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Study Guide

FacultyAgriculture, Forestry and Natural Environment
SchoolForestry and Natural Environment
Qualification AwardedΠτυχίο Δασολογίας και Φυσικού Περιβάλλοντος (Ptychio Dasologias kai Fysikou Perivallontos/Diploma in Forestry and Natural Environment)
Programme of StudyPPS Tmīmatos Dasologías kai Fysikoý Perivállontos (2020-sīmera)
Cycle / Level1st / Undergraduate
Academic Year2022 - 2023
ECTS / WorkloadOne ECTS unit corresponds to 30 hours of workload.

Courses of the 1st semester

Compulsory Courses
1st semester
17 classes
11ΥIntroduction to Forestry2COR
12ΥMathematics 3COR
13ΥApplied statistics4COR
14ΥEcology 2COR
15ΥPlant Morphology5COR
16ΥMeteorology and Climatology 5COR
17ΥTechnical drawing3COR
18ΥForestry and Environmental Informatics4COR
19Α-ΥEnglish forest terminology2ELC
19Γ-ΥGerman forest terminology2ELC
037ΥForest Road Construction5SE
057ΥForest Management I5SE
058ΥMountain Hydronomics ΙI (Torrent Management and Control ΙΙ)5Erasm
060ΥForest Economics II5Erasm
062ΥNurseries - Reforestations4Erasm
110ΕForest Industries3SE

Courses of the 2nd semester

Elective Courses
2nd semester
6 classes
21ΕForest Ergonomics2ELSC
22ΕWildlife Biology2ELSC
23ΕPetrography-General & Engineering Geology 2ELSC
24ΕSociology, Comnunication and Environment 2ELSC
25ΕSampling-Design of experiments2ComSC
26ΕPollution of the Natural Environment2ELSC
Elective Courses
2nd semester
6 classes
21ΕForest Ergonomics2ELSC
22ΕWildlife Biology2ELSC
23ΕPetrography-General & Engineering Geology 2ComSC
24ΕSociology, Comnunication and Environment 2ELSC
25ΕSampling-Design of experiments2ELSC
26ΕPollution of the Natural Environment2ELSC
Elective Courses
2nd semester
6 classes
21ΕForest Ergonomics2ELSC
22ΕWildlife Biology2ComSC
23ΕPetrography-General & Engineering Geology 2ELSC
24ΕSociology, Comnunication and Environment 2ELSC
25ΕSampling-Design of experiments2ELSC
26ΕPollution of the Natural Environment2ELSC
Elective Courses
2nd semester
6 classes
21ΕForest Ergonomics2ELSC
22ΕWildlife Biology2ELSC
23ΕPetrography-General & Engineering Geology 2ELSC
24ΕSociology, Comnunication and Environment 2ComSC
25ΕSampling-Design of experiments2ELSC
26ΕPollution of the Natural Environment2ELSC
Elective Courses
2nd semester
6 classes
21ΕForest Ergonomics2ELSC
22ΕWildlife Biology2ELSC
23ΕPetrography-General & Engineering Geology 2ELSC
24ΕSociology, Comnunication and Environment 2ELSC
25ΕSampling-Design of experiments2ELSC
26ΕPollution of the Natural Environment2ComSC
Elective Courses
2nd semester
6 classes
21ΕForest Ergonomics2ComSC
22ΕWildlife Biology2ELSC
23ΕPetrography-General & Engineering Geology 2ELSC
24ΕSociology, Comnunication and Environment 2ELSC
25ΕSampling-Design of experiments2ELSC
26ΕPollution of the Natural Environment2ELSC
Compulsory Courses
2nd semester
12 classes
21ΕForest Ergonomics2ELSC
21ΥGeneral Soil Science 5COR
22ΕWildlife Biology2ELSC
22ΥPlant Physiology 5COR
23ΕPetrography-General & Engineering Geology 2ELSC
23ΥWood Structure and Properties 5COR
24ΕSociology, Comnunication and Environment 2ELSC
24ΥMechanical Sciences-Applied Mechanics-Geo-mechanics5COR
25ΕSampling-Design of experiments2ELSC
25ΥResearch and scientific writing methodology3COR
26ΕPollution of the Natural Environment2ELSC
26ΥDatabases and Networks5COR

Courses of the 3rd semester

Elective Courses
3rd semester
6 classes
31ΕWood identification2ELSC
32ΕRangeland vegetation analysis and grazing animals2ELSC
33ΕBuilding and Construction Materials2ELSC
34ΕInternet technologies, forestry and natural environment2ELSC
35ΕPhysiology of Forest Trees2ComSC
36ΕEnvironmental Chemistry2ELSC
Elective Courses
3rd semester
6 classes
31ΕWood identification2ELSC
32ΕRangeland vegetation analysis and grazing animals2ELSC
33ΕBuilding and Construction Materials2ComSC
34ΕInternet technologies, forestry and natural environment2ELSC
35ΕPhysiology of Forest Trees2ELSC
36ΕEnvironmental Chemistry2ELSC
Elective Courses
3rd semester
6 classes
31ΕWood identification2ELSC
32ΕRangeland vegetation analysis and grazing animals2ComSC
33ΕBuilding and Construction Materials2ELSC
34ΕInternet technologies, forestry and natural environment2ELSC
35ΕPhysiology of Forest Trees2ELSC
36ΕEnvironmental Chemistry2ELSC
Elective Courses
3rd semester
6 classes
31ΕWood identification2ELSC
32ΕRangeland vegetation analysis and grazing animals2ELSC
33ΕBuilding and Construction Materials2ELSC
34ΕInternet technologies, forestry and natural environment2ComSC
35ΕPhysiology of Forest Trees2ELSC
36ΕEnvironmental Chemistry2ELSC
Elective Courses
3rd semester
6 classes
31ΕWood identification2ELSC
32ΕRangeland vegetation analysis and grazing animals2ELSC
33ΕBuilding and Construction Materials2ELSC
34ΕInternet technologies, forestry and natural environment2ELSC
35ΕPhysiology of Forest Trees2ELSC
36ΕEnvironmental Chemistry2ComSC
Elective Courses
3rd semester
6 classes
31ΕWood identification2ComSC
32ΕRangeland vegetation analysis and grazing animals2ELSC
33ΕBuilding and Construction Materials2ELSC
34ΕInternet technologies, forestry and natural environment2ELSC
35ΕPhysiology of Forest Trees2ELSC
36ΕEnvironmental Chemistry2ELSC
Compulsory Courses
3rd semester
6 classes
1Π-3Practical courses in Taxiarchis university forest I 3PRT
31ΥForest Botany I (Spermophytes Systematics)5COR
33ΥForest Soil Science5COR
34ΥForest Products Harvesting5COR
35ΥRangeland Ecology5COR

Courses of the 4th semester

Compulsory Courses
4th semester
7 classes
1Π-4Practical courses in Taxiarchis university forest II3PRT
41ΥForest Botany II (Trees-Shrubs) 5COR
42ΥGeneral Hydraulics & Hydrology,Potamology 5COR
43ΥForest Opening Up and Wood Transport 5COR
44ΥForest Biometry5COR
45ΥForest Plant Sociology 3COR
46ΥChemistry & Wood Chemical Products 4COR

Courses of the 5th semester

Elective Courses
5th semester
6 classes
51ΕWood quality2ELSC
52ΕRangeland ecophysiology2ELSC
53ΕForest cadastre 2ELSC
54ΕMultimedia applications for the environment2ELSC
55ΕForest soil fertility2ComSC
56ΕHistory of forest vegetation2ELSC
Elective Courses
5th semester
6 classes
51ΕWood quality2ELSC
52ΕRangeland ecophysiology2ELSC
53ΕForest cadastre 2ComSC
54ΕMultimedia applications for the environment2ELSC
55ΕForest soil fertility2ELSC
56ΕHistory of forest vegetation2ELSC
Elective Courses
5th semester
6 classes
51ΕWood quality2ELSC
52ΕRangeland ecophysiology2ComSC
53ΕForest cadastre 2ELSC
54ΕMultimedia applications for the environment2ELSC
55ΕForest soil fertility2ELSC
56ΕHistory of forest vegetation2ELSC
Elective Courses
5th semester
6 classes
51ΕWood quality2ELSC
52ΕRangeland ecophysiology2ELSC
53ΕForest cadastre 2ELSC
54ΕMultimedia applications for the environment2ComSC
55ΕForest soil fertility2ELSC
56ΕHistory of forest vegetation2ELSC
Elective Courses
5th semester
6 classes
51ΕWood quality2ELSC
52ΕRangeland ecophysiology2ELSC
53ΕForest cadastre 2ELSC
54ΕMultimedia applications for the environment2ELSC
55ΕForest soil fertility2ELSC
56ΕHistory of forest vegetation2ComSC
Elective Courses
5th semester
6 classes
51ΕWood quality2ComSC
52ΕRangeland ecophysiology2ELSC
53ΕForest cadastre 2ELSC
54ΕMultimedia applications for the environment2ELSC
55ΕForest soil fertility2ELSC
56ΕHistory of forest vegetation2ELSC
Compulsory Courses
5th semester
6 classes
1Π-5Practical courses in Pertouli university forest I3PRT
51ΥForest Genetics I: Principles-Laws-Applications5COR
52ΥGeneral silviculture (forest ecology)5COR
53ΥForest Protection Ι (forest pathology) 5COR
54ΥForest Road Construction5COR
55ΥWood technology5COR

Courses of the 6th semester

Elective Courses
6th semester
6 classes
61ΕEuropean and tropical Timbers2ELSC
62ΕAvian Ecology2ELSC
63ΕMachinery Application in Torrent Management and Forest Engineering Works 2ELSC
64ΕEconomics of Natural Resources and the Environment2ELSC
65ΕAromatic, Pharmaceutical and bee-foraging plants2ComSC
66ΕGenetics of Forest Species Tolerance to Environmental Pollution2ELSC
Elective Courses
6th semester
6 classes
61ΕEuropean and tropical Timbers2ELSC
62ΕAvian Ecology2ELSC
63ΕMachinery Application in Torrent Management and Forest Engineering Works 2ComSC
64ΕEconomics of Natural Resources and the Environment2ELSC
65ΕAromatic, Pharmaceutical and bee-foraging plants2ELSC
66ΕGenetics of Forest Species Tolerance to Environmental Pollution2ELSC
Elective Courses
6th semester
6 classes
61ΕEuropean and tropical Timbers2ELSC
62ΕAvian Ecology2ComSC
63ΕMachinery Application in Torrent Management and Forest Engineering Works 2ELSC
64ΕEconomics of Natural Resources and the Environment2ELSC
65ΕAromatic, Pharmaceutical and bee-foraging plants2ELSC
66ΕGenetics of Forest Species Tolerance to Environmental Pollution2ELSC
Elective Courses
6th semester
6 classes
61ΕEuropean and tropical Timbers2ELSC
62ΕAvian Ecology2ELSC
63ΕMachinery Application in Torrent Management and Forest Engineering Works 2ELSC
64ΕEconomics of Natural Resources and the Environment2ComSC
65ΕAromatic, Pharmaceutical and bee-foraging plants2ELSC
66ΕGenetics of Forest Species Tolerance to Environmental Pollution2ELSC
Elective Courses
6th semester
6 classes
61ΕEuropean and tropical Timbers2ELSC
62ΕAvian Ecology2ELSC
63ΕMachinery Application in Torrent Management and Forest Engineering Works 2ELSC
64ΕEconomics of Natural Resources and the Environment2ELSC
65ΕAromatic, Pharmaceutical and bee-foraging plants2ELSC
66ΕGenetics of Forest Species Tolerance to Environmental Pollution2ComSC
Elective Courses
6th semester
6 classes
61ΕEuropean and tropical Timbers2ComSC
62ΕAvian Ecology2ELSC
63ΕMachinery Application in Torrent Management and Forest Engineering Works 2ELSC
64ΕEconomics of Natural Resources and the Environment2ELSC
65ΕAromatic, Pharmaceutical and bee-foraging plants2ELSC
66ΕGenetics of Forest Species Tolerance to Environmental Pollution2ELSC
Compulsory Courses
6th semester
6 classes
1Π-6Practical courses in Pertouli university forest II3PRT
61ΥForest genetics II: Genetic breeding of forest tree species5COR
62ΥApplied Silviculture 5COR
63ΥForest Protection ΙΙ (Forest Entomology) 5COR
64ΥForestry and Environmental Policy5COR
65ΥGeographic Information Systems - Geospatial analysis5COR

Courses of the Winter semester

Compulsory Courses
Winter semester
6 classes
101ΕWood Products Technology & Wood Mechanical Processing3EX
115ΕEuropean and Tropical Timbers3EX
116ΕWood Quality3Erasm
217ΕRange Landscape Ecology 3EX
311ΕDam Construction3EX
415ΕComputer Networks in Forestry3EX

Courses of the Spring semester

Compulsory Courses
Spring semester
9 classes
19Ε-Υ-2Greek Language II2FL
101ΕWood Products Technology & Wood Mechanical Processing3EX
115ΕEuropean and Tropical Timbers3EX
116ΕWood Quality3Erasm
217ΕRange Landscape Ecology 3EX
311ΕDam Construction3EX
415ΕComputer Networks in Forestry3EX
EpicurEpicur, European University0ΕΧ
ΠΑ-ΙExchange programme elective course Ι2EX