Επιπρόσθετη βιβλιογραφία για μελέτη
Milsom, J. and Eriksen A. Field Geophysics, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, Fourth Edition, 2011
Parasnis, D.S. Principles of Applied Geophysics, Chapman and Hall, London, Fifth Edition, 1997.
Sheriff, R.E. Encyclopedic dictionary of Exploration Geophysics, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Tulsa, 1981.
Telford, W.M., Geldart L.P. and Sheriff, R.E. Applied Geophysics, Cambridge University press, New York, 1993.
Kearey, P., Brooks, M. Hill, I.. An Introduction to Geophysical Exploration, 3rd ed. ix + 262 pp. Oxford: Blackwell Science, 2002.
Dobrin, M.B. and Savit, C.H. Introduction to geophysical prospecting. McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York , 1988.