Faculty | Fine Arts |
School | Music Studies |
Qualification Awarded | Πτυχίο Μουσικών Σπουδών (Ptychio Mousikon Spoudon) (Degree in Music Studies) |
Programme of Study | PPS Tmīmatos Mousikṓn Spoudṓn (2017-sīmera) |
Cycle / Level | 1st / Undergraduate |
Academic Year | 2023 - 2024 |
Status | Active |
Website | http://www.mus.auth.gr |
Contact email | info@mus.auth.gr |
ECTS / Workload | One ECTS unit corresponds to 30 hours of workload. |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type |
ΕΒ1002 | Intoduction to Greek folk music | 4 | COR |
ΘΑ1001 | Harmony I | 4 | COR |
ΙΠ1001 | History of music (antiquity-16th century) | 4 | COR |
ΙΠ1004 | Introduction to music studies | 4 | COR |
ΜΠ1001 | Vocal and aural skills training I | 4 | COR |
ΜΠ1005 | Choir I | 2 | COR |
ΜΠ1009 | Piano (harmony, accompaniment) I | 4 | COR |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type |
ΕΒ1002 | Intoduction to Greek folk music | 4 | COR |
ΘΑ1001 | Harmony I | 4 | COR |
ΙΠ1001 | History of music (antiquity-16th century) | 4 | COR |
ΙΠ1004 | Introduction to music studies | 4 | COR |
ΜΠ1001 | Vocal and aural skills training I | 4 | COR |
ΜΠ1005 | Choir I | 2 | COR |
ΜΠ1009 | Piano (harmony, accompaniment) I | 4 | COR |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type |
ΕΒ1001 | Introduction to ethnomusicology | 4 | COR |
ΘΑ1002 | Harmony II | 4 | COR |
ΙΠ1002 | History of music (17th-19th century) | 4 | COR |
ΙΠ1005 | Organology | 4 | COR |
ΜΠ1002 | Vocal and aural skills training II | 4 | COR |
ΜΠ1006 | Choir II | 2 | COR |
ΜΠ1010 | Piano (harmony, accompaniment) IΙ | 4 | COR |
ΣΝ1008 | Introduction to music composition | 4 | ELC |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type |
ΕΒ1001 | Introduction to ethnomusicology | 4 | COR |
ΘΑ1002 | Harmony II | 4 | COR |
ΙΠ1002 | History of music (17th-19th century) | 4 | COR |
ΙΠ1005 | Organology | 4 | COR |
ΜΠ1002 | Vocal and aural skills training II | 4 | COR |
ΜΠ1006 | Choir II | 2 | COR |
ΜΠ1010 | Piano (harmony, accompaniment) IΙ | 4 | COR |
ΣΝ1008 | Introduction to music composition | 4 | ComSC |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type |
ΕΒ1003 | Theory and practice of the chanting art | 4 | COR |
ΘΑ1003 | Elements of modal (Renaissance) counterpoint | 4 | COR |
ΘΑ1004 | Music analysis I | 5 | COR |
ΙΠ1003 | History of music (20th century -present day) | 4 | COR |
ΜΠ1003 | Vocal and aural skills training IIΙ | 4 | COR |
ΣΝ1001 | Composition I | 6 | ELC |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type |
ΕΒ1003 | Theory and practice of the chanting art | 4 | COR |
ΘΑ1003 | Elements of modal (Renaissance) counterpoint | 4 | COR |
ΘΑ1004 | Music analysis I | 5 | COR |
ΙΠ1003 | History of music (20th century -present day) | 4 | COR |
ΜΠ1003 | Vocal and aural skills training IIΙ | 4 | COR |
ΣΝ1001 | Composition I | 6 | ComSC |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type |
ΕΒ1004 | Introduction to byzantine musicology | 4 | COR |
ΘΑ1005 | Music analysis II | 5 | COR |
ΙΠ1006 | Greek art music | 4 | COR |
ΜΠ1004 | Vocal and aural skills training IV | 4 | COR |
ΣΝ1002 | Composition II | 6 | ELC |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type |
ΕΒ1004 | Introduction to byzantine musicology | 4 | COR |
ΘΑ1005 | Music analysis II | 5 | COR |
ΙΠ1006 | Greek art music | 4 | COR |
ΜΠ1004 | Vocal and aural skills training IV | 4 | COR |
ΣΝ1002 | Composition II | 6 | ComSC |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type |
ΕΒ2002 | Aspects of didactics in Byzantine music | 4 | ELC |
ΕΘ1006 | Traineeship in music education | 4 | COR |
ΕΘ2011 | Music therapy special issues in clinical settings | 4 | ELC |
ΕΘ2015 | Politico-philosophical perspectives and hands on approaches on improvisation in music education I | 5 | ELC |
ΜΠ2001 | Orchestral conducting and score reading I | 5 | ELC |
ΜΠ2006 | Choral conducting IΙΙ | 4 | ELC |
ΣΝ1005 | Composition V | 6 | ELC |
ΤΠ2010 | Special topics in musical acoustics (theory) | 5 | ELC |
ΤΠ2020 | Music production IV: Sound processing | 5 | ELC |
ΤΠ2022 | Electronic music: History, theory, techniques | 5 | ELC |
ΤΠ2024 | Technology, performing arts and quality of life/health | 5 | ELC |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type |
ΕΒ2002 | Aspects of didactics in Byzantine music | 4 | ELC |
ΕΘ1001 | Music education | 6 | COR |
ΕΘ1006 | Traineeship in music education | 4 | COR |
ΕΘ2011 | Music therapy special issues in clinical settings | 4 | ELC |
ΕΘ2015 | Politico-philosophical perspectives and hands on approaches on improvisation in music education I | 5 | ELC |
ΜΠ2001 | Orchestral conducting and score reading I | 5 | ELC |
ΜΠ2006 | Choral conducting IΙΙ | 4 | ELC |
ΣΝ1005 | Composition V | 6 | ComSC |
ΤΠ2010 | Special topics in musical acoustics (theory) | 5 | ELC |
ΤΠ2020 | Music production IV: Sound processing | 5 | ELC |
ΤΠ2022 | Electronic music: History, theory, techniques | 5 | ELC |
ΤΠ2024 | Technology, performing arts and quality of life/health | 5 | ELC |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type |
ΓΝ2001 | Traineeship/Placement | 4 | ELC |
ΕΒ2003 | Paleography of Byzantine music | 5 | ELC |
ΕΒ2006 | Handwriting and printed tradition of the chanting repertory | 5 | ELC |
ΕΘ1006 | Traineeship in music education (repeating) | 4 | COR |
ΕΘ2001 | Time in music. Music in time | 5 | ELC |
ΕΘ2010 | Music therapy: Exercises for reflection and awareness | 4 | ELC |
ΕΘ2016 | Politico-philosophical perspectives and hands on approaches on improvisation in music education ΙΙ | 5 | ELC |
ΘΑ1007 | Stylistic composition | 6 | ELC |
ΙΠ2011 | Critical editions of Greek composers' works | 6 | ELC |
ΙΠ2023 | Invisible histories: Documenting and writing music history after the 20th century | 6 | ELC |
ΜΠ2005 | Choral conducting IΙ | 4 | ELC |
ΜΠ2010 | Choral conducting IV | 4 | ELC |
ΣΝ1006 | Composition VI | 6 | ELC |
ΤΠ2008 | Αcoustics of musical instruments | 6 | ELC |
ΤΠ2011 | Music production lab | 6 | ELC |
ΤΠ2018 | Electronic music: Introduction to interactive music systems | 5 | ELC |
ΤΠ2021 | Music production V: Mixing and mastering | 5 | ELC |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type |
ΓΝ2001 | Traineeship/Placement | 4 | ELC |
ΕΒ2003 | Paleography of Byzantine music | 5 | ELC |
ΕΒ2006 | Handwriting and printed tradition of the chanting repertory | 5 | ELC |
ΕΘ1001 | Music education (repeating) | 6 | COR |
ΕΘ1006 | Traineeship in music education (repeating) | 4 | COR |
ΕΘ2001 | Time in music. Music in time | 5 | ELC |
ΕΘ2010 | Music therapy: Exercises for reflection and awareness | 4 | ELC |
ΕΘ2016 | Politico-philosophical perspectives and hands on approaches on improvisation in music education ΙΙ | 5 | ELC |
ΘΑ1007 | Stylistic composition | 6 | ComSC |
ΙΠ2011 | Critical editions of Greek composers' works | 6 | ELC |
ΙΠ2023 | Invisible histories: Documenting and writing music history after the 20th century | 6 | ELC |
ΜΠ2005 | Choral conducting IΙ | 4 | ELC |
ΜΠ2010 | Choral conducting IV | 4 | ELC |
ΣΝ1006 | Composition VI | 6 | ComSC |
ΤΠ2008 | Αcoustics of musical instruments | 6 | ELC |
ΤΠ2011 | Music production lab | 6 | ELC |
ΤΠ2018 | Electronic music: Introduction to interactive music systems | 5 | ELC |
ΤΠ2021 | Music production V: Mixing and mastering | 5 | ELC |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type |
ΕΘ1001 | Music education (repeating) | 6 | COR |
ΣΝ1007 | Composition VII | 6 | ELC |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type |
ΣΝ1007 | Composition VII | 6 | ComSC |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type |
ΕΘ1001 | Music education (repeating) | 6 | COR |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type |
ΓΝ2006 | French I | 4 | ELC |
ΓΝ2010 | German I | 4 | ELC |
ΓΝ2012 | German IΙΙ | 4 | ELC |
ΓΝ2014 | Italian I | 4 | ELC |
ΓΝ2016 | Italian III | 4 | ELC |
ΜΠ3001 | Music ensembles: Early music I | 2 | ELC |
ΜΠ3003 | Music ensembles: Early music III | 2 | ELC |
ΜΠ3009 | Music ensembles: Champer music I | 2 | ELC |
ΜΠ3011 | Music ensembles: Champer music III | 2 | ELC |
ΜΠ3013 | Music ensembles: Experimental and improvised music I | 2 | ELC |
ΜΠ3015 | Music ensembles: Experimental and improvised music III | 2 | ELC |
ΜΠ3017 | Musical ensemble: Hymns and melody of the Byzantines I | 2 | ELC |
ΜΠ3019 | Musical ensemble: Hymns and melody of the Byzantines III | 2 | ELC |
ΜΠ3021 | Music ensembles: Orchestra I | 2 | ELC |
ΜΠ3023 | Music ensembles: Orchestra III | 2 | ELC |
ΜΠ3025 | Music ensembles: Choral workshop I | 2 | ELC |
ΜΠ3027 | Music ensembles: Choral workshop IΙΙ | 2 | ELC |
ΜΠ3031 | Music ensembles: "Yiannis Mantakas" Choir AUTH I | 2 | ELC |
ΜΠ3033 | Music ensembles:"Yiannis Mantakas" Choir AUTH IIΙ | 2 | ELC |
ΜΠ3035 | Music ensembles: Classical oriental music I | 2 | ELC |
ΜΠ3043 | Music ensembles: Classical oriental music IIΙ | 2 | ELC |
ΜΠ3045 | Music ensembles: Laptop Orchestra I | 2 | ELC |
Code | Title | ECTS | Type |
ΓΝ2006 | French I | 4 | ELC |
ΓΝ2010 | German I | 4 | ELC |
ΓΝ2012 | German IΙΙ | 4 | ELC |
ΓΝ2014 | Italian I | 4 | ELC |
ΓΝ2016 | Italian III | 4 | ELC |
ΜΠ3001 | Music ensembles: Early music I | 2 | ELC |
ΜΠ3003 | Music ensembles: Early music III | 2 | ELC |
ΜΠ3009 | Music ensembles: Champer music I | 2 | ELC |
ΜΠ3011 | Music ensembles: Champer music III | 2 | ELC |
ΜΠ3013 | Music ensembles: Experimental and improvised music I | 2 | ELC |
ΜΠ3015 | Music ensembles: Experimental and improvised music III | 2 | ELC |
ΜΠ3017 | Musical ensemble: Hymns and melody of the Byzantines I | 2 | ELC |
ΜΠ3019 | Musical ensemble: Hymns and melody of the Byzantines III | 2 | ELC |
ΜΠ3021 | Music ensembles: Orchestra I | 2 | ELC |
ΜΠ3023 | Music ensembles: Orchestra III | 2 | ELC |
ΜΠ3025 | Music ensembles: Choral workshop I | 2 | ELC |
ΜΠ3027 | Music ensembles: Choral workshop IΙΙ | 2 | ELC |
ΜΠ3031 | Music ensembles: "Yiannis Mantakas" Choir AUTH I | 2 | ELC |
ΜΠ3033 | Music ensembles:"Yiannis Mantakas" Choir AUTH IIΙ | 2 | ELC |
ΜΠ3035 | Music ensembles: Classical oriental music I | 2 | ELC |
ΜΠ3043 | Music ensembles: Classical oriental music IIΙ | 2 | ELC |
ΜΠ3045 | Music ensembles: Laptop Orchestra I | 2 | ELC |