Learning Outcomes
Students will be in the position to
- compare perspectives of intercultural education within the relevant educational discourse
- understand, compare and evaluate the principles of "universalism" and "cultural relativism" of values
- identify the key challenges and problems, which according to the relevant research are related to the education of children with a immigrant background in Greece, in Europe and the world
- to understand that the diffusion of intercultural education in educational practice is related to the adaptation of school work at multiple levels (school and classroom interaction, teaching, curricula and textbooks, teacher education and training, bilingualism / multilingualism)
-relate the problems arising in relation to the education of cultural minorities with the inherent problems of the Greek education system
-can formulate a research question and develop a relevant research project, in order to find an answer.
Course Content (Syllabus)
The course first discusses basic concepts related to the topic (cultural pluralism, globalization, migration, identity and diversity, universalism and cultural relativism, etc.), diversity policies, theoretical principles and practices of intercultural education, as well as aspects of the academic discourse on intercultural education in Greece. It presents examples of education of cultural groups at risk (immigrants, refugees, repatriates, Muslims, Roma). It analyzes in depth the issues of cultural pluralism and educational policy, focusing on the example of Greece and the European Union. It focuses on international school performance research (minority students' school failure vs factors promoting their attainment). The course then focuses on the research and practice in the context of the academic field of Intercultural Education, with an emphasis on the following areas: intercultural communication, teaching approaches in the multicultural classroom, teacher initial education and in-service training, educational material (school curricula and textbooks), bilingualism and education.
intercultural education, diversity, equality of opportunities, intercultural communication, intercultural teaching and learning, bilingualism