Παράκαμψη προς το κυρίως περιεχόμενο
Μονάδα Διασφάλισης Ποιότητας
Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης
Πολιτική Ποιότητας
Διασφάλιση Ποιότητας
Σύστημα Διαχείρισης Ποιότητας
Είστε εδώ
Αναφορά Βιογραφικών
Βιογραφικό Σημείωμα
Ιωάννης Κανέλλος
Καθηγητής, Τμήμα Ιατρικής
Προσωπικά Στοιχεία
Scopus IDs
PubMed ID
Γνωστικό Αντικείμενο
Επιστημονική Ειδίκευση
Προπτυχιακές Σπουδές
Πτυχίο Ιατρικής
Διδακτορικό Δίπλωμα
Freie Universitaet Berlin
Περίπου 20 μήνες σε Γερμανία, Αυστρία.
Διδακτικό Έργο
Μαθήματα Χειμερινού εξαμήνου ακαδημαϊκού έτους 2018–19
Μαθήματα Εαρινού εξαμήνου ακαδημαϊκού έτους 2018–19
Επίβλεψη Εργασιών
Εργασίες Φοιτητών εντός ΑΠΘ
Σε εξέλιξη
Βασαλου Βαρβαρα.
Ραπτης Δημητριος. Η επίδραση της τακρολίμης στην επούλωση αναστομώσεων του παχέος εντέρου επιμύων σε συνθήκες αποφρακτικού ειλεού
Γαλανοπουλος Γεωργιος. Επίδραση αναλόγου της προστακυκλίνης στην επούλωση αναστομώσεων του παχέος εντέρου επίμυων σε συνθήκες αποφρακτικού ειλεού
Μπλουχος Κωνσταντινος. Η επίδραση οξαλιπλατίνας στην επούλωση αναστομώσεων παχέος εντέρου επιμύων.
Διοικητικό Έργο
Θέση Όργανο / Επιτροπή
Διευθυντής, Γ' Χειρουργική Κλινική Α.Π.Θ.
Μέλος, Γ. Σ. Ιατρικής
Μέλος, Γ.Σ. Ιατρικής
Θέση Όργανο / Επιτροπή
Μέλος, Επιτρ. Προγρ. Σπουδών
Θέση Περιγραφή
Μέλος, Επιτροπές Υγείας
Ερευνητικά Έργα
Ενίσχυση του Κλινικού, Ερευνητικού, Διδακτικού και Οργανωτικού έργου της Δ΄Χειρουργικής Κλινικής ΑΠΘ.
Ενίσχυση του Κλινικού, Ερευνητικού, Διδακτικού και Οργανωτικού έργου της Γ' Χειρουργικής Κλινικής ΑΠΘ
Μια τυχαιοποιημένη,πολυκεντρική,διπλά τυφλή,με χρήση διπλού εικονικού φαρμάκου,παραλλήλων ομάδων,συγκρητική μελέτη φάσης III για τον προσδιορισμό της αποτελεσματικότητας, της ασφάλειας και της ανεκτικότητας του συνδιασμού Κεφταζιμίδης Αβιβακτάμης (CΑΖ104) μαζί με Μετρονιδαζόλη έναντι της Μεροπενέμης στη θεραπεία των επιλεγμένων ενδοκοιλιακών λοιμώξεων (cIAI) σε νοσηλευόμενους ενήλικες
Μια διερευνητική μελέτη για σύγκριση της αποτελεσματικότητας και της ασφάλειας της Μικαφουγκίνης ως πρώιμη θεραπεία της διηθητικής καντινίασης έναντι του εικονικού φαρμάκου σε χειρουργικούς ασθενείς υψηλού κινδύνου με ενδοκοιλιακές λοιμώξεις- Μια πολυκεντρική, τυχαιοποιημένη, διπλή τυφλή μελέτη
Μελέτη περιστατικών - μαρτύρων- Γενική επισκόπηση του κινδύνου από το κάπνισμα (C-TOR)
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Kaiafa Georgia
Kanellos Ioannis
Savvopoulos Christos
Kakaletsis N
Giannakoulas Georgios
Chatzitolios Apostolos
Is anemia a new cardiovascular risk factor?
International Journal of Cardiology
Vol.186 σ.117-124
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Michalopoulos Nick
Papavramidis Theodosios
Karayannopoulou Georgia
Pliakos Ioannis
Papavramidis Spyros
Kanellos Ioannis
Neuroendocrine tumors of extrahepatic biliary tract
Pathology & Oncology Research
τόμ.20 αρ.4 σ.765-75
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Pramateftakis Manousos-Georgios
Kanellos Dimitris
Tekkis Paris P
Touroutoglou Nikolaos
Kanellos Ioannis
Rectal cancer: multimodal treatment approach
International Journal of Surgical Oncology
Pramateftakis Manousos-Georgios
Raptis D
Kanellos D
Christoforidis Emmanouil
Tsoulfas Georgios
Kanellos Ioannis
Lazaridis Charalampos
Abdominoperineal resection for rectal cancer: is the pelvic drain externalization site an independent risk factor for perineal wound healing?
International Journal of Surgical Oncology
Vol. 2012
Raptis Dimitrios
Mantzoros Ioannis
Pramateftakis Manousos-Georgios
Despoudi Kalliopi
Zarampoukas Thomas
Koliakos Georgios
Kanellos Ioannis
Lazaridis Charalampos
The effects of tacrolimus on colonic anastomotic healing in rats
International Journal of Colorectal Disease
Vol.27 αρ.3 σ.299-308
Vrakas G
Pramateftakis Manousos-Georgios
Raptis D
Kanellos Dimitrios
Kanellos Ioannis
Selective embolization for massive upper gastrointestinal bleeding deriving from gastric angiodysplasia: Report of a case
Journal of Surgical Case Reports
αρ.3 σ.11
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Pramateftakis Manousos-Georgios
Vrakas G
Kanellos Ioannis
Mantzoros Ioannis
Angelopoulos Stamatios
Eleftheriadis Efthymios
Lazaridis Charalampos
Endoscopic application of n-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate on esophagojejunal anastomotic leak: a case report
Journal of Medical Case Reports
τόμ.5 σ.96
Tsoulfas Georgios
Pramateftakis Manousos-Georgios
Kanellos Ioannis
Surgical treatment of hepatic metastases from colorectal cancer
World Journal Gastrointestinal Oncology
τόμ.3 αρ.1 σ.1-9
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Kanellos D
Pramateftakis Manousos-Georgios
Vrakas G
Mantzoros Ioannis
Tsachalis T
Hatzigianni P
Kanellos Ioannis
Laparoscopic sigmoidectomy for colon cancer
Techniques in Coloproctology
τόμ.14 suppl.1 σ.S73-4
Kanellos D
Pramateftakis Manousos-Georgios
Vrakas G
Hatzigianni P
Angelopoulos Stamatios
Tsachalis T
Koukouritaki Z
Raptis D
Kanellos Ioannis
Laparoscopic right hemicolectomy due to colon cancer
Techniques in Coloproctology
τόμ.14 suppl.1 σ.S71-2
Kanellos D
Pramateftakis Manousos-Georgios
Vrakas G
Demetriades H
Kanellos Ioannis
Mantzoros Ioannis
Angelopoulos Stamatios
Lazaridis Charalampos
Anastomotic leakage following low anterior resection for rectal cancer
Techniques in Coloproctology
τόμ.14 suppl.1 σ.S35-7
Kanellos D
Pramateftakis Manousos-Georgios
Kanellos Ioannis
Standardization and time trends in laparoscopic colorectal surgery
Surgical Endoscopy
τόμ.24 αρ.3 σ.726-727
Kanellos D
Kanellos I
Is laparoscopic gastrectomy safe for western patients with gastric cancer with high body mass index?
Surg Endosc
τόμ.24 αρ.4 σ.977-979
Pramateftakis Manousos-Georgios
Psomas S
Kanellos D
Vrakas G
Roidos G
Makrantonakis A
Kanellos Ioannis
Large bowel obstruction due to endometriosis
Techniques in Coloproctology
τόμ.14 suppl.1 σ.S87-89
Pramateftakis Manousos-Georgios
Kanellos D
Vrakas G
Tsachalis T
Raptis D
Makrantonakis A
Koukouritaki Z
Kanellos Ioannis
Progress in rectal cancer staging and treatment
Techniques in Coloproctology
τόμ.14 suppl.1 σ.S29-31
Pramateftakis Manousos-Georgios
Hatzigianni P
Kanellos D
Vrakas G
Tsachalis T
Mantzoros Ioannis
Kanellos Ioannis
Lazaridis Charalampos
Metachronous colorectal cancer
Techniques in Coloproctology
τόμ.14 suppl.1 σ.S63-4
Pramateftakis Manousos-Georgios
Hatzigianni P
Kanellos D
Vrakas G
Kanellos Ioannis
Angelopoulos Stamatios
Ouzounidis N
Lazaridis Charalampos
Brain metastases in colorectal cancer
Techniques in Coloproctology
τόμ.14 suppl.1 σ.S67-8
Vrakas G
Pramateftakis Manousos-Georgios
Kanellos D
Sapidis S
Hatzigianni P
Tsachalis T
Kanellos Ioannis
Lazaridis Charalampos
Defunctioning ileostomy closure following low anterior resection by chemotherapy
Techniques in Coloproctology
τόμ.14 suppl.1 σ.S77-8
Vrakas G
Pramateftakis Manousos-Georgios
Kanellos D
Psomas S
Hatzigianni P
Muakrantonakis A
Kanellos Ioannis
Circumferential stapled procedure for bleeding ano-rectal varices
Techniques in Coloproctology
τόμ.14 suppl.1 σ.S13-4
Άρθρο σε Πρακτικά Συνεδρίου
Pramateftakis Manousos-Georgios
Kanellos Dimitris
Kanellos Ioannis
Progress in rectal cancer staging and treatment
7th MSCP Congress
Thessaloniki, Greece
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Chourmouzi D
Boulogianni G
Kalomenopoulou M
Kanellos I
Drevelegas A
Brucella liver abscess; imaging approach, differential diagnosis, and therapeutic management: a case report
Cases J
τόμ.2 σ.7143
Demetetriades H
Marakis G. N
Ziogas D
Kanellos I
Robotic D2 surgery for gastric cancer
Surg Endosc
τόμ.23 αρ.8 σ.1919-21; author reply 1922-3
Kanellos D
Pramateftakis Manousos-Georgios
Kanellos Ioannis
Facts and trends in laparoscopic gastrectomy for cancer
Surgical Endoscopy
τόμ.23 αρ.12 σ.2867-2869
Kanellos D
Pramateftakis Manousos-Georgios
Kanellos Ioannis
Postoperative infectious morbidity for resectable gastric cancer--searching robust predictors of survival
Annals of Surgical Oncology
τόμ.16 αρ.8 σ.2373-2374
Kanellos D
Kanellos I
Impact of laparoscopic D2 gastrectomy on long-term survival for early gastric cancer
Surg Endosc
τόμ.23 αρ.7 σ.1681-1683
Kanellos D
Kanellos I
Assessing potential synergistic effects of S-1 plus paclitaxel chemotherapy in gastric cancer
Ann Surg Oncol
τόμ.16 αρ.5 σ.1442-3; author reply 1444-5
Mantzoros Ioannis
Kanellos Dimitrios
Pramateftakis Manousos-Georgios
Kanellos Ioannis
Surgery for colorectal cancer in Greece
Journal of Clinical and Medical Practice
Marakis G
Demetriades H
Ziogas D
Kanellos I
Local excision for rectal cancer--safety and efficacy challenges
Ann Surg Oncol
τόμ.16 αρ.8 σ.2369-70; author reply 2371-2
Pramateftakis Manousos-Georgios
Kanellos Dimitrios
Psomas Stefanos
Kanellos Ioannis
Nadroparine-induced skin necrosis on a patient with essential thrombocythaemia: a case report
Cases Journal
τόμ.2 σ.6458
Pramateftakis Manousos-Georgios
Kanellos D
Kanellos Ioannis
Percutaneous drainage of hepatic brucelloma
The American surgeon
τόμ.75 αρ.11 σ.1143-1144
Ziogas D
Polychronidis A
Kanellos I
Roukos D
Laparoscopic colectomy survival benefit for colon cancer: is evidence from a randomized trial true?
Ann Surg
τόμ.249 αρ.4 σ.695-6; author reply 697
Άρθρο σε Πρακτικά Συνεδρίου
Kanellos Dimitrios
Pramateftakis Manousos-Georgios
Vrakas Georgios
Kanellos Ioannis
Complete mesocolic excision in right hemicolectomy for cancer
13th Surgical Week
Chalkidiki, Greece
Pramateftakis Manousos-Georgios
Vrakas Georgios
Kanellos Dimitrios
Mantzoros Ioannis
Kanellos Ioannis
Laparoscopic colectomy due to colon cancer
13th Surgical Week
Kassandra , Halkidiki
Pramateftakis Manousos-Georgios
Vrakas Georgios
Kanellos Dimitrios
Psomas Stefanos
Kanellos Ioannis
Laparoscopic appendectomy: Our experience
13th Surgical Week
Kassandra, Halkidiki
Vrakas Georgios
Pramateftakis Manousos-Georgios
Kanellos Dimitrios
Psomas Stefanos
Kanellos Ioannis
Laparoscopic Management of Meckel's Diverticulum
13th Surgical Week
Kassandra, Halkidiki
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Demetriades H
Pramateftakis Manousos-Georgios
Kanellos Ioannis
Angelopoulos Stamatios
Mantzoros Ioannis
Betsis Dimitrios
Retained gallbladder remnant after laparoscopic cholecystectomy
Journal of Laparoendoscopic and Advanced Surgical Techniques
τόμ.18 αρ.2 σ.276-279
Kanellos Dimitrios
Pramateftakis Manousos-Georgios
Dimitriadis Charalampos
Zacharakis Emmanouil
Angelopoulos Stamatios
Mantzoros Ioannis
Kanellos Ioannis
Despoudi Kalliopi
Zarampoukas Thomas
Koliakos Georgios
Galovatsea Kalliopi
, et al
Healing of colonic anastomoses after immediate postoperative intraperitoneal administration of oxaliplatin
International Journal of Colorectal Disease
τόμ.23 αρ.12 σ.1185-1191
Kanellos Ioannis
Pramateftakis Manousos-Georgios
Kanellos Dimitrios
Treatment of anal fissure with Glyceryl Trinitrate Ointment in Greece
Techniques in Coloproctology
αρ.12 σ.145-146
Mantzoros Ioannis
Pramateftakis Manousos-Georgios
Kanellos Ioannis
Dimitriadis Charalampos
Angelopoulos Stamatios
Tsachalis T
Lazaridis Charalampos
Surgical site infection following rectal cancer resection
Techniques in Coloproctology
Mantzoros Ioannis
Pramateftakis Manousos-Georgios
Kanellos Ioannis
Dimitriadis Charalampos
Angelopoulos Stamatios
Tsachalis T
Lazaridis Charalampos
Postoperative complications following colonic cancer resection
Techniques in Coloproctology
αρ.12 σ.145-147
Pramateftakis Manousos-Georgios
Mantzoros Ioannis
Kanellos Ioannis
Dimitriadis Charalampos
Angelopoulos Stamatios
Tsachalis T
Lazaridis Charalampos
Dehiscence rate after low anterior resection with TME for rectal cancer
Techniques in Coloproctology
αρ.12 σ.267
Zacharakis Emmanouil
Dimitriadis Charalampos
Pramateftakis Manousos-Georgios
Lambrou Ioannis
Zacharakis Evangelos
Zarampoukas Thomas
Koliakos Georgios
Kanellos Ioannis
Betsis Dimitrios
Effect of IGF-I on healing of colonic anastomoses in rats under 5-FU treatment
Journal of Surgical Research
τόμ.144 αρ.1 σ.138-144
Άρθρο σε Πρακτικά Συνεδρίου
Mantzoros Ioannis
Pramateftakis Manousos-Georgios
Kanellos Ioannis
Dimitriadis Charalampos
Angelopoulos Stamatios
Tsachalis T
Lazaridis Charalampos
Postoperative complications following colonic cancer resection
6th Biennial Meeting of the MSCP
Rome - Italy
Pramateftakis Manousos-Georgios
Kanellos Ioannis
Laparoscopic hernia surgery in Greece: international experience
3rd annual meeting of the IEHS
Stuttgart - Germany
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Christoforidis E
Vasiliadis K
Goulimaris I
Tsalis K
Kanellos I
Papachilea T
Tsorlini E
Betsis D
A single center experience in minimally invasive treatment of postcholecystectomy bile leak, complicated with biloma formation
J Surg Res
τόμ.141 αρ.2 σ.171-175
Kanellos D
Blouhos K
Pramateftakis Manousos-Georgios
Kanellos Ioannis
Demetriades H
Sakkas L
Betsis Dimitrios
Effect of 5-fluorouracil plus interferon on the integrity of colonic anastomoses covering with fibrin glue
World Journal of Surgery
τόμ.31 αρ.1 σ.186-191
Pramateftakis Manousos-Georgios
Kanellos Dimitrios
Dimitriadis Charalampos
Kanellos Ioannis
Mantzoros Ioannis
Zacharakis Emmanouil
Despoudi Kalliopi
Angelopoulos Stamatios
Koliakos Georgios
Zarampoukas Thomas
Betsis Dimitrios
The effects of irinotecan on the healing of colonic anastomoses in rats
Open Surgery Journal
αρ.1 σ.1-6
Vasiliadis K
Pramateftakis Manousos-Georgios
Blouhos K
Mantzoros Ioannis
Koliakos Georgios
Zarampoukas Thomas
Kanellos Ioannis
Dimitriadis Charalampos
Alamdari Dayroush Hamadi
Betsis Dimitrios
Effect of iloprost on impaired anastomotic healing caused by 5-fluorouracil plus leucovorin
Diseases of Colon and Rectum
τόμ.50 αρ.6 σ.899-907
Vasiliadis K
Kanellos Ioannis
Tsachalis T
Blouhos K
Zarampoukas Thomas
Koliakos Georgios
Betsis Dimitrios
Influence of the stable prostacyclin analog iloprost on the healing of colonic anastomosis in rats
Minerva Chirurgica
τόμ.62 αρ.4 σ.241-248
Zacharakis E
Pramateftakis Manousos-Georgios
Kanellos D
Kanellos Ioannis
Betsis Dimitrios
Long-term results after transanal stapled excision of rectal internal mucosal prolapse
Tech Coloproctology
τόμ.11 αρ.1 σ.67-68
Zacharakis E
Kanellos D
Pramateftakis Manousos-Georgios
Kanellos Ioannis
Angelopoulos Stamatios
Mantzoros Ioannis
Betsis Dimitrios
Long-term results after stapled haemorrhoidopexy for fourth-degree haemorrhoids: a prospective study with median follow-up of 6 years
Techniques in Coloproctology
τόμ.11 αρ.2 σ.144-148
Zacharakis E
Angelopoulos Stamatios
Kanellos D
Pramateftakis Manousos-Georgios
Sapidis N
Stamatopoulos H
Kanellos Ioannis
Tsalis Konstantinos
Betsis Dimitrios
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy without intraoperative cholangiography
Journal of Laparoendoscopic and Advanced Surgical Techniques
τόμ.17 αρ.5 σ.620-625
Zacharakis Emmanouil
Dimitriadis Charalampos
Kanellos Dimitrios
Sapidis Nikolaos
Zacharakis Evangelos
Mantzoros Ioannis
Kanellos Ioannis
Koliakos Georgios
Zarampoukas Thomas
Topouridou Konstantina
Betsis Dimitrios
Contribution of insulin-like growth factor I to the healing of colonic anastomoses in rats
Journal of Investigating Surgery
τόμ.20 αρ.1 σ.9-14
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Demetriades H
Zacharakis E
Kirou I
Pramateftakis Manousos-Georgios
Sapidis N
Kanellos Ioannis
Betsis Dimitrios
Local excision as a treatment for tumors of ampulla of Vater
World Journal of Surgical Oncology
Vol.4 αρ.14
Kanellos Ioannis
Zacharakis E
Kanellos D
Pramateftakis Manousos-Georgios
Tsahalis T
Altsitsiadis E
Betsis Dimitrios
Prognostic significance of CEA levels and detection of CEA mRNA in draining venous blood in patients with colorectal cancer
Journal of Surgical Oncology
Vol. 94 αρ.1 p 3–8
Kanellos Ioannis
Zacharakis E
Kanellos D
Pramateftakis Manousos-Georgios
Tsachalis T
Betsis Dimitrios
Long-term results after stapled hemorrhoidopexy for third-degree hemorrhoids
Techniques in Coloproctology
Kanellos Ioannis
Zacharakis E
Kanellos D
Pramateftakis Manousos-Georgios
Betsis Dimitrios
Prognostic significance of CEA levels and positive cytology in peritoneal washes in patients with colorectal cancer
Colorectal Disease
Vol. 8 αρ.5 σ. 436–440
Kanellos Ioannis
Christoforidis Emmanouil
Kanellos D
Pramateftakis Manousos-Georgios
Sakkas L
Betsis Dimitrios
The healing of colon anastomosis covered with fibrin glue after early postoperative intraperitoneal chemotherapy
Techniques in Coloproctology
Vol. 10 αρ.2 p 115–120
Kanellos Ioannis
Zacharakis E
Demetriades H
Christoforidis Emmanouil
Kanellos D
Pramateftakis Manousos-Georgios
Betsis Dimitrios
Value of carcinoembryonic antigen assay in predicting hepatic metastases, local recurrence and survival after curative resection of colorectal cancer
Surgery Today
Kanellos Ioannis
Mantzoros Ioannis
Kanellos Dimitrios
Pramateftakis Manousos-Georgios
Betsis Dimitrios
Laparoscopic hiatal hernia repair
Journal of surgical laparoscopic, endoscopic and percutaneous techniques ((Surgical Laparoscopy, Endoscopy & Percutaneous Techniques)
Vol.16 αρ.6 σ.450-451
Mantzoros Ioannis
Kanellos Ioannis
Angelopoulos Stamatios
Koliakos Georgios
Pramateftakis Manousos-Georgios
Kanellos D
Zacharakis E
Zaraboukas T
Betsis Dimitrios
The effect of Insulin-Like Growth Factor I on healing of colonic anastomoses in cortisone-treated rats
Diseases of the Colon and Rectum
Vol. 49 αρ.9 p 1431–1438
Άρθρο σε Πρακτικά Συνεδρίου
Kanellos Ioannis
Mantzoros Ioannis
Dimitriadis Charalampos
Angelopoulos Stamatios
Pramateftakis Manousos-Georgios
Betsis Dimitrios
Haemorrhoidectomy using the ligasure
MSPFD Conference(joint meeting)
Cairo, Agypt
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Kanellos Ioannis
Angelopoulos Stamatios
Zacharakis E
Kanellos D
Pramateftakis Manousos-Georgios
Blouhos K
Betsis Dimitrios
Stapled haemorrhoidopexy for haemorrhoids in combination with lateral internal sphincterotomy for fissure-in-ano
European Surgical Research
Vol.37 αρ.5 σ. 317-320
Kanellos Ioannis
Zacharakis E
Christoforidis Emmanouil
Angelopoulos Stamatios
Kanellos D
Pramateftakis Manousos-Georgios
Betsis Dimitrios
Usefulness of lateral internal sphincterotomy in reducing postoperative pain after open hemorrhoidectomy
World Journal of Surgery
Vol.29 αρ.4 σ. 464-468
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Demetriades H
Kanellos Ioannis
Blouhos K
Tsachalis T
Vasiliadis K
Pramateftakis Manousos-Georgios
Betsis Dimitrios
Synchronous polyps in patients with colorectal cancer
Techniques in Coloproctology
Kanellos Dimitris
Kitsios G
Kanellos Ioannis
Dimitriadis Charalampos
Pramateftakis Manousos-Georgios
Angelopoulos Stamatios
Betsis Dimitrios
Anaemia as a symptom of right colon cancer
Techniques in Coloproctology
Vol.8 S1, p s62–s64
Kanellos Ioannis
Pramateftakis Manousos-Georgios
Leakage of colonic anastomosis after colon resection
Maedica - a Journal of Clinical Medicine
Kanellos Ioannis
Vasiliadis K
Angelopoulos Stamatios
Tsachalis T
Pramateftakis Manousos-Georgios
Betsis Dimitrios
Anastomotic leakage following anterior resection for rectal cancer
Techniques in Coloproctology
Kanellos Ioannis
Demetriades H
Blouhos T
Tsachalis T
Pramateftakis Manousos-Georgios
Betsis Dimitrios
Radio-frequency ablation of hepatic metastases from colorectal cancer
Techniques in Coloproctology
Kanellos Ioannis
Blouhos K
Demetriades H
Pramateftakis Manousos-Georgios
Betsis Dimitrios
Pneumomediastinum after dilatation of rectal stricture, following stapled hemorrhoidopexy
Techniques in Coloproctology
Vol.8 αρ.3 σ. 185–187
Kanellos Ioannis
Blouhos H
Dimitriadis Charalampos
Pramateftakis Manousos-Georgios
Zacharakis E
Betsis Dimitrios
The failed intraperitoneal colon anastomosis after colon resection
Techniques in Coloproctology
αρ.8 σ.S53-S55
Mantzoros Ioannis
Kanellos Ioannis
Demetriades H
Christoforidis Emmanouil
Kanellos D
Pramateftakis Manousos-Georgios
Zaraboukas I
Betsis Dimitrios
Effects of steroid on the healing of colonic anastomoses in the rat
Techniques in Coloproctology
Ενημερώθηκε: 2018-09-27