voting techniques are used (e-voting, traditional ballot box, postal vote)
An election process simulation is designed and implemented at individual or group level
The electoral systems applied in the elections in Greece since 1828 and those applied today in EU countries, the USA are presented as an example. and the UK
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
Κομματικό σύστημα και εκλογικά συστήματα, Nohlen Dieter, ISBN: 978-960-458-012-5, Επίκεντρο (2007)
Εκλογικά συστήματα. Ανάδειξη κοινοβουλίων και προέδρων δημοκρατίας, Διαμαντόπουλος Θανάσης Σ., ISBN: 978-960-16-0225-7, Σ. ΠΑΤΑΚΗΣ ΑΝΩΝΥΜΗ ΕΚΔΟΤΙΚΗ ΕΜΠΟΡΙΚΗ ΚΑΙ ΔΙΑΝΕΜΗΤΙΚΗ ΕΤΑΙΡΕΙΑ (2001)