Επιπρόσθετη βιβλιογραφία για μελέτη
Abuom, T.O. & Bastiaanse, R. (2013) Sentence production in Swahili-English bilingual agrammatic speakers. Aphasiology, 27, 921-937.
Abuom, T.O., Shah, E. & Bastiaanse, R. (2013) Sentence comprehension in Swahili- English bilingual speakers. Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, 27, 355-370.
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Bos, L.S., Dragoy, O. Stowe, L.A. & Bastiaanse, R. (2013) Time reference teased apart from tense: Thinking beyond the present. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 25, 160-177.
Caplan, D. (1987). Neurolinguistics and Linguistic Aphasiology: An Introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Caplan, D., Waters,G. Kennedy, D., Alpert, N. et al. (2007). A study of syntactic processing in aphasia II: Neurological aspects. Brain and Language 101: 151-177.
Groenewold, R., Bastiaanse, R. & Huiskes, M. (2013) Direct speech constructions in aphasic Dutch narratives. Aphasiology, 27, 546-567.
Hessler, D., Jonkers, R., Stowe, L.A. & Bastiaanse, R. (2013) The whole is more than the sum of its parts: Audiovisual processing of phonemes with ERPs. Brain and Language, 124, 213-224.
Hillis, A. (Ed.) (2002). The handbook of adult language disorders. East Sussex. Psychology Press.
Kiran, S., Ansaldo, A., Bastiaanse, R., Cherney, L.R., Howard, D., Faroqi-Shah, Y., Meinzer, M. & Thompson, C.K. (2013) Neuroimaging in aphasia treatment research: Standards for establishing the effects of treatment. NeuroImage, 76, 428-435.
Koukoulioti, V. & Stavrakaki, S. (2014). Producing and inflecting verbs with different argument structure: Evidence from Greek aphasic speakers. Aphasiology, 28: 1320-1349.
Lee, M., & Thompson, C.K. (2004). Agrammatic aphasic production and comprehension of unaccusative verbs in sentence context. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 17, 315–330.
Obler, L. & Gjerlow, K. (1999). Language and the brain. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Stavrakaki S. & Kouvava, S. (2003). Functional categories in agrammatism: Evidence from Greek. Brain and Language, 86 (1):129-141.
Stavrakaki, S., Alexiadou, A., Kambanaros, M., Bostantjopoulou, S., & Katsarou, Z. (2011). The production and comprehension of verbs with alternating transitivity by patients with non-fluent aphasia. Aphasiology, 25 (5): 642 - 668.
Whitaker, H. & Stemmer, B. (Eds). (1998) Handbook of Neurolinguistics. London, UK. Academic Press