Learning Outcomes
The student will be able to understand how perception functions, that it is based on laws and principles and that it is a procedure not self evident and automatic and that involves psychological parameters, besides the physiological ones.
Course Content (Syllabus)
An Introduction to the psychology of perception in which the nature of the perceptual mechanism is analyzed, certain laws on the basis of which perception operates are presented, its organizational structure is investigated and the basis of visual illusions is examined. The course is based on approaches of the subject from different perspectives such as of various schools of psychology and neurophysiology with a main emphasis on the advancements made by the Gestalt School of psychology. The material is useful both to theoretical and design disciplines. For the understanding of the elements presented in the course exercises are given which the student may work on either from a theoretical or a practical critical standpoint. Additionally, the student is evaluated by a final exam.
Additional bibliography for study
Arnheim, R., Οπτική Σκέψη, University Studio Press, Θεσσαλονίκη.
Ποταμιάνος, Ι., Αντίληψη Μορφή και Φως, Εκδόσεις Αντιύλη, Ραφήνα.