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Study Guide

FacultyAgriculture, Forestry and Natural Environment
SchoolForestry and Natural Environment
Qualification Awarded"Sustainable Management of Forest and Natural Ecosystems: Protection, Production and Exploitation"
Programme of StudySustainable Management of Forest and Natural Ecosystems: Protection, Production and Exploitation
Cycle / Level2nd / Postgraduate
Academic Year2021 - 2022
ECTS / WorkloadOne ECTS unit corresponds to hours of workload.

Courses of the Winter semester

Ecology, Protection-Nature Conservation
Winter semester
14 classes
Μ11-ΑΔEcology and Conservation of Rare Wildlife Species5ELC
Μ12-ΑΔGrazing Ecology and Rangeland Ecosystems Management5ELC
Μ13-ΑΔSystematics, organising floristic diversity, endemic, rare and threatened species5ELC
Μ14-ΑΔProtection of Forest Genetic Resources5ELC
Μ15-ΑΔEcology, Climate Change and Forest Ecosystems5ELC
Μ21-ΑΔMountainous Water Management Methods and Principles - The science of hydrology in the management of watersheds5EOS
Μ22-ΑΔForest Open Up Networks, Environmental Road Construction & Forest transportations5EOS
Μ23-ΑΔUtilization of woody biomass in energy production5EOS
Μ25-ΑΔGenetic improvement and reproduction of special purpose plants5EOS
Μ31-ΑΔRemote Sensing & Geographic Information Systems5EOS
Μ32-ΑΔInformation Technologies and Environment5EOS
Μ33-ΑΔInnovation and Entrepreneurship in Natural Environment5EOS
Μ34-ΑΔUrban and Periurban Green5EOS
Μ35-ΑΔMountain soils: Management, Protection, Improvement and Restoration of their Functions 5EOS
Technical works, productions and exploitation of wood biomass
Winter semester
15 classes
Μ11-ΑΔEcology and Conservation of Rare Wildlife Species5EOS
Μ12-ΑΔGrazing Ecology and Rangeland Ecosystems Management5EOS
Μ13-ΑΔSystematics, organising floristic diversity, endemic, rare and threatened species5EOS
Μ14-ΑΔProtection of Forest Genetic Resources5EOS
Μ15-ΑΔEcology, Climate Change and Forest Ecosystems5EOS
Μ21-ΑΔMountainous Water Management Methods and Principles - The science of hydrology in the management of watersheds5ELC
Μ22-ΑΔForest Open Up Networks, Environmental Road Construction & Forest transportations5ELC
Μ23-ΑΔUtilization of woody biomass in energy production5ELC
Μ24-ΑΔLife Cycle Analysis of wood products - wood structures5ELC
Μ25-ΑΔGenetic improvement and reproduction of special purpose plants5ELC
Μ31-ΑΔRemote Sensing & Geographic Information Systems5EOS
Μ32-ΑΔInformation Technologies and Environment5EOS
Μ33-ΑΔInnovation and Entrepreneurship in Natural Environment5EOS
Μ34-ΑΔUrban and Periurban Green5EOS
Μ35-ΑΔMountain soils: Management, Protection, Improvement and Restoration of their Functions 5EOS
Management and development in forests and natural resources
Winter semester
15 classes
Μ11-ΑΔEcology and Conservation of Rare Wildlife Species5EOS
Μ12-ΑΔGrazing Ecology and Rangeland Ecosystems Management5EOS
Μ13-ΑΔSystematics, organising floristic diversity, endemic, rare and threatened species5EOS
Μ14-ΑΔProtection of Forest Genetic Resources5EOS
Μ15-ΑΔEcology, Climate Change and Forest Ecosystems5EOS
Μ21-ΑΔMountainous Water Management Methods and Principles - The science of hydrology in the management of watersheds5EOS
Μ22-ΑΔForest Open Up Networks, Environmental Road Construction & Forest transportations5EOS
Μ23-ΑΔUtilization of woody biomass in energy production5EOS
Μ24-ΑΔLife Cycle Analysis of wood products - wood structures5EOS
Μ25-ΑΔGenetic improvement and reproduction of special purpose plants5EOS
Μ31-ΑΔRemote Sensing & Geographic Information Systems5ELC
Μ32-ΑΔInformation Technologies and Environment5ELC
Μ33-ΑΔInnovation and Entrepreneurship in Natural Environment5ELC
Μ34-ΑΔUrban and Periurban Green5ELC
Μ35-ΑΔMountain soils: Management, Protection, Improvement and Restoration of their Functions 5ELC

Courses of the Spring semester

Ecology, Protection-Nature Conservation
Spring semester
18 classes
Μ16-ΑΔAnalysis of Wildlife-Habitat Relationships5ELC
Μ17-ΑΔProtection and restoration of disturbed rangeland ecosystems5ELC
Μ18-ΑΔPopulation dynamics of Rangeland Ecosystem-Analysis of Rangeland Landscape5ELC
Μ19-ΑΔInventory and monitoring of habitats and species- Natura 2000 network5ELC
Μ26-ΑΔInnovative Mountainous Water Management Models - Sediment Transport mechanisms (creation, transport, deposition)5EOS
Μ27-ΑΔStochastic Hydrology5EOS
Μ28-ΑΔForest and Water Engineering Works in Relation to the Environment - Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) studies5EOS
Μ29-ΑΔCadastre - Integrated Cadastral Measuring & Mapping Systems5EOS
Μ36-ΑΔEnvironmental Policy, Sustainable Development – Tourism5EOS
Μ37-ΑΔUtilization of Rangelands and Agroforestry Systems5EOS
Μ38-ΑΔManagement of Biological Resources of Inland Waters- Wetland5EOS
Μ39-ΑΔPopulation Genetics, Quantitative Genetics, Genomics and Genetic Improvement, Special Issues of Improvement5EOS
Μ110-ΑΔWildland Fire Management Planning - Wildland Fire Risk Assessment Models5ELC
Μ111-ΑΔNature Protection and Protected Areas5ELC
Μ210-ΑΔNature Protection and Protected Areas5EOS
Μ211-ΑΔQuality and Certification of wood products5EOS
Μ310-ΑΔApplied Silviculture, Reforestations-Forest Nurseries5EOS
Μ311-ΑΔAdaptive forest management5EOS
Technical works, productions and exploitation of wood biomass
Spring semester
18 classes
Μ16-ΑΔAnalysis of Wildlife-Habitat Relationships5EOS
Μ17-ΑΔProtection and restoration of disturbed rangeland ecosystems5EOS
Μ18-ΑΔPopulation dynamics of Rangeland Ecosystem-Analysis of Rangeland Landscape5EOS
Μ19-ΑΔInventory and monitoring of habitats and species- Natura 2000 network5EOS
Μ26-ΑΔInnovative Mountainous Water Management Models - Sediment Transport mechanisms (creation, transport, deposition)5ELC
Μ27-ΑΔStochastic Hydrology5ELC
Μ28-ΑΔForest and Water Engineering Works in Relation to the Environment - Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) studies5ELC
Μ29-ΑΔCadastre - Integrated Cadastral Measuring & Mapping Systems5ELC
Μ36-ΑΔEnvironmental Policy, Sustainable Development – Tourism5EOS
Μ37-ΑΔUtilization of Rangelands and Agroforestry Systems5EOS
Μ38-ΑΔManagement of Biological Resources of Inland Waters- Wetland5EOS
Μ39-ΑΔPopulation Genetics, Quantitative Genetics, Genomics and Genetic Improvement, Special Issues of Improvement5EOS
Μ110-ΑΔWildland Fire Management Planning - Wildland Fire Risk Assessment Models5EOS
Μ111-ΑΔNature Protection and Protected Areas5EOS
Μ210-ΑΔNature Protection and Protected Areas5ELC
Μ211-ΑΔQuality and Certification of wood products5ELC
Μ310-ΑΔApplied Silviculture, Reforestations-Forest Nurseries5EOS
Μ311-ΑΔAdaptive forest management5EOS
Management and development in forests and natural resources
Spring semester
18 classes
Μ16-ΑΔAnalysis of Wildlife-Habitat Relationships5EOS
Μ17-ΑΔProtection and restoration of disturbed rangeland ecosystems5EOS
Μ18-ΑΔPopulation dynamics of Rangeland Ecosystem-Analysis of Rangeland Landscape5EOS
Μ19-ΑΔInventory and monitoring of habitats and species- Natura 2000 network5EOS
Μ26-ΑΔInnovative Mountainous Water Management Models - Sediment Transport mechanisms (creation, transport, deposition)5EOS
Μ27-ΑΔStochastic Hydrology5EOS
Μ28-ΑΔForest and Water Engineering Works in Relation to the Environment - Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) studies5EOS
Μ29-ΑΔCadastre - Integrated Cadastral Measuring & Mapping Systems5EOS
Μ36-ΑΔEnvironmental Policy, Sustainable Development – Tourism5ELC
Μ37-ΑΔUtilization of Rangelands and Agroforestry Systems5ELC
Μ38-ΑΔManagement of Biological Resources of Inland Waters- Wetland5ELC
Μ39-ΑΔPopulation Genetics, Quantitative Genetics, Genomics and Genetic Improvement, Special Issues of Improvement5ELC
Μ110-ΑΔWildland Fire Management Planning - Wildland Fire Risk Assessment Models5EOS
Μ111-ΑΔNature Protection and Protected Areas5EOS
Μ210-ΑΔNature Protection and Protected Areas5EOS
Μ211-ΑΔQuality and Certification of wood products5EOS
Μ310-ΑΔApplied Silviculture, Reforestations-Forest Nurseries5ELC
Μ311-ΑΔAdaptive forest management5ELC