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Πολιτική Ποιότητας
Διασφάλιση Ποιότητας
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Καθηγητής (Retired), Τμήμα Φυσικής
Προσωπικά Στοιχεία
Scopus IDs
Επιστημονική Ειδίκευση
Θετικές επιστήμες, Μαθηματικά και Πληροφορική
Μαθηματικά και στατιστική
Προπτυχιακές Σπουδές
Φυσικό Τμήμα, Φυσικομαθηματική Σχολή
Διδακτορικό Δίπλωμα
Dr. rer. nat.
Physikalische Fakultät
Technische Hochschule Fridericiana,Karlsruhe
Επίβλεψη Εργασιών
Εργασίες Φοιτητών εντός ΑΠΘ
Σε εξέλιξη
"Στοχαστικές διεργασίες σε πολύπλοκα συστήματα"
Διοικητικό Έργο
Θέση Όργανο / Επιτροπή
Αναπληρωτής Πρόεδρος, Γενική Συνέλευση Τμήματος Φυσικής ΑΠΘ
Μέλος, Γενική Συνέλευση Τμήματος Φυσικής ΑΠΘ
Διευθυντής, Τομέας Φυσικής Στερεάς Κατάστασης
Ερευνητικά Έργα
Συνέδριο:"Ανίχνευση THz και εφαρμογές ασφαλείας"
Μοντελοποίηση δομής και δυναμικής δικτύων.
ΠΥΘΑΓΟΡΑΣ ΙΙ (Γενικό): Μη γραμμικά ηλεκτρονικά κυκλώματα για την παραγωγή χαοτικών σημάτων
ΗΡΑΚΛΕΙΤΟΣ: Κεντρική δράση
ΗΡΑΚΛΕΙΤΟΣ ( Περιβάλλον): Κεντρική δράση
Ανάπτυξη ανιχνευτών ηλεκτρομαγνητικής ακτινοβολίας λίαν ευρείας ζώνης συχνοτήτων
Συμπόσιο: 18ο Ελληνοβουλγαρικό συμπόσιο φυσικής ημιαγωγών
Μελέτη χαοτικής ηλεκτρικής αγωγιμότητας ημιαγωγών και ημιαγωγικών διατάξεων
Χαοτικές ηλεκτρικές ιδιότητες φωτοευαίσθητων ημιαγωγών
Συμπόσιο: 16ο Ελληνο-Βουλγαρικό Συμπόσιο φυσικής ημιαγωγών
Αμοιβή μελών ΔΕΠ (ΥΠΕΠΘ)
Πρόγραμμα Μεταπτυχιακών Σπουδών Ηλεκτρονικής Φυσικής (Ραδιοηλεκτρολογίας)
Νέα γενεά αισθητήρων και διατάξεων ακτινοβολίας για ψηφιακές απεικονίσεις σε πραγματικό χρόνο. Εφαρμογές στην Ασφάλεια αεροδρομίων
New technology for the control of narrow-gap semiconductor materials
Φυσική Υλικών
Βιβλιοθηκονομική μελέτη εκσυγχρονισμού βιβλιοθήκης ΤΕΙ Πειραιά
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Stavrinides S.G
Papathanasiou K
Anagnostopoulos Antonios
Using modern RF tools to detect chaotic behaviour of electronic circuits and systems
International Journal of Electronics
Vol. 102 αρ.2
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Stavrinides S.G
Karagiorgos N.F
Papathanasiou K
Nikolaidis Spyridon
Anagnostopoulos Antonios
A digital nonautonomous chaotic oscillator suitable for information transmission
Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs
Vol.60 αρ.12 σ.887 - 891
Stavrinides S.G
Anagnostopoulos Antonios
The route from synchronization to desynchronization of chaotic operating circuits and systems
Understanding Complex Systems
Κεφάλαιο σε Συλλογικό Τόμο ή Λήμμα σε Λεξικό/Εγκυκλοπαίδεια
Dmitriev A.A
Dmitriev A.S
Andreyev Y.V
Efremova E.V
Antoniades I.P
Miliou Amalia
Anagnostopoulos Antonios
Evaluation of the number of keys in a chaotic cryptographic method
Applications of Chaos and Nonlinear Dynamics in Science and Engineering
τόμ.3 σ.171-181
Stavrinides S.G
Anagnostopoulos Antonios
The route from synchronization to desynchronization of chaotic operating circuits and systems
Applications of Chaos and Nonlinear Dynamics in Science and Engineering
τόμ.5 σ. 229-275
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Volos Christos
Kyprianidis Ioannis
Stoumpoulos Ioannis
Stavrinides S. G
Anagnostopoulos Antonios
Ozer M
The concept of unidirectionally coupled nonlinear circuits via a memristor
Acta Physica Polonica A
τόμ.121 αρ.1 σ.268-270
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Anagnostopoulos Antonios
Konstantinidis Kon/nos
Miliou Amalia
Stavrinides S. G
Testing Stability and Robustness in Three Cryptographic Chaotic Systems
Journal of Concrete & Applicable Mathematics
τόμ.9 αρ.3 σ.247-261
Kyprianidis Ioannis
Volos Christos
Stavrinides S. G
Stoumpoulos Ioannis
Anagnostopoulos Antonios
Miliou Amalia
Experimental In-out Synchronization-intermittency between two Bidirectionally Coupled Circuits
Journal of Concrete and Applicable Mathematics
Volos Christos
Kyprianidis Ioannis
Stavrinides S. G
Stoumpoulos Ioannis
Magafas L
Anagnostopoulos Antonios
Nonlinear Financial Dynamics from an Engineer's Point of View
Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review
τόμ.4 αρ.3 σ.281-285
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Caglar H
Caglar N
Ozer M
Valarstos A
Anagnostopoulos A. N
B-spline method for solving Bratu's problem
International Journal of Computer Mathematics
τόμ.87 αρ.8 σ.1885-1891
Kyprianidis Ioannis
Volos Christos
Stavrinides S. G
Stoumpoulos Ioannis
Anagnostopoulos Antonios
On-off intermittent synchronization between two bidirectionally coupled double scroll circuits
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation
τόμ.15 αρ.8 σ.2192-2200
Kyprianidis Ioannis
Volos Christos
Stavrinides S. G
Stoumpoulos Ioannis
Anagnostopoulos Antonios
Master-slave double-scroll circuit incomplete synchronization
Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review
τόμ.3 αρ.1 σ.41-45
Kyprianidis Ioannis
Papadopoulos Michail
Stavrinides S. G
Stoumpoulos Ioannis
Anagnostopoulos Antonios
In-out intermittent loss of synchronization in two unidirectionally coupled nonlinear fourth-order autonomous circuits
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos
τόμ.20 αρ.10 σ.3329-3339
Άρθρο σε Πρακτικά Συνεδρίου
Anagnostopoulos Antonios
Konstantinidis Kon/nos
Miliou Amalia
Stavrinides S. G
Testing Stability and Robustness in Three Cryptographic Chaotic Systems
Proceedings 3rd Interdisciplinary Chaos Symposium
Istanbul, Turkey
Kyprianidis Ioannis
Volos Christos
Stavrinides S. G
Stoumpoulos Ioannis
Anagnostopoulos Antonios
Miliou Amalia
Experimental In-out Synchronization-intermittency between two Bidirectionally Coupled Circuits
Proceedings 3rd Interdisciplinary Chaos Symposium
Istanbul, Turkey
Volos Christos
Kyprianidis Ioannis
Stavrinides S. G
Stoumpoulos Ioannis
Anagnostopoulos Antonios
Memristors: A new approach in nonlinear circuits design
ICCOM'10: Proceedings of the 14th WSEAS international conference on Communications
Cape Town, South Africa
Volos Christos
Kyprianidis Ioannis
Stavrinides S. G
Stoumpoulos Ioannis
Anagnostopoulos Antonios
Inverse lag synchronization in mutually coupled nonlinear circuits
ICCOM'10: Proceedings of the 14th WSEAS international conference on Communications
Cape Town, South Africa
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Antoniades I
Miliou Amalia
Stavrinides S. G
Anagnostopoulos Antonios
A Chaotic Communication System with Enhanced Security Features
Journal of Applied Functional Analysis
τόμ.4 αρ.2 σ.237-248
Caglar H
Caglar N
Özer M
Valaristos A
Miliou Amalia
Anagnostopoulos Antonios
Dynamics of the solution of Bratu's equation
Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications
τόμ.71 αρ.12 σ.e672-e678
Caglar H
Caglar N
Ozer M
Valaristos A. P
Miliou Amalia
Anagnostopoulos Antonios
Dynamics of Bratu's Equation Solution
Journal of Nonlinear Analysis Series A: Theory, Methods & Applications
τόμ.71 αρ.12 σ.e672-e678
Kalomiros J. A
Stavrinides S. G
Miliou Amalia
Antoniades I
Magafas L
Anagnostopoulos Antonios
The Nonlinear Current Behaviour of a Driven R-L-Varactor in the Low Frequency Range
Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications
τόμ.10 αρ.2 σ.691-701
Miliou Amalia
Stavrinides S. G
Valaristos A. P
Anagnostopoulos Antonios
Nonlinear electronic circuit, Part II: synchronization in a chaotic MODEM scheme
Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications
τόμ.71 αρ.12 σ.e21-e31
Miliou Amalia
Stavrinides S. G
Valaristos A. P
Anagnostopoulos Antonios
Nonlinear electronic circuit, Part I: Multiple routes to chaos
Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications
τόμ.71 αρ.12 σ.e3-e20
Miliou Amalia
Stavrinides S. G
Valaristos A. P
Anagnostopoulos Antonios
Nonlinear Electronic Circuit - PART II - Synchronization in a Chaotic MODEM Scheme
Journal of Nonlinear Analysis Series A: Theory, Methods & Applications
τόμ.71 αρ.12 σ.e21-e31
Miliou Amalia
Stavrinides S. G
Valaristos A. P
Anagnostopoulos Antonios
Nonlinear Electronic Circuit - PART I - Multiple Routes to Chaos
Journal of Nonlinear Analysis Series A: Theory, Methods & Applications
τόμ.71 αρ.12 σ.e3-e20
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Hatzikraniotis E
Vinga E. S
Ozer M
Anagnostopoulos A
Polychroniadis E. K
n-p transformation in TlBi(1-x)SbxTe2 system
Journal of Alloys and Compounds
τόμ.467 αρ.1-2 σ.65-71
Stavrinides S. G
Miliou Amalia
Anagnostopoulos Antonios
Konstantakos V
Magafas L
Laopoulos Theodoros
Desynchronization crisis induced intermittency in a master-slave PLL configuration
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals
τόμ.42 αρ.1 σ.33-39
Stavrinides S. G
Anagnostopoulos Antonios
Miliou Amalia
Valaristos A
Magafas L
Kosmatopoulos Konstantinos
Papaioannou S
Digital chaotic synchronized communication system
Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review
τόμ.2 αρ.1 σ.82-86
Stavrinides S. G
Miliou Amalia
Anagnostopoulos Antonios
Konstantakos V
Magafas L
Laopoulos Theodoros
Desynchronization Crisis Induced Intermittency in a Master–slave PLL Configuration
Journal of Chaos Solitons & Fractals
τόμ.42 αρ.1 σ.33-39
Stavrinides S. G
Anagnostopoulos Antonios
Miliou Amalia
Valaristos A. P
Magafas L
Kosmatopoulos Konstantinos
Papaioannou S
A Digital Chaotic Synchronized Communication System
Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review
τόμ.2 αρ.1 σ.82-86
Κεφάλαιο σε Συλλογικό Τόμο ή Λήμμα σε Λεξικό/Εγκυκλοπαίδεια
Anagnostopoulos Antonios
Miliou Amalia
Stavrinides S. G
Dmitriev A. S
Efremova E. V
Digital Information Transmission Using Discrete Chaotic Signal
Banerjee S
Chaos Synchronization and Cryptography for Secure Communications: Applications for Encryption
IGI Global
Άρθρο σε Πρακτικά Συνεδρίου
Stavrinides S. G
Konstantakos V
Laopoulos Theodoros
Anagnostopoulos Antonios
Valaristos A
An automated acquisition setup for the evaluation of intermittency statistics
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Grigoriev E. V
Dmitriev A. S
Efremova E. V
Kuzmin L. V
Anagnostopoulos Antonios
Miliou Amalia
Chaotic generator on FET
Uspekhi sovremennoi radioelektroniki
τόμ.2008 αρ.1 σ.32-36
Ozer M
Polatoglu Y
Hacibekiroglu G
Valaristos A. P
Miliou Amalia
Anagnostopoulos Antonios
Cenys A
Relaxed Newton’s Method Derivative: its Dynamics and Non-linear Properties
Journal of Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications
τόμ.68 αρ.7 σ.1868-1873
Stavrinides S. G
Miliou Amalia
Laopoulos Theodoros
Anagnostopoulos Antonios
The intermittency route to chaos of an electronic digital oscillator
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos
τόμ.18 αρ.5 σ.1561-1566
Stavrinides S. G
Deliolanis N. C
Miliou Amalia
Laopoulos Theodoros
Anagnostopoulos Antonios
Internal crisis in a second-order non-linear non-autonomous electronic oscillator
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals
τόμ.36 αρ.4 σ.1055-1061
Stavrinides S. G
Deliolanis N. C
Laopoulos Theodoros
Kyprianidis Ioannis
Miliou Amalia
Anagnostopoulos Antonios
The intermittent behavior of a second-order non-linear non-autonomous oscillator
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals
τόμ.36 αρ.5 σ.1191-1199
Stavrinides S. G
Miliou Amalia
Laopoulos Theodoros
Anagnostopoulos Antonios
The Intermittercy Route to Chaos of an Electronic Digital Oscillator
International Journal of Bifurcation & Chaos
τόμ.18 αρ.5 σ.1561-1566
Özer M
Polatoglou Chariton
Hacibekiroglou G
Valaristos A
Miliou Amalia
Anagnostopoulos A. N
Čenys A
The relaxed Newton method derivative: Its dynamics and non-linear properties
Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications
τόμ.68 αρ.7 σ.1868-1873
Άρθρο σε Πρακτικά Συνεδρίου
Antoniades I
Miliou Amalia
Stavrinides S. G
Anagnostopoulos Antonios
A Chaotic Communication System with Enhanced Security Features
Proceedings 2nd Interdisciplinary Chaos Symposium
Istanbul, Turkey
Caglar H
Caglar N
Ozer M
Valaristos A. P
Miliou Amalia
Anagnostopoulos Antonios
Dynamics of Bratu's Equation Solution
Proceedings 5th World Congress of Nonlinear Analysts
Orlando, FL
Dmitriev A. S
Efremova E. V
Kuzmin L. V
Anagnostopoulos Antonios
Miliou Amalia
Chaotic oscillator based on field-effect transistor
Proceedings 16th International Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics of Electronic Systems (NDES’2008)
Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
Miliou Amalia
Stavrinides S. G
Valaristos A. P
Anagnostopoulos Antonios
Nonlinear Electronic Circuit - Multiple Routes to Chaos and Synchronization in a Chaotic MODEM Scheme
Proceedings 5th World Congress of Nonlinear Analysts
Orlando, FL
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Miliou Amalia
Antoniades I. P
Stavrinides S. G
Anagnostopoulos Antonios
Secure communication by chaotic synchronization: Robustness under noisy conditions
Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications
τόμ.8 αρ.3 σ.1003-1012
Miliou Amalia
Valaristos A. P
Stavrinides S. G
Kyritsi Konstantia
Anagnostopoulos Antonios
Characterization of a non-autonomous second-order non-linear circuit for secure data transmission
Journal of Chaos Solitons & Fractals
τόμ.33 αρ.4 σ.1248-1255
Stoumpoulos Ioannis
Miliou Amalia
Valaristos A. P
Kyprianidis Ioannis
Anagnostopoulos Antonios
Crisis induced intermittency in a fourth-order autonomous electric circuit
Journal of Chaos Solitons & Fractals
τόμ.33 αρ.4 σ.1256-1262
Özer M
Čenys A
Polatoglou Chariton
Hacibekiroglu G
Akat E
Valaristos A
Anagnostopoulos Antonios
Bifurcations of Fibonacci generating functions
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals
τόμ.33 αρ.4 σ.1240-1247
Άρθρο σε Πρακτικά Συνεδρίου
Stavrinides S. G
Laopoulos Theodoros
Anagnostopoulos Antonios
An automated acquisition setup for the analysis of chaotic systems
2005 IEEE Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and Applications
Sofia, Bulgaria
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Yannaki E
Anagnostopoulos Antonios
Kapetanos D
Xagorari A
Iordanidis F
Batsis I
Kaloyannidis P
Athanasiou E
Dourvas G
Kitis Georgios
Fassas A
Lasting amelioration in the clinical course of decompensated alcoholic cirrhosis with boost infusions of mobilized peripheral blood stem cells
Experimental Hematology
τόμ.34 αρ.11 σ.1583-1587
Άρθρο σε Πρακτικά Συνεδρίου
Antoniades I
Miliou Amalia
Stavrinides S. G
Anagnostopoulos Antonios
The Effect of Noise and Parameter Mismatch on the Synchronization of a Drive-Response Chaotic System
Proceedings 1st International, Interdisciplinary Chaos and Complex Systems Symposium(CCS’2006)
Instanbul, Turkey
Ozer M
Polatoglu Y
Hacibekiroglu G
Valaristos A. P
Miliou Amalia
Anagnostopoulos Avgoustinos
Cenys A
Dynamics on Relaxed Newton’s Method Derivative
Proceedings 1st International Interdisciplinary Chaos and Complex Systems Symposium (CCS’2006)
Istanbul, Turkey
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Gospodinov M. M
Petrova D
Yanchev I. Y
Daviti M
Manolopoulou M
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Anagnostopoulos A. N
Polychroniadis E. K
Growth of single crystals of Hg(BrxI1-x)(2) and their detection capability
Journal of Alloys and Compounds
τόμ.400 αρ.1-2 σ.249-251
Άρθρο σε Πρακτικά Συνεδρίου
Miliou Amalia
Antoniades I
Anagnostopoulos Antonios
Secure Communication by Chaotic Synchronization: Robustness under Noisy Conditions and Security under Attack
Proceedings 2nd Balkan Confrence in Informatics (BCI’2005)
Ohrid, FYROM
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Kyritsi Konstantia
Anagnostopoulos Antonios
Bleris Georgios
Oscillations in the α-Si/Si(p)/Si(n) device: Embedding- and correlation dimensions
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals
τόμ.21 αρ.3 σ.741-747
Kyritsi Konstantia
Anagnostopoulos Antonios
On the influence of noise in the evaluation of the electrical oscillations occurring in the α-Si/Si(p)/Si(n) device
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals
τόμ.21 αρ.3 σ.651-655
Stavrinides S. G
Kyritsi Konstantia
Deliolanis N. C
Anagnostopoulos Antonios
Tamaševičious A
Čenys A
The period doubling route to chaos of a second order non-linear non-autonomous chaotic oscillator - Part II
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals
τόμ.20 αρ.4 σ.849-854
Stavrinides S. G
Kyritsi Konstantia
Deliolanis N. C
Anagnostopoulos Antonios
Tamaševičious A
Čenys A
The period doubling route to chaos of a second order non-linear non-autonomous chaotic oscillator - Part I
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals
τόμ.20 αρ.4 σ.843-847
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Anagnostopoulos A
Bogevolnov V
Ivankiv I
Shevchenko O
Perepelkin A
Yafyasov A
The electrophysical properties of the surface layer of the (TlBiSe2)1-x -(TlBiS2)x mixed crystals
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals
τόμ.17 αρ.2-3 σ.225-229
Anagnostopoulos A. N
Chaos, Solitons and Factals: Foreword
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals
τόμ.17 αρ.2-3 σ.181
Andreyev Y. V
Dmitriev A. S
Efremova E. V
Anagnostopoulos A. N
Separation of chaotic signal sum into components in the presence of noise
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and Applications
τόμ.50 αρ.5 σ.613-618
Andreyev Y. V
Dmitriev A. S
Efremova E. V
Anagnostopoulos A. N
Chaotic signal processing: Information aspects
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals
τόμ.17 αρ.2-3 σ.531-544
Dorosinets V. A
Samuilov V. A
Roskos H
Kyritsi Konstantia
Anagnostopoulos Antonios
Bleris Georgios
High-frequency oscillations in an α-Si/Si(p)/Si(n) device
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals
τόμ.17 αρ.2-3 σ.289-295
Gospodinov M. M
Marinova V
Polychroniadis Efstathios
Papadopoulos Dimitrios
Kampas Konstantinos
Anagnostopoulos Antonios
Kyritsi Konstantia
Growth and characterization of (SnS2)x-(SnSe2)1-x mixed crystals
Materials Research Bulletin
τόμ.38 αρ.1 σ.177-184
Koliopanos Ch L
Kyprianidis Ioannis
Stoumpoulos Ioannis
Anagnostopoulos Antonios
Magafas L
Chaotic behaviour of a fourth-order autonomous electric circuit
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals
τόμ.16 αρ.2 σ.173-182
Mykolaitis G
Tamaševičius A
Čenys A
Bumeliene S
Anagnostopoulos A. N
Kalkan N
Very high and ultrahigh frequency hyperchaotic oscillators with delay line
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals
τόμ.17 αρ.2-3 σ.343-347
Samuilov V
Veselova T
Cenys A
Kyritsi Konstantia
Anagnostopoulos Antonios
Bleris Georgios
Intermittency in low frequency current oscillations in semi-insulating GaAs
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals
τόμ.17 αρ.2-3 σ.249-253
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Anagnostopoulos A
Bogevolnov V. B
Ivankiv I. M
Shevchenko O. Yu
Perepelkin A. D
Yafyasov A. M
The electrophysical properties of the surface layer of the semiconductor TlBiSe2
Physica Status Solidi (B) Basic Research
τόμ.231 αρ.2 σ.451-456
Marinova V
Yanchev I
Daviti M
Kyritsi Konstantia
Anagnostopoulos Antonios
Electron- and hole-mobility of Hg(BrxI1 - x)2 crystals (x = 0.25, 0.50, 0.75)
Materials Research Bulletin
τόμ.37 αρ.12 σ.1991-1995
Ozer M
Kalkan N
Kyritsi Konstantia
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Anagnostopoulos Antonios
Stergioudis Georgios
Polychroniadis Efstathios
The influence of Tl4Bi2S5 precipitates on the crystalline TlBiS2 properties
Physica Status Solidi a-Applied Research
τόμ.193 αρ.1 σ.3-11
Papazoglou E. N
Kyritsi Konstantia
Anagnostopoulos Antonios
Antoniou Ioannis
The period doubling route to chaos of the electrical conductivity in excited photoconductors
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals
τόμ.13 αρ.5 σ.989-996
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Tamaševičius A
Mykolaitis G
Bumeliene S
Čenys A
Anagnostopoulos A. N
Lindberg E
Two-stage chaotic Colpitts oscillator
Electronics Letters
τόμ.37 αρ.9 σ.549-551
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Dorosinets V. A
Samuilov V. A
Poklonski N. A
Belous A
Kyritsi Konstantia
Anagnostopoulos Antonios
Bleris Georgios
Carter R. L
Čenys A
Electrical properties of an a-Si/Si(p)/Si(n) heterojunction device
Semiconductor Science and Technology
τόμ.15 αρ.10 σ.980-984
El Moctar C. O
Kambas K
Marsillac S
Anagnostopoulos A
Bernède J. C
Benchouck K
Optical properties of CuAlX2 (X = Se, Te) thin films obtained by annealing of copper, aluminum and chalcogen layers sequentially deposited
Thin Solid Films
τόμ.371 αρ.1 σ.195-200
Marinova V
Shurulinkov S
Daviti M
Paraskevopoulos K
Anagnostopoulos A
Refractive index measurements of mixed HgBrxI2-x single crystals
Optical Materials
τόμ.14 αρ.2 σ.95-99
Mykolaitis G
Tamaševičius A
Namajünas A
Anagnostopoulos A. N
Non-autonomous second-order chaotic circuit with comparator
IEE Proceedings: Circuits, Devices and Systems
τόμ.147 αρ.5 σ.291-292
Veleva M
Gospodinov M. M
Daviti M
Anagnostopoulos A. N
Paraskevopoulos K
Polychroniadis E. K
Yanchev I. Y
Dielectric behavior of mixed HgBrxI2-x single crystals
Journal of Materials Science Letters
τόμ.19 αρ.12 σ.1019-1020
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Dorosinets V. A
Samuilov V. A
Poklonski N. A
Kyritsi Konstantia
Anagnostopoulos Antonios
Bleris Georgios
Čenys A
Current pulses and high-frequency oscillations in a-Si/Si(p)/Si(n) heterojunction device
Semiconductor Science and Technology
τόμ.14 αρ.10 σ.897-900
Stanciu G. A
Oprica M. H
Oud J. L
Daviti M
Anagnostopoulos A. N
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Polychroniadis E. K
Vapour growth and characterization of HgBr2 crystals using confocal laser scanning microscopy, optical spectroscopy and DC conductivity measurements
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics
τόμ.32 αρ.15 σ.1928-1933
Čenys A
Ulbikas J
Anagnostopoulos A. N
Bleris G. L
Diffusional model for noisy on-off intermittency
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering
τόμ.9 αρ.2 σ.355-359
Čenys A
Tamaševičius A
Anagnostopoulos A. N
Hyperchaos in the arrays of mean-field coupled oscillators
Materials Science Forum
τόμ.297-298 σ.167-170
Άρθρο σε Πρακτικά Συνεδρίου
Kyritsi Konstantia
Anagnostopoulos Antonios
Bleris Georgios
Samuilov V. A
Čenys A
Study of the non linear I-U characteristic of the heterostructure α-Si/c-Si
Materials Science Forum
τόμ.297-298 σ.333-336
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Hatzisymeon K. G
Kokkou S. C
Anagnostopoulos A. N
Rentzeperis P. I
X-ray Diffraction Study of the Crystal Structure of the Tl Ternary Chalcogenides Tl2xIn2(1-x)Se2, x = 0.2, 0.3,...0.9
Acta Crystallographica Section B: Structural Science
τόμ.54 αρ.4 σ.358-364
Özer M
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Anagnostopoulos A. N
Kokkou S
Polychroniadis E. K
Single crystal growth and characterization of narrow-gap (TIBiSe 2) 1-x-(TIBiS 2) x mixed crystals
Semiconductor Science and Technology
τόμ.13 αρ.1 σ.86-92
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Kalomiros J
Paloura E. C
Janowitz C
Theys B
Anagnostopoulos A
Surface and bulk effects in ex-situ hydrogenated α-sic thin films
Diamond and Related Materials
τόμ.6 αρ.10 σ.1547-1549
Čenys A
Anagnostopoulos A. N
Bleris G. L
Symmetry between laminar and burst phases for on-off intermittency
Physical Review E - Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics
τόμ.56 αρ.3 suppl.A σ.2592-2596
Čenys A
Anagnostopoulos A. N
Bleris G. L
Distribution of laminar lengths for noisy on-off intermittency
Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics
τόμ.224 αρ.6 σ.346-352
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Daviti M
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Anagnostopoulos A
Polychroniadis E. K
Growth, optical and electrical characterization of HgBr1.16I0.84 single crystals
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment
τόμ.380 αρ.1-2 σ.62-65
Hatzisymeon K
Anagnostopoulos A. N
Kokkou S
Rentzeperis P
Energy-gap variation of the (thallium selenide)x-(indium selenide)1-x mixed crystals (x = 0.1, 0.2, ... , 0.9, 1.0)
Materials Research Bulletin
τόμ.31 αρ.11 σ.1383-1390
Kalkan N
Kalomiros J. A
Hanias M
Anagnostopoulos A. N
Optical and photoelectrical properties of the TlGaS2 ternary compound
Solid State Communications
τόμ.99 αρ.6 σ.375-379
Karakotsou Ch
Anagnostopoulos A. N
Crisis in electrical behavior of the TlInSe2 semiconducting compound
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena
τόμ.93 αρ.3-4 σ.157-164
Mandalidis S
Kalomiros J. A
Kambas K
Anagnostopoulos A. N
Optical investigation of SnS2 single crystals
Journal of Materials Science
τόμ.31 αρ.22 σ.5975-5978
Manou P
Kalomiros J. A
Anagnostopoulos A. N
Kambas K
Optical properties of SnSe2 single crystals
Materials Research Bulletin
τόμ.31 αρ.11 σ.1407-1415
Trifonova E
Yanchev I. Y
Manou P
Kambas K
Anagnostopoulos A. N
Growth and characterization of SnSe2
Journal of Materials Science
τόμ.31 αρ.14 σ.3647-3649
Trifonova E. P
Yanchev I. Y
Stoyanova V. B
Mandalidis S
Kambas K
Anagnostopoulos A. N
Crystal growth and characterization of SnS2
Materials Research Bulletin
τόμ.31 αρ.8 σ.919-924
Özer M
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Anagnostopoulos A. N
Kokou S
Polychroniadis E. K
Large single-crystal growth and characterization of the narrow-gap semiconductor TIBiS 2
Semiconductor Science and Technology
τόμ.11 αρ.10 σ.1405-1410
Άρθρο σε Πρακτικά Συνεδρίου
Polychroniadis Efstathios
Anagnostopoulos Antonios
Lioutas Christos
The influence of planar compositional modulation on the anisotropic behaviour of TIBiSe2
Materials science forum
Lisbon, Portugal
τόμ.207-209 σ.641-644
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Gospodinov M. M
Yanchev I. Y
Mandalidis S
Anagnostopoulos A. N
Growth and characterization of TlGaTe2
Materials Research Bulletin
τόμ.30 αρ.8 σ.981-985
Kalomiros J. A
Kalkan N
Hanias M
Anagnostopoulos A. N
Kambas K
Optical and photoelectric properties of TlGaSe2 layered crystals
Solid State Communications
τόμ.96 αρ.8 σ.601-607
Karakotsou Ch
Anagnostopoulos A. N
Kambas K
Spyridelis J
Growth, morphology and electrical properties of (thallium selenide)x-(indium selenide)1 - x mixed crystals (x = 0.0, 0.1, 0.2,..., 0.9, 1.0)
Materials Research Bulletin
τόμ.30 αρ.7 σ.795-811
Kyprianidis Ioannis
Petrani M. L
Kalomiros J. A
Anagnostopoulos Antonios
Crisis-induced intermittency in a third-order electrical circuit
Physical Review E
τόμ.52 αρ.3 σ.2268-2273
Yanchev I. Y
Trifonova E. P
Karakotsou Ch
Anagnostopoulos A. N
Bleris G. L
Analysis of microhardness data in TlxIn1-xSe
Journal of Materials Science
τόμ.30 αρ.22 σ.5576-5580
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Gallos L. K
Anagnostopoulos Antonios
Argyrakis Panagiotis
Conduction anisotropy in layered semiconductors
Physical Review B
τόμ.50 αρ.19 σ.14643-14646
Hanias M. P
Kalomiros J. A
Karakotsou Ch
Anagnostopoulos A. N
Spyridelis J
Quasiperiodic and chaotic self-excited voltage oscillations in TlInTe2
Physical Review B
τόμ.49 αρ.24 σ.16994-16998
Kalomiros J. A
Anagnostopoulos A. N
Excitonic and other interband transitions in TlInS2 single crystals
Physical Review B
τόμ.50 αρ.11 σ.7488-7494
Petrani M. L
Karakotsou Ch
Kyprianidis Ioannis
Anagnostopoulos Antonios
Characterization of the attractor governing the neon bulb RC relaxation oscillator
Physical Review E
τόμ.49 αρ.6 σ.5863-5866
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Anagnostopoulos A. N
Kyriakos D. S
Influence of vacancies with a negative correlation energy on the free carriers concentration in p-type Si
Solid State Communications
τόμ.86 αρ.5 σ.317-321
Hanias M. P
Anagnostopoulos A. N
Negative-differential-resistance effects in the TlGaTe2 ternary semiconductor
Physical Review B
τόμ.47 αρ.8 σ.4261-4267
Kalkan Nevin
Papadopoulos Dimitrios
Anagnostopoulos Antonios
Spyridelis J
Structural and photoelectronic properties of thallium indium sulphide
Materials Research Bulletin
τόμ.28 αρ.7 σ.693-707
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Hanias M. P
Anagnostopoulos A. N
Kambas K
Spyridelis J
Electrical and optical properties of as-grown TlInS2, TlGaSe2 and TlGaS2 single crystals
Materials Research Bulletin
τόμ.27 αρ.1 σ.25-38
Kalkan N
Hanias M. P
Anagnostopoulos A. N
On the photoconductive properties of thallium-indium-sulfide single crystals
Materials Research Bulletin
τόμ.27 αρ.11 σ.1329-1337
Karakotsou Ch
Kalomiros J. A
Hanias M. P
Anagnostopoulos A. N
Spyridelis J
Nonlinear electrical conductivity of V2O5 single crystals
Physical Review B
τόμ.45 αρ.20 σ.11627-11631
Karakotsou Ch
Anagnostopoulos A. N
Kambas K
Spyridelis J
Chaotic voltage oscillations in the negative-differential-resistance region of the I-U curves of V2O5 crystals
Physical Review B
τόμ.46 αρ.24 σ.16144-16147
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Hanias M
Anagnostopoulos A. N
Kambas K
Spyridelis J
I-U dependence of TlInX2 (X=Se,Te) single crystals: The Ohmic and S-type regions
Physical Review B
τόμ.43 αρ.5 σ.4135-4140
Karoutis A. D
Anagnostopoulos A. N
Localized levels parameters in CdInGaS4 single crystals as determined by photoconductivity measurements
Materials Research Bulletin
τόμ.26 αρ.7 σ.675-691
Kyriakos D. S
Anagnostopoulos A. N
Komninou Ph
Ploss B
A particular case of electronic behaviour of the Σ = 3 grain boundary in p-type Si
Semiconductor Science and Technology
τόμ.6 αρ.7 σ.607-611
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Anagnostopoulos A. N
The influence of compensation on the temperature dependence of free carriers concentration in semiconductors
Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter
τόμ.162 αρ.2 σ.133-138
Kyprianidis Ioannis
Melidis Konstantinos
Anagnostopoulos Antonios
On the magnetic and electric properties of Fe71(Ni1-xMnx)29 alloys
Solid State Communications
τόμ.74 αρ.3 σ.203-207
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Hanias M
Anagnostopoulos A
Kambas K
Spyridelis J
On the non-linear properties of TlInX2 (X = S, Se, Te) ternary compounds
Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter
τόμ.160 αρ.2 σ.154-160
Kalomiros J. A
Anagnostopoulos A. N
Spyridelis J
Temperature dependence of the energy gap and some electrical properties of Zn 2In 2S 5 (II) single crystals
Semiconductor Science and Technology
τόμ.4 αρ.7 σ.536-542
Magafas L
Anagnostopoulos A. N
Antonopoulos J. G
On the conductivity of amorphous CdS films
Physica Status Solidi (A) Applied Research
τόμ.111 αρ.2 σ.K175-K178
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Anagnostopoulos A. N
Kyriakos D. S
Kalomiros J. A
Electronic behavior of Ga2/3PS3 single crystals
Physical Review B
τόμ.37 αρ.8 σ.4026-4031
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Kalomiros J. A
Anagnostopoulos A. N
Spyridelis J
Growth and some properties of Zn5In2S8 single crystal
Materials Research Bulletin
τόμ.22 αρ.10 σ.1307-1314
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Anagnostopoulos A
Kambas K
Spyridelis J
On the optical and electrical properties of the Zn3In2S6 layered compound
Materials Research Bulletin
τόμ.21 αρ.4 σ.407-413
Anagnostopoulos A. N
Kyriakos D. S
Electrical behavior of extended twins present in layered GeSe
Journal of Applied Physics
τόμ.59 αρ.8 σ.2859-2862
Kambas K
Anagnostopoulos A
Ploss B
Spyridelis J
Physica Status Solidi (A) Applied Research
τόμ.95 αρ.2 σ.k139-k144
Kyriakos D. S
Anagnostopoulos A. N
Christidis P
Gountsidou V
Growth and some properties of Ga 2 3PS3 single crystals
Journal of Crystal Growth
τόμ.76 αρ.1 σ.6-8
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Anagnostopoulos A. N
Manolikas C
Karoutis A
Physica Status Solidi (A) Applied Research
τόμ.92 αρ.1 σ.231-235
Kampas Konstantinos
Anagnostopoulos Antonios
Ves Sotirios
Ploss B
Spyridelis J
Optical Absorption Edge Investigation of CdIn2S4 and β‐In2S3 Compounds
Physica Status Solidi (B) Basic Research
τόμ.127 αρ.1 σ.201-208
Kyriakos D. S
Anagnostopoulos A. N
Electrical conductivity of layered GeSe related to extended faults
Journal of Applied Physics
τόμ.58 αρ.10 σ.3917-3920
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Anagnostopoulos A. N
Karoutis A
Physica Status Solidi (A) Applied Research
τόμ.79 αρ.1 σ.k29-k33
Anagnostopoulos A. N
Physica Status Solidi (A) Applied Research
τόμ.75 αρ.2 σ.595-599
Anagnostopoulos Antonios
Manolikas Konstantinos
Papadopoulos Dimitrios
Comparison of the structure and the electric properties of ZnIn//2S//4(III)- AND CdInGaS//4-LAYERED crystals
Physica Status Solidi (A) Applied Research
τόμ.77 αρ.2 σ.595-601
Anagnostopoulos Antonios
Lioutas Christos
Voltage‐Dependent Conductivity along the c‐Axis of ZnIn2S4(III)
Physica Status Solidi (A) Applied Research
τόμ.79 αρ.2 σ.513-516
Manolikas C
Anagnostopoulos A. N
Physica Status Solidi (A) Applied Research
τόμ.80 αρ.2 σ.503-511
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Anagnostopoulos A. N
Ploss B
τόμ.V 73 αρ.N 1 σ.91-94
Anagnostopoulos Antonios
Manolikas Konstantinos
Papadopoulos Dimitrios
Spyridelis J
Composition faults in ZNIN//2S//4(III) layered crystals and their influence on the anisotropic conductivity of this compound
Physica status solidi Applications and materials science
τόμ.V 72 αρ.N 2 σ.731-736
Άρθρο σε Πρακτικά Συνεδρίου
Anagnostopoulos A. N
Karoutis A
τόμ.71 σ.543-548
Ενημερώθηκε: 2023-03-26