Course Content (Syllabus)
The course is a general introduction to the study of international relations, and its evolution as an academic discipline since the early 20th century. We will cover the most prominent theoretical approaches from models that takes national interest as their point of departure to attempts of finding more satisfactory ways to regulate the relations between states. Finally, we will review the various contemporary challenges to the world order. The course will help the student to become acquainted with the terminology and way of thinking that have been dominant in international relations.
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
John Baylis & Steve Smith (επιμ.) - Πρόλογος: Κώστας Υφαντής, Η Παγκοσμιοποίηση της Διεθνούς Πολιτικής - Μια εισαγωγή στις διεθνείς σχέσεις, Επίκεντρο, 2 εκ. 2012.
Θεόδωρος Kουλουμπής, Διεθνείς Σχέσεις - Eξουσία και Δικαιοσύνη, Παπαζήση, 2008
Αλέξης Ηρακλείδης, Η Διεθνής Κοινωνία και οι θεωρίες των Διεθνών Σχέσεων, Ι. Σιδέρης, 2000.