1. The evaluation of higher education institutions takes place in two stages: The first stage involves the evaluation of work done by the academic units of institutions of higher education themselves in relation to their nature, objectives and mission (internal evaluation). After the completion of the first stage follows the evaluation of the completed work, by a committee composed of independent experts, which takes into account the results of the internal evaluation report of the academic unit (external evaluation).
2. The process of internal and external evaluation is repeated at least every fourth year from the start of the previous evaluation. During the resumption of the evaluation process, the implementation of the findings of the previous evaluation is also examined, especially the proposals, suggestions and recommendations of the external evaluation committee. In particular, it is examined whether the weaknesses and gaps identified in the previous evaluation are addressed as well as the progress in implementing the measures taken to ensure and improve the quality of the research and teaching, the curriculum and the rest services provided by institutions of higher education.
3. The evaluation of higher education institutions involves students in accordance with the procedures and the way defined by the law.
4. The procedures of the evaluation of HEIs are coordinated and supported at national level the independent administrative authority named «Hellenic Quality Assurance and Accreditation Agency» (H.Q.A.A.). A «Quality Assurance Unit» (ΜΟ.DΙ.P.) is established in every institution of higher education, by the supreme collective body of each university, to coordinate and support the evaluation procedures of the institution. MO.DI.P. meets under the chairmanship of the Vice Rector or Vice President for Academic Affairs, of each institution, and its configuration involves three members of Teaching-Research staff, a common representative of the other scientific and administrative staff, one representative of the undergraduate and one of the postgraduate students, appointed by the institution. The organization, the function and the responsibilities of MO.DI.P. are determined by decision of the supreme collective body of each institution.
5. The academic units of each higher education institution submit an annual internal evaluation report, to the MO.DI.P. of the institution, that includes aggregated datum with quantitative data on students, Teaching-Research staff, other scientific staff, administrative staff, curriculum, student welfare, administrative services, hardware and technical infrastructure and any other matter related to the operation of the academic unit. The MO.DI.P., based on the internal evaluation report of each academic unit, which constitute every higher education institution, composes every two years the respective internal evaluation report of each institution. The content of the internal evaluation reports, submitted by the academic units or compiled by the MO.DI.P. of the institutions of higher education, can be further specified or standardized by decision of the Minister of Education and Religious Affairs, Culture and Sports, issued after a proposal from H.Q.A.A.