Παράκαμψη προς το κυρίως περιεχόμενο
Μονάδα Διασφάλισης Ποιότητας
Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης
Πολιτική Ποιότητας
Διασφάλιση Ποιότητας
Σύστημα Διαχείρισης Ποιότητας
Είστε εδώ
Αναφορά Βιογραφικών
Βιογραφικό Σημείωμα
Αλκιβιάδης Μπάης
Καθηγητής, Τμήμα Φυσικής
Προσωπικά Στοιχεία
Scopus ID
Google Scholar ID
Researcher ID
Γνωστικό Αντικείμενο
Φυσική Ατμόσφαιρας και Φυσική Περιβάλλοντος
Επιστημονική Ειδίκευση
Επιστήμη του περιβάλλοντος
Προπτυχιακές Σπουδές
Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης
Διδακτορικό Δίπλωμα
Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης
Φυσική Ατμόσφαιρας
Διδακτικό Έργο
Μαθήματα Χειμερινού εξαμήνου ακαδημαϊκού έτους 2022–23
Μαθήματα Εαρινού εξαμήνου ακαδημαϊκού έτους 2022–23
Επίβλεψη Εργασιών
Εργασίες Φοιτητών εντός ΑΠΘ
Σε εξέλιξη
"Επιδράσεις ατμοσφαιρικών αιωρημάτων και νεφών στην άμεση ηλιακή ακτινοβολία"
"Τηλεπισκόπηση του όζοντος και διοξειδίου του θείου στην ατμόσφαιρα με επίγειο σύστημα φασματοσκοπίας διαφορικής οπτικής απορρόφησης"
"Μελέτη αερίων ρύπων στην περιοχή της Θεσσαλονίκης με συνέργεια παθητικής και ενεργητικής φασματοσκοπίας διαφορικής οπτικής απορρόφησης" ¶"Study of air pollutants over Thessaloniki by synergy of passive and active differential optical absorption spectroscopy"
Τηλεπισκόπιση του διοξειδίου του θείου και των αερολυμάτων στην τροπόσφαιρα με φασματοσκοπία διαφορικής οπτικής απορρόφησης και σύγκριση με δορυφορικές παρατηρήσεις"
"Μετρήσεις ατμοσφαιρικών αερίων με τη μέθοδο της διαφορικής φασματικής απορρόφησης και συγκρίσεις με δορυφορικά δεδομένα"
"Σύγκριση μετρήσεων ολικού όζοντος και υπεριώδους-Β ακτινοβολίας από το δορυφόρο DSCOVR με επίγειες μετρήσεις στη Θεσσαλονίκη"
"Προσομοιώσεις βιολογικών δόσεων της υπεριώδους ηλιακής ακτινοβολίας στον 21ο αιώνα σε σχέση με την εφαρμογή ή μη του Πρωτοκόλλου του Μόντρεαλ"
"Προσομοιώσεις σε παγκόσμια κλίμακα των μεταβολών της βιολογικής δόσης της ηλιακής ακτινοβολίας για την πρόκληση ερυθήματος και βλαβών στα φυτά κατά την περίοδο 1960-2100"
"Μελέτη του ηλιακού δυναμικού στον Ελλαδικό χώρο με επίγειες και δορυφορικές παρατηρήσεις και αριθμητικές προσομοιώσεις μοντέλων διάδοσης της ακτινοβολίας"
"Εκτίμηση των οπτικών ιδιοτήτων των αιωρούμενων σωματιδίων με τη μέθοδο DOAS"
"Μελέτη της κατακόρυφης κατανομής του όζοντος με τη χρήση της μεθόδου αντιστροφής Umkehr"
"Μακροχρόνιες τάσεις του φάσματος της ηλιακής ακτινοβολίας", Τίτλος στην αγγλική: "Long term trends of the spectral solar UV radiation"
"Υπολογισμός της στήλης του όζοντος με τη μέθοδο DOAS και μετρήσεις με το σύστημα Phaethon"
"Μελέτη ευαισθησίας του αλγορίθμου LIRIC χρησιμοποιώντας δεδομένα από το Lidar του Ε.Φ.Α. Θεσσαλονίκης"
"Διερεύνηση της επίδρασης αερίων ρύπων στην ηλιακή ακτινοβολία στο έδαφος"
"Μελέτη του ατμοσφαιρικού όζοντος με τη χρήση μεθόδων φασματοφωτομετρικής τηλεπισκόπησης"
"Μελέτη της ποιότητας του αέρα στο κρατικό μουσείο σύγχρονης τέχνης"
"Διερεύνηση της εφαρμογής μεθόδου προσδιορισμού της ολικής στήλης των υδρατμών από μετρήσεις CCD φασματοφωτομέτρου"
"Κατανομή της ακτινικής ροής από το έδαφος μέχρι την κατώτερη στρατόσφαιρα κάτω από διαφορετικές συνθήκες αεροζόλ και ανακλαστικότητας του εδάφους"
"Κλιματολογική μελέτη της υπεριώδους ηλιακής ακτονιβολίας στην περιοχή της Ανατολικής Μεσογείου"
"Διερεύνηση αντιλήψεων, ανάπτυξη και αξιολόγηση διδακτικής ακολουθίας για τη διδασκαλία της κλιματικής αλλαγής σε μαθητές δημοτικού σχολείου"
"Χαρτογράφηση της ηλιακής ενέργειας στην Ελλάδα με τη χρήση μοντέλου και μετρήσεων"
"Έλεγχος της λειτουργίας και των οπτικών χαρακτηριστικών του φασματοφωτομέτρου Brewer#86"
"Μετρήσεις της άμεσης ηλιακής ακτινοβολίας και εφαρμογές στην τηλεπισκόπηση ατμοσφαιρικών παραμέτρων"
Διοικητικό Έργο
Θέση Όργανο / Επιτροπή
Head, Τμήμα Φυσικής
Διευθυντής, Εργαστήριο Φυσικής της Ατμόσφαιρας
Διευθυντής, Τομέας Εφαρμογών Φυσικής και Φυσικής Περιβάλλοντος
Διευθυντής, ΠΜΣ Φυσικής Περιβάλλοντος
Διευθυντής, Τομέας Εφαρμογών Φυσικής και Φυσικής Περιβάλλοντος
Θέση Όργανο / Επιτροπή
Μέλος, ΜΟΔΙΠ
Head, ΟΜΕΑ τμήματος Φυσικής
Μέλος, Συμβουλιο Περιβαλλοντος ΑΠΘ
Ερευνητικά Έργα
Ένα Σύστημα Ολοκληρωμένης Περιβαλλοντικής Πληροφόρησης σε Αστικές περιοχές
Υποστήριξη λειτουργίας της αποστολής Sentinel-5P - Επέκταση Φάσης Ι
Αντιστάθμιση ανθρακικού αποτυπώματος στην Μεσόγειο
Έλεγχος ποιότητας δεδομένων παρατήρησης της Γης
Αμοιβες Μελών ΔΕΠ- Παροχή Υπηρεσιών Αξιολόγησης της ΕΥΔ ΕΠ ΑΝΑΔ-ΕΔΒΜ
ΠΑΝελλΑδιΚή υποδομή για τη μΕλέτη της ατμοσφαιρικής σύστασης και κλΙματικής Αλλαγής (ΠΑΝΑΚΕΙΑ)»
Εφαρμογή ενός συστήματος πρόγνωσης της αστικής θερμικής νησίδας με σκοπό την ανάπτυξη στρατηγικών αστικής προσαρμογής
Ανάπτυξη εφαρμογής 4D περιήγησης στην ιστορία του τοπίου
Αμοιβές μελών ΔΕΠ (Υπουργείο Παιδείας, Έρευνας και Θρησκευμάτων (ΕΥΔΕ-ΕΤΑΚ)
Δημιουργία δεδομένων όζοντος για τη μελέτη του κλίματος στα πλαίσια του ΕΟΔ - Φάση ΙΙ
Επικαιροποίηση γνώσεων αποφοίτων σε νέα επιστημονικά θέματα και τεχνολογίες περιβάλλοντος.
Συνεργασία Κίνας-Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης για την αξιολόγηση και παρακολούθηση της αέριας ρύπανσης στη Κίνα με τη χρήση δορυφορικών δεδομένων
Πρώτη Ευρωπαική ολοκληρωμένη αξιοποίηση δεδομένων ηλιακής ακτινοβολίας.
Δορυφορική Υπηρεσία Όζοντος και Ατμοσφαιρικής Χημείας της EUMETSAT - Φάση Β
Δημιουργία δεδομένων όζοντος για τη μελέτη του κλίματος στα πλάισια του ΕΟΔ
Δορυφορική υπηρεσία όζοντος και ατμοσφαιρικής χημείας. (EUMETSAT)
Μελέτη των ατμοσφαιρικών διεργασιών μεταφοράς αιωρούμενων σωματιδίων με την συνδυαστική χρήση δορυφορικών και επίγειων μετρήσεων καθώς και τη χρήση υπολογιστικών μοντέλων
Προηγμένες Τεχνικές Περιβαλλοντικών Μετρώσεων και Προγνώσεων (ΠΡΟΤΕΠΕ)
Τεχνολογική Πρόβλεψη στην Κεντρική Μακεδονία
Επιμόρφωση καθηγητών φυσικής Μ.Ε. (φυσική, διδακτική, συγγενείς επιστήμες)
Πληρωμή μελών ΔΕΠ ΑΠΘ για αξιολογήσεις και λοιπές υπηρεσίες - Ν. 2530/97 (ΓΓΕΤ )
Βελτιστοποίηση των συστημάτων βαθμονόμησης και επεξεργασίας των μετρήσεων του δικτύου υπεριώδους ακτινοβολίας του ΕΦΑ
Εθνικό δίκτυο μέτρησης UV-B
Εγκατάσταση σταθμών GAW και σταθμών μέτρησης της θαλάσσιας στάθμης
Ελληνικό δίκτυο UV ηλιακής ακτινοβολίας
Βασικές μετρήσεις αναφοράς για επίγειες παρατηρήσεις της ποιότητας αέρα με τη μεθοδο DOAS 2.0
Αξιολόγηση πρότασης του επιχειρησιακού προγράμματος Δυτικής Μακεδονίας 2014-2020.
Παροχή υπηρεσιών στο Βελγικό Ινστιτούτο Διαστημικής Αερονομίας στα πλάισια του FRM4DOAS CCN 02
Συνέδριο: "Διεθνές Συμπόσιο Ακτινοβολίας"
Οικονομική ενίσχυση για την αναγόρευση του κ. Γεωργίου Χατζηιωάννου σε επίτιμο διδάκτορα του Τμήματος Φυσικής
Κάλυψη εξόδων μετακινήσεων για συμμετοχή στις εργασίες του EEAP/UNEP
Αναγόρευση του κ. Leon Chua επίτιμου διδάκτορα Τμήματος Φυσικής
Βελτιστοποίηση και εφαρμογή μεθόδων επίγειας τηλεπισκόπησης των αερολυμάτων και του όζοντος στην κατώτερη τροπόσφαιρα για τη μελέτη των μεταβολών τους
Αναγόρευση του καθηγητή κου Ζερεφού σε Επίτιμο Καθηγητή του Τμήματος Φυσικής του ΑΠΘ
Χρηματοδότηση από ΠΔΕ ΥΠΕΠΘ 2017 - Τμήμα "ΦΥΣΙΚΗΣ" ΑΠΘ
Παροχή υπηρεσιών κατά τη συμμετοχή του φασματομέτρου Φαέθων στην εκστρατεία CINDI-2
Δημοσίευση εργασίας σε επιστημονικό περιοδικό Δράση COST ES1207
Ιχνηλασιμότητα μετρήσεων του ατμοσφαιρικού όζοντος
Ηλεκτρονική πλατφόρμα υπηρεσιών και εφαρμογών ηλεκτρονικής διακυβέρνησης για περιβαλλοντικές άδειες με την τεχνολογία "cloud computing".
Σύστημα διασφάλισης ποιότητας βασικών κλιματικών μεταβλητών
Σύστημα διασφάλισης ποιότητας βασικών κλιματικών μεταβλητών
Συνάντηση της Ομάδας Συντονισμού και της Ομάδας Εργασίας 1 της Δράσης COST ES1207
Βελτιστοποίηση και επέκταση επίγειας υποδομής για την πιστοποίηση μετρήσεων ατμοσφαιρικών συστατικών από δορυφορικά όργανα
Ηλεκτρονική πλατφόρμα υπηρεσιών και εφαρμογών ηλεκτρονικής διακυβέρνησης για περιβαλλοντικές άδειες με την τεχνολογία "cloud computing".
Ελληνικό Δίκτυο Ηλιακής Ενέργειας
Δημιουργία Εθνικού Ερευνητικού Δικτύου για την Ευρωπαική Ερευνητική Υποδομή COPAL
Αξιοποίηση αποτελεσμάτων έρευνας στο τομέα Εφαρμογών Φυσικής & Φυσικής Περιβάλλοντος
Απόλυτη βαθμονόμηση UVA και UVB ακτινομέτρων
Δημιουργία υποδομής για την πιστοποίηση δορυφορικών δεδομένων ατμοσφαιρικών παραμέτρων
Επίπτωση της ανακλαστικότητας του εδάφους στην ροή και την ένταση της υπεριώδους ακτινοβολίας
Σύγκριση μετρήσεων της στήλης διοξειδίου του αζώτου από το έδαφος και το διάστημα NO2VAL
Εξοπλισμένο αεροσκάφος μεγάλης εμβέλειας και διάρκειας πτήσεων για τροποσφαιρική έρευνα στις γεωεπιστήμες και τις επιστήμες περιβάλλοντος (COPAL)
Αξιολόγηση των μετρήσεων της υπεριώδους ακτινοβολίας, του ολικού όζοντος και των αιωρούμενων σωματιδίων από το όργανο ΟΜΙ του δορυφόρου AURA από το έδαφος υπό συνθήκες διαφορετικών τύπων αερολυμάτων
ΠΥΘΑΓΟΡΑΣ (περιβάλλον): περιβαλλοντικές επιδράσεις των μεταφερόμενων αιωρούμενων σωματιδίων
Σύνδεσμοι Στρατόσφαιρας - Κλίματος με έμφαση στην Ανώτερη Τροπόσφαιρα /Κατώτερη Τροπόσφαιρα.( SCOUT-O 3)
Ανάπτυξη Εθνικού Δικτύου της Υπεριώδους Ηλιακής Ακτινοβολίας
ΗΡΑΚΛΕΙΤΟΣ (περιβάλλον): Συμβολή στη μελέτη των μεταβολών του φάσματος της υπεριώδους ακτινοβολίας σε διάφορες κλίμακες χρόνου
Διεθνής συνάντηση: Πέμπτη Συνάντηση εργασίας για μετρήσεις υπεριώδους ακτινοβολίας
Επίδραση των νεφών στη φασματική ακτινική ροή στην κατώτερη τροπόσφαιρα
Απόλυτη βαθμονόμηση των μετρήσεων άμεσης ηλιακής ακτινοβολίας στην UVB και στην ορατή περιοχή (ds O3 και ds NO2)
Ανάπτυξη κινητής μονάδας για την πιστοποίηση της ποιότητας φασματικών μετρήσεων της υπεριώδους ηλιακής ακτινοβολίας
Φυσική Περιβάλλοντος - Πρόγραμμα Μεταπτυχιακών Σπουδών
Ευρωπαϊκή βάση δεδομένων για την κλιματολογία και την αξιολόγηση μετρήσεων της υπεριώδους ακτινοβολίας
Προσδιορισμός της ακτινικής ροής από μετρήσεις της ολικής ακτινοβολίας
Ανάλυση των μετρήσεων UV στην ISPRA και σύγκριση των δεδομένων με υπολογισμούς από μοντέλα διάδοσης ακτινοβολίας
Διεθνές συνέδριο: Fifth Biennial Brewer User` s Meeting
Θεματικό δίκτυο μετρήσεων της υπεριώδους ηλιακής ακτινοβολίας
Προτυποποίηση φασματικών μετρήσεων στο υπεριώδες με στόχο τη δημιουργία ενός ευρωπαϊκού δικτύου
Μελέτη της κατακόρυφης κατανομής του όζοντος με τη μέθοδο UMKEHR
Διαχείριση μετρήσεων της υπεριώδους ακτινοβολίας για επιστημονικούς σκοπούς
Determination of turbidity and aerosols distribution at Ispra
Μέτρηση της οριζόντιας στήλης αέριων ρύπων
Μελέτη της ποιότητας των φασματικών μετρήσεων του φασματοφωτομέτρου Brewer
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Karagkiozidis Dimitris
Koukouli Maria Elisavet
Bais Alkiviadis
Balis Dimitrios
Tzoumaka Paraskevi
Assessment of the NO2 Spatio-Temporal Variability over Thessaloniki, Greece, Using MAX-DOAS Measurements and Comparison with S5P/TROPOMI Observations
Applied Sciences
τόμ.13 αρ.4 σ.2641
Petkov Boyan H
Vitale Vito
Di Carlo Piero
Drofa Oxana
Mastrangelo Daniele
Smedley Andrew R. D
Diémoz Henri
Siani Anna Maria
Fountoulakis Ilias
Webb Ann R
Bais Alkiviadis
Kift Richard
Rimmer John
Casale Giuseppe Rocco
Hansen Georg H
Svendby Tove
Pazmiño Andrea
Werner Rolf
Atanassov Atanas M
Láska Kamil
De Backer Hugo
Mangold Alexander
Köhler Ulf
Velazco Voltaire A
Stübi René
Solomatnikova Anna
Pavlova Kseniya
Sobolewski Piotr S
Johnsen Bjørn
Goutail Florence
Mišaga Oliver
Aruffo Eleonora
Metelka Ladislav
Tóth Zoltán
Fekete Dénes
Aculinin Alexandr A
Lupi Angelo
Mazzola Mauro
Zardi Federico
An Unprecedented Arctic Ozone Depletion Event During Spring 2020 and Its Impacts Across Europe
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
τόμ.128 αρ.3
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Chatzimpaloglou Anthoula
Christophoridis Christophoros
Nika Maria Christina
Aalizadeh Reza
Fountoulakis Ilias
Thomaidis Nikolaos S
Bais Alkiviadis
Fytianos Konstantinos
Degradation of antineoplastic drug etoposide in aqueous environment by photolysis and photocatalysis. Identification of photocatalytic transformation products and toxicity assessment
Chemical Engineering Journal
τόμ.431 αρ.part 2 σ.Article number: 133969 (17 pages)
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Chatzimpalogloua A
Christophoridis C
Fountoulakis I
Antonopoulou M
Vlastos D
Bais Alkiviadis
Fytianos Konstantinos
Photolytic and photocatalytic degradation of antineoplastic drug irinotecan. Kinetic study, identification of transformation products and toxicity evaluation
Chemical Engineering Journal
τόμ.405 σ.Article number: 126866 (17 pages)
Karras Spyridon N
Koufakis Theocharis
Dimakopoulos Georgios
Adamidou Lilian
Karalazou Paraskevi
Thisiadou Katerina
Bais Alkiviadis
Tzotzas Themistoklis
Manthou Maria Eleni
Makedou Kali
Kotsa Kalliopi
Vitamin D equilibrium affects sex-specific changes in lipid concentrations during Christian Orthodox fasting
The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
τόμ.211 αρ.C σ.105903
Kosmopoulos Panagiotis G
Kazadzis Stelios
Schmalwieser Alois W
Raptis Panagiotis I
Papachristopoulou Kyriakoula
Fountoulakis Ilias
Masoom Akriti
Bais Alkiviadis
Bilbao Julia
Blumthaler Mario
Kreuter Axel
Siani Anna Maria
Eleftheratos Kostas
Topaloglou Chrysanthi
Gröbner Julian
Johnsen Bjørn
Svendby Tove M
Vilaplana Jose Manuel
Doppler Lionel
Webb Ann R
Khazova Marina
De Backer Hugo
Heikkilä Anu
Lakkala Kaisa
Jaroslawski Janusz
Meleti Charikleia
Diémoz Henri
Hülsen Gregor
Klotz Barbara
Rimmer John
Kontoes Charalampos
Real-time UV index retrieval in Europe using Earth observation-based techniques: system description and quality assessment
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques
τόμ.14 αρ.8 σ.5657-5699
Robson T. Matthew
Bernhard Germar H
Bais Alkiviadis
Seddon Alistair W.R
Barnes Paul W
Floral bullseyes and stratospheric ozone
Current Biology
τόμ.31 αρ.14 σ.R885-R887
Skoulidou Ioanna
Koukouli Maria Elisavet
Manders Astrid
Segers Arjo
Karagkiozidis Dimitris
Gratsea Myrto
Balis Dimitrios
Bais Alkiviadis
Gerasopoulos Evangelos
Stavrakou Trisevgeni
van Geffen Jos
Eskes Henk
Richter Andreas
Evaluation of the LOTOS-EUROS NO2 simulations using ground-based measurements and S5P/TROPOMI observations over Greece
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
τόμ.21 αρ.7 σ.5269-5288
Verhoelst Tijl
Compernolle Steven
Pinardi Gaia
Lambert Jean-Christopher
Eskes Henk J
Eichmann Kai-Uwe
Fjæraa Ann Mari
Granville José
Niemeijer Sander
Cede Alexander
Tiefengraber Martin
Hendrick François
Pazmiño Andrea
Bais Alkiviadis
Bazureau Ariane
Boersma K. Folkert
Bognar Kristof
Dehn Angelika
Donner Sebastian
Elokhov Aleksandr
Gebetsberger Manuel
Goutail Florence
Grutter de la Mora Michel
Gruzdev Aleksandr
Gratsea Myrto
Hansen Georg H
Irie Hitoshi
Jepsen Nis
Kanaya Yugo
Karagkiozidis Dimitris
Kivi Rigel
Kreher Karin
Levelt Pieternel F
Liu Cheng
Müller Moritz
Navarro Comas Monica
Piters Ankie J. M
Pommereau Jean-Pierre
Portafaix Thierry
Prados-Roman Cristina
Puentedura Olga
Querel Richard
Remmers Julia
Richter Andreas
Rimmer John
Rivera Cárdenas Claudia
Saavedra de Miguel Lidia
Sinyakov Valery P
Stremme Wolfgang
Strong Kimberly
Van Roozendael Michel
Veefkind J. Pepijn
Wagner Thomas
Wittrock Folkard
Yela González Margarita
Zehner Claus
Ground-based validation of the Copernicus Sentinel-5P TROPOMI NO
measurements with the NDACC ZSL-DOAS, MAX-DOAS and Pandonia global networks
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques
τόμ.14 αρ.1 σ.481-510
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Eleftheratos Kostas
Kapsomenakis John
Zerefos Christos S
Bais Alkiviadis
Fountoulakis Ilias
Dameris Martin
Jöckel Patrick
Haslerud Amund S
Godin-Beekmann Sophie
Steinbrecht Wolfgang
Petropavlovskikh Irina
Brogniez Colette
Leblanc Thierry
Liley J. Ben
Querel Richard
Swart Daan P. J
Possible Effects of Greenhouse Gases to Ozone Profiles and DNA Active UV-B Irradiance at Ground Level
τόμ.11 αρ.3 σ.1-18
Karras Spyridon N
Koufakis Theocharis
Antonopoulou Vasiliki
Goulis Dimitrios
Annweiler Cedric
Pilz Stefan
Bili Helen
Naughton Declan P
Shah Iltaf
Harizopoulou Vikentia
Zempekakis Pantelis
Bais Alkiviadis
Kotsa Kalliopi
Characterizing neonatal vitamin D deficiency in the modern era: A maternal-neonatal birth cohort from Southern Europe
The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Lakkala Kaisa
Kujanpää Jukka
Brogniez Colette
Henriot Nicolas
Arola Antti
Aun Margit
Auriol Frédérique
Bais Alkiviadis
Bernhard Germar
De Bock Veerle
Catalfamo Maxime
Deroo Christine
Diémoz Henri
Egli Luca
Forestier Jean-Baptiste
Fountoulakis Ilias
Garane Katerina
Garcia Rosa Delia
Gröbner Julian
Hassinen Seppo
Heikkilä Anu
Henderson Stuart
Hülsen Gregor
Johnsen Bjørn
Kalakoski Niilo
Karanikolas Angelos
Karppinen Tomi
Lamy Kevin
León-Luis Sergio F
Lindfors Anders V
Metzger Jean-Marc
Minvielle Fanny
Muskatel Harel B
Portafaix Thierry
Redondas Alberto
Sanchez Ricardo
Siani Anna Maria
Svendby Tove
Tamminen Johanna
Validation of the TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI) surface UV radiation product
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques
τόμ.13 αρ.12 σ.6999-7024
Siomos Nikolaos
Fountoulakis Ilias
Natsis Athanasios
Drosoglou Theano
Bais Alkiviadis
Automated Aerosol Classification from Spectral UV Measurements Using Machine Learning Clustering
Remote Sensing
τόμ.12 αρ.6 σ.1-18
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Bais Alkiviadis
Bernhard G
McKenzie R. L
Aucamp P. J
Young P. J
Ilyas M
Jöckel P
Deushi M
Ozone–climate interactions and effects on solar ultraviolet radiation
Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences
τόμ.18 αρ.3 σ.602-640
Fountoulakis Ilias
Diémoz Henri
Siani Anna-Maria
Laschewski Gudrun
Filippa Gianluca
Arola Antti
Bais Alkiviadis
De Backer Hugo
Lakkala Kaisa
Webb Ann R
De Bock Veerle
Karppinen Tomi
Gkarane Aikaterini
Kapsomenakis John
Koukouli Maria-Elissavet
Zerefos Christos
Solar UV Irradiance in a Changing Climate: Trends in Europe and the Significance of Spectral Monitoring in Italy
Fountoulakis Ilias
Natsis Athanasios
Siomos Nikolaos
Drosoglou Theano
Bais Alkiviadis
Deriving Aerosol Absorption Properties from Solar Ultraviolet Radiation Spectral Measurements at Thessaloniki, Greece
Remote Sensing
τόμ.11 αρ.18 σ.2179
Gkarane Aikaterini
Koukouli Maria Elisavet
Verhoelst Tijl
Lerot Christophe
Heue Klaus-Peter
Fioletov Vitali
Balis Dimitrios
Bais Alkiviadis
Bazureau Ariane
Dehn Angelika
Goutail Florence
Granville Jose
Griffin Debora
Hubert Daan
Keppens Arno
Lambert Jean-Christopher
Loyola Diego
McLinden Chris
Pazmino Andrea
Pommereau Jean-Pierre
Redondas Alberto
Romahn Fabian
Valks Pieter
Van Roozendael Michel
Xu Jian
Zehner Claus
Zerefos Christos
Zimmer Walter
TROPOMI/S5P total ozone column data: global ground-based validation and consistency with other satellite missions
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques
τόμ.12 αρ.10 σ.5263-5287
McKenzie Richard
Bernhard Germar
Liley Ben
Disterhoft Patrick
Rhodes Steve
Bais Alkiviadis
Morgenstern Olaf
Newman Paul
Oman Luke
Brogniez Colette
Simic Stana
Success of Montreal Protocol Demonstrated by Comparing High-Quality UV Measurements with “World Avoided” Calculations from Two Chemistry-Climate Models
Scientific Reports
τόμ.9 αρ.1
Zyrichidou I
Balis D
Koukouli Maria Elisavet
Drosoglou T
Bais Alkiviadis
Gratsea M
Gerasopoulos E
Liora N
Poupkou Anastasia
Giannaros C
Melas Dimitrios
De Smedt I
Van Roozendael M
Van der A R.J
Boersma K.F
Valks P
Richter A
Adverse results of the economic crisis: A study on the emergence of enhanced formaldehyde (HCHO) levels seen from satellites over Greek urban sites
Atmospheric Research
τόμ.224 αρ.C σ.42-51
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Fountoulakis Ilias
Redondas Alberto
Lakkala Kaisa
Berjon Alberto
Bais Alkiviadis
Doppler Lionel
Feister Uwe
Heikkila Anu
Karppinen Tomi
Karhu Juha M
Koskela Tapani
Gkarane Aikaterini
Fragkos Konstantinos
Savastiouk Volodya
Temperature dependence of the Brewer global UV measurements
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques
τόμ.10 σ.4491–4505
Peters Enno
Pinardi Gaia
Seyler André
Richter Andreas
Wittrock Folkard
Bösch Tim
Van Roozendael Michel
Hendrick François
Drosoglou Theano
Bais Alkiviadis
Kanaya Yugo
Zhao Xiaoyi
Strong Kimberly
Lampel Johannes
Volkamer Rainer
Koenig Theodore
Ortega Ivan
Puentedura Olga
Navarro-Comas Mónica
Gómez Laura
Yela González Margarita
Piters Ankie
Remmers Julia
Wang Yang
Wagner Thomas
Wang Shanshan
Saiz-Lopez Alfonso
García-Nieto David
Cuevas Carlos A
Benavent Nuria
Querel Richard
Johnston Paul
Postylyakov Oleg
Borovski Alexander
Elokhov Alexander
Bruchkouski Ilya
Liu Haoran
Liu Cheng
Hong Qianqian
Rivera Claudia
Grutter Michel
Stremme Wolfgang
Khokhar M. Fahim
Khayyam Junaid
Burrows John P
Investigating differences in DOAS retrieval codes using MAD-CAT campaign data
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques
τόμ.10 αρ.3 σ.955-978
Zempila Melina Maria
Taylor Michael
Koukouli Maria Elisavet
Lerot Christophe
Fragkos Konstantinos
Fountoulakis Ilias
Bais Alkiviadis
Balis Dimitrios
van Roozendael Michel
NILU-UV multi-filter radiometer total ozone columns: Comparison with satellite observations over Thessaloniki, Greece
Science of The Total Environment
τόμ.590-591 αρ.C σ.92-106
Zempila Melina-Maria
van Geffen Jos H. G. M
Taylor Michael
Fountoulakis Ilias
Koukouli Maria Elisavet
van Weele Michiel
van der A Ronald J
Bais Alkiviadis
Meleti Charikleia
Balis Dimitrios
TEMIS UV product validation using NILU-UV ground-based measurements in Thessaloniki, Greece
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
τόμ.17 αρ.11 σ.7157-7174
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Fountoulakis Ilias
Bais Alkiviadis
Fragkos Konstantinos
Meleti Charikleia
Tourpali Kleareti
Zempila Melina Maria
Short- and long-term variability of spectral solar UV irradiance at Thessaloniki, Greece: effects of changes in aerosols, total ozone and clouds
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
τόμ.16 αρ.4 σ.2493-2505
Fountoulakis Ilias
Redondas Alberto
Bais Alkiviadis
Rodriguez-Franco Juan José
Fragkos Konstantinos
Cede Alexander
Dead time effect on the Brewer measurements: correction and estimated uncertainties
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques
τόμ.9 αρ.4 σ.1799-1816
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Bais Alkiviadis
McKenzie R. L
Bernhard G
Aucamp P. J
Ilyas M
Madronich S
Tourpali Kleareti
Ozone depletion and climate change: impacts on UV radiation
Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences
τόμ.14 αρ.1 σ.19-52
Fountoulakis I
Bais Alkiviadis
Projected changes in erythemal and vitamin D effective irradiance over northern-hemisphere high latitudes
Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences
τόμ.14 αρ.7 σ.1251-1264
Fragkos K
Bais Alkiviadis
Fountoulakis I
Balis Dimitrios
Tourpali Kleareti
Meleti Charikleia
Zanis Prodromos
Extreme total column ozone events and effects on UV solar radiation at Thessaloniki, Greece
Theoretical and Applied Climatology
Fragkos Konstantinos
Bais Alkiviadis
Meleti Charikleia
Koukouli Maria-Elissavet
The Effect of Three Different Absorption Cross-Sections and their Temperature Dependence on Total Ozone Measured by a Mid-Latitude Brewer Spectrophotometer
Nikitidou E
Kazantzidis A
Tzoumanikas P
Salamalikis V
Bais Alkiviadis
Retrieval of surface solar irradiance, based on satellite-derived cloud information, in Greece
Voskrebenzev A
Riechelmann S
Bais Alkiviadis
Slaper H
Seckmeyer G
Estimating probability distributions of solar irradiance
Theoretical & Applied Climatology
τόμ.119 αρ.3 σ.465–479
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Fountoulakis Ilias
Bais Alkiviadis
Tourpali Kleareti
Fragkos Konstantinos
Misios Stergios
Projected changes in solar UV radiation in the Arctic and sub-Arctic Oceans: Effects from changes in reflectivity, ice transmittance, clouds, and ozone
Journal of Geophysical Research - Part B - Solid Earth
τόμ.119 αρ.13 σ.8073-8090
Kreuter A
Buras R
Mayer B
Webb A
Kift R
Bais Alkiviadis
Kouremeti N
Blumthaler M
Solar irradiance in the heterogeneous albedo environment of the Arctic coast: Measurements and a 3-D model study
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
Vol. 14 σ. 5989-6002
Williamson Craig E
Zepp Richard G
Lucas Robyn M
Madronich Sasha
Austin Amy T
Ballaré Carlos L
Norval Mary
Sulzberger Barbara
Bais Alkiviadis
McKenzie Richard L
Robinson Sharon A
Häder Donat-P
Paul Nigel D
Bornman Janet F
Solar ultraviolet radiation in a changing climate
Nature Climate Change
τόμ.4 αρ.6 σ.434-441
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Aggelis D
Zanis Prodromos
Zerefos Christos
Bais Alkiviadis
Nastos P. T
Mapping of Surface Ozone Seasonality and Trends Across Europe During 1997-2006 Through Kriging Interpolation to Observational Data
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution
Springer Netherlands
τόμ.224 αρ.4 σ.1-19
Benas N
Mourtzanou E
Kouvarakis G
Bais Alkiviadis
Mihalopoulos N
Vardavas I
Surface ozone photolysis rate trends in the Eastern Mediterranean: Modeling the effects of aerosols and total column ozone based on Terra MODIS data
Atmospheric Environment
τόμ.74 αρ.0 σ.1-9
Lindfors A. V
Kouremeti N
Arola A
Kazadzis S
Bais Alkiviadis
Laaksonen A
Effective aerosol optical depth from pyranometer measurements of surface solar radiation (global radiation) at Thessaloniki, Greece
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
Copernicus Publications
τόμ.13 αρ.7 σ.3733-3741
van Dijk Arjan
Slaper Harry
den Outer Peter N
Morgenstern Olaf
Braesicke Peter
Pyle John A
Garny Hella
Stenke Andrea
Dameris Martin
Kazantzidis Andreas
Tourpali Kleareti
Bais Alkiviadis
Skin cancer risks avoided by the Montreal Protocol – worldwide modelling integrating coupled climate-chemistry models with a risk model for UV
Photochemistry and Photobiology
Published Version
τόμ.89 αρ.1 σ.234-246
Άρθρο σε Πρακτικά Συνεδρίου
Kouremeti N
Bais Alkiviadis
Balis Dimitrios
Zyrichidou I
Phaethon: A System for the Validation of Satellite Derived Atmospheric Columns of Trace Gases
Advances in Meteorology, Climatology and Atmospheric Physics
(Eds) Helmis, Costas G. and Nastos, Panagiotis T
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Andrady A. L
Aucamp P. J
Austin A. T
Bais Alkiviadis
Ballare C. L
Bjorn L. O
Bornman J. F
Caldwell M
Cullen A. P
Erickson D. J
de Gruijl F. R
Hader D. P
Helbling W
Ilyas M
Longstreth J
Lucas R
McKenzie R. L
Madronich S
Norval M
Paul N. D
Redhwi H. H
Robinson S
Shao M
Solomon K. R
Sulzberger B
Takizawa Y
Tang X. Y
Torikai A
van der Leun J. C
Williamson C. E
Wilson S. R
Worrest R. C
Zepp R. G
Environmental effects of ozone depletion and its interactions with climate change: progress report, 2011 United Nations Environment Programme, Environmental Effects Assessment Panel
Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences
τόμ.11 αρ.1 σ.13-27
Bais Alkiviadis
Drosoglou Theano
Meleti Charikleia
Tourpali Kleareti
Kouremeti Natalia
Changes in surface shortwave solar irradiance from 1993 to 2011 at Thessaloniki (Greece)
International Journal of Climatology
τόμ.33 αρ.13 σ.2871–2876
den Outer P. N
van Dijk A
Slaper H
Lindfors A. V
De Backer H
Bais Alkiviadis
Feister U
Koskela T
Josefsson W
Applying spaceborne reflectivity measurements for calculation of the solar ultraviolet radiation at ground level
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques
τόμ.5 αρ.12 σ.3041-3054
Kazantzidis A
Tzoumanikas P
Bais Alkiviadis
Fotopoulos S
Economou G
Cloud detection and classification with the use of whole-sky ground-based images
Atmospheric Research
τόμ.113 αρ.0 σ.80-88
Άρθρο σε Πρακτικά Συνεδρίου
Aggelis D
Zanis Prodromos
Zerefos Christos
Bais Alkiviadis
Nastos P. T
Surface ozone spatial distribution and trends over Europe during 1997-2006
11th International Conference of Meteorology, Climatology and Atmospheric Physics
(eds) Helmis, Costas G. and Nastos, Panagiotis
Athens, Greece
Amiridis V
Marinou E
Kazadzis S
Gerasopoulos E
Mamouri R. E
Kokkalis P
Papayannis A
Kouremeti N
Giannakaki E
Liakakou E
Paraskevopoulou D
Gratsea M
Kouvarakis G
Allakhverdiev K
Huseyinoglu F
Secgin A
Balis Dimitrios
Bais Alkiviadis
Mihalopoulos N
Daglis I. A
Zerefos Christos
Evaluation of CALIPSO’s aerosol classification scheme during the ACEMED experimental campaign over Greece: the case study of 9th of September 2011
11th International Conference of Meteorology, Climatology and Atmospheric Physics
(eds) Helmis, Costas G. and Nastos, Panagiotis
Athens, Greece
Bais Alkiviadis
Kazantzidis Andreas
Zerefos Christos
Melas Dimitrios
Kosmidis Evangelos
Kazadzis Stelios
Nikitidou E
Giannaros Theodoros M
Zempila Melina M
Fragkos Konstantinos
Salamalikis Vassilis
Hellenic Network for Solar Energy
11th International Conference of Meteorology, Climatology and Atmospheric Physics
(Eds.) Helmis, Costas G. and Nastos, Panagiotis
Athens, Greece
Bais Alkiviadis
Kazantzidis A
Tzoumanikas P
Nikitidou E
Giannaros Th
Melas Dimitrios
Meleti Charikleia
Kambezidis H
Salamalikis V
Estimation of solar irradiance from satellite data and numerical weather predictions at Thessaloniki, Greece
International Radiation Symposium 2012
Dahlem Cube, Berlin, Germany
Bais Alkiviadis
Drosoglou Th
Meleti Charikleia
Kouremeti N
Changes in total solar irradiance measured at Thessaloniki, Greece since 1993 associated with changes in aerosols
11th International Conference of Meteorology, Climatology and Atmospheric Physics
(eds) Helmis, Costas G. and Nastos, Panagiotis
Athens, Greece
τόμ.VIII σ.1260
Fragkos K
Bais Alkiviadis
Meleti Charikleia
Balis Dimitrios
Koukouli M
Influence of variations in temperature and ozone profiles on Brewer total ozone measurements at Thessaloniki
Quadrennial Ozone Symposium
Toronto, Canada
International Ozone Commission
Fragkos K
Bais Alkiviadis
Meleti Charikleia
Effect of atmospheric temperature variations on total ozone measured with a Brewer MKII spectrophotometer at Thessaloniki
11th International Conference of Meteorology, Climatology and Atmospheric Physics
(eds) Helmis, Costas G. and Nastos, Panagiotis
Athens, Greece
Heikkilä A
Koskela T
Lakkala K
Kärhä P
Syrjälä S
Lemmetyinen H
Feister U
Kouremeti N
Bais Alkiviadis
Kazadzis S
Vilaplana J. M
Rodriguez J. J
Guirado C
Cuevas E
New approaches in assessment of solar UV exposure ageing materials
EGU General Assembly 2012
Vienna, Austria
Kazadzis S
Kouremeti N
Gkikas A
Arola A
Ialongo I
Bais Alkiviadis
Sianou-Linardi Anna
Koskela T
Janouch M
Villaplana J. M
Solar UV irradiance calculations with the use of satellite-based cloud, ozone and aerosol retrievals
International Radiation Symposium 2012
Dahlem Cube, Berlin, Germany
Kazantzidis A
Nikitidou E
Bais Alkiviadis
Estimation of the cloud modification factor from satellite and ground data at Thessaloniki, Greece
11th International Conference of Meteorology, Climatology and Atmospheric Physics
(eds) Helmis, Costas G. and Nastos, Panagiotis
Athens, Greece
Kreuter A
Blumthaler M
Webb A. R
Bais Alkiviadis
Kift R
Kouremeti N
Effects of albedo on solar irradiance
11th International Conference of Meteorology, Climatology and Atmospheric Physics
(eds) Helmis, Costas G. and Nastos, Panagiotis
Athens, Greece
Lindfors A. V
Arola A
Kazadzis S
Kouremeti N
Bais Alkiviadis
Effective aerosol optical depth from pyranometer measurements of global solar radiation at Thessaloniki, Greece
International Radiation Symposium 2012
Dahlem Cube, Berlin, Germany
Meleti Charikleia
Fragkos K
Bais Alkiviadis
Tourpali Kleareti
Balis Dimitrios
Zerefos Christos
Thirty years of total ozone measurements at Thessaloniki with a MKII Brewer spectrophotometer
Quadrennial Ozone Symposium
Toronto, Canada
International Ozone Commission
Tzoumanikas P
Kazantzidis A
Bais Alkiviadis
Fotopoulos S
Economou G
Cloud detection and classification with the use of whole-sky ground‐based images
11th International Conference of Meteorology, Climatology and Atmospheric Physics
(eds) Helmis, Costas G. and Nastos, Panagiotis
Athens, Greece
Zempila M. M
Bais Alkiviadis
Kouremeti N
Calibrating the NILU-UV multi‐channel radiometers at Thessaloniki
11th International Conference of Meteorology, Climatology and Atmospheric Physics
(eds) Helmis, Costas G. and Nastos, Panagiotis
Athens, Greece
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Actis M
Agnetta G
Aharonian F
Akhperjanian A
Aleksić J
Aliu E
Allan D
Allekotte I
Antico F
Antonelli L. A
Antoranz P
Aravantinos A
Arlen T
Arnaldi H
Artmann S
Asano K
Asorey H
Bähr J
Bais Alkiviadis
Baixeras C
Bajtlik S
Balis Dimitrios
Bamba A
Barbier C
Barceló M
Barnacka A
Barnstedt J
de Almeida U. B
Barrio J. A
Basso S
Bastieri D
Bauer C
Becerra J
Becherini Y
Bechtol K
Becker J
Beckmann V
Bednarek W
Behera B
Beilicke M
Belluso M
Benallou M
Benbow W
Berdugo J
Berger K
Bernardino T
Bernlöhr K
Biland A
Billotta S
Bird T
Birsin E
Bissaldi E
Blake S
Blanch O
Bobkov A. A
Bogacz L
Bogdan M
Boisson C
Boix J
Bolmont J
Bonanno G
Bonardi A
Bonev T
Borkowski J
Botner O
Bottani A
Bourgeat M
Boutonnet C
Bouvier A
Brau-Nogué S
Braun I
Bretz T
Briggs M. S
Brun P
Brunetti L
Buckley J. H
Bugaev V
Bühler R
Bulik T
Busetto G
Buson S
Byrum K
Cailles M
Cameron R
Canestrari R
Cantu S
Carmona E
Carosi A
Carr J
Carton P. H
Casiraghi M
Castarede H
Catalano O
Cavazzani S
Cazaux S
Cerruti B
Cerruti M
Chadwick P. M
Chiang J
Chikawa M
Cieślar M
Ciesielska M
Cillis A
Clerc C
Colin P
Colomé J
Compin M
Conconi P
Connaughton V
Conrad J
Contreras J. L
Coppi P
Corlier M
Corona P
Corpace O
Corti D
Cortina J
Costantini H
Cotter G
Courty B
Couturier S
Covino S
Croston J
Cusumano G
Daniel M. K
Dazzi F
Angelis A. D
de Cea del Pozo E
de Gouveia Dal Pino E. M
de Jager O
de la Calle P.rez I
de la Vega G
de Lotto B
de Naurois M
de O.a Wilhelmi E
de Souza V
Decerprit B
Deil C
Delagnes E
Deleglise G
Delgado C
Dettlaff T
Di Paolo A
Di Pierro F
Díaz C
Dick J
Dickinson H
Digel S. W
Dimitrov D
Disset G
Djannati-Ataï A
Doert M
Domainko W
Dorner D
Doro M
Dournaux J. L
Dravins D
Drury L
Dubois F
Dubois R
Dubus G
Dufour C
Durand D
Dyks J
Dyrda M
Edy E
Egberts K
Eleftheriadis Christos
Elles S
Emmanoulopoulos D
Enomoto R
Ernenwein J. P
Errando M
Etchegoyen A
Falcone A. D
Farakos K
Farnier C
Federici S
Feinstein F
Ferenc D
Fillin-Martino E
Fink D
Finley C
Finley J. P
Firpo R
Florin D
Föhr C
Fokitis E
Font L
Fontaine G
Fontana A
Förster A
Fortson L
Fouque N
Fransson C
Fraser G. W
Fresnillo L
Fruck C
Fujita Y
Fukazawa Y
Funk S
Gäbele W
Gabici S
Gadola A
Galante N
Gallant Y
García B
López R. J. G
Garrido D
Garrido L
Gascón D
Gasq C
Gaug M
Gaweda J
Geffroy N
Ghag C
Ghedina A
Ghigo M
Gianakaki E
Giarrusso S
Giavitto G
Giebels B
Giro E
Giubilato P
Glanzman T
Glicenstein J. F
Gochna M
Golev V
Berisso M. G
González A
González F
Grañena F
Graciani R
Granot J
Gredig R
Green A
Greenshaw T
Grimm O
Grube J
Grudzińska M
Grygorczuk J
Guarino V
Guglielmi L
Guilloux F
Gunji S
Gyuk G
Hadasch D
Haefner D
Hagiwara R
Hahn J
Hallgren A
Hara S
Hardcastle M. J
Hassan T
Haubold T
Hauser M
Hayashida M
Heller R
Henri G
Hermann G
Herrero A
Hinton J. A
Hoffmann D
Hofmann W
Hofverberg P
Horns D
Hrupec D
Huan H
Huber B
Huet J. M
Hughes G
Hultquist K
Humensky T. B
Huppert J. F
Ibarra A
Illa J. M
Ingjald J
Inoue Y
Inoue S
Ioka K
Jablonski C
Jacholkowska A
Janiak M
Jean P
Jensen H
Jogler T
Jung I
Kaaret P
Kabuki S
Kakuwa J
Kalkuhl C
Kankanyan R
Kapala M
Karastergiou A
Karczewski M
Karkar S
Karlsson N
Kasperek J
Katagiri H
Katarzyński K
Kawanaka N
Kȩdziora B
Kendziorra E
Khélifi B
Kieda D
Kifune T
Kihm T
Klepser S
Kluźniak W
Knapp J
Knappy A. R
Kneiske T
Knödlseder J
Köck F
Kodani K
Kohri K
Kokkotas Konstantinos
Komin N
Konopelko A
Kosack K
Kossakowski R
Kostka P
Kotuła J
Kowal G
Kozioł J
Krähenbühl T
Krause J
Krawczynski H
Krennrich F
Kretzschmann A
Kubo H
Kudryavtsev V. A
Kushida J
La Barbera N
La Parola V
La Rosa G
López A
Lamanna G
Laporte P
Lavalley C
Le Flour T
Le Padellec A
Lenain J. P
Lessio L
Lieunard B
Lindfors E
Liolios Anastasios
Lohse T
Lombardi S
Lopatin A
Lorenz E
Lubiński P
Luz O
Lyard E
Maccarone M. C
Maccarrone T
Maier G
Majumdar P
Maltezos S
Małkiewicz P
Mañá C
Manalaysay A
Maneva G
Mangano A
Manigot P
Marín J
Mariotti M
Markoff S
Martínez G
Martínez M
Mastichiadis A
Matsumoto H
Mattiazzo S
Mazin D
McComb T. J. L
McCubbin N
McHardy I
Medina C
Melkumyan D
Mendes A
Mertsch P
Meucci M
Michałowski J
Micolon P
Mineo T
Mirabal N
Mirabel F
Miranda J. M
Mirzoyan R
Mizuno T
Moal B
Moderski R
Molinari E
Monteiro I
Moralejo A
Morello C
Mori K
Motta G
Mottez F
Moulin E
Mukherjee R
Munar P
Muraishi H
Murase K
Murphy A. S
Nagataki S
Naito T
Nakamori T
Nakayama K
Naumann C
Naumann D
Nayman P
Nedbal D
Niedźwiecki A
Niemiec J
Nikolaidis Argyrios
Nishijima K
Nolan S. J
Nowak N
O'Brien P. T
Ochoa I
Ohira Y
Ohishi M
Ohka H
Okumura A
Olivetto C
Ong R. A
Orito R
Orr M
Osborne J. P
Ostrowski M
Otero L
Otte A. N
Ovcharov E
Oya I
Oziȩbło A
Paiano S
Pallota J
Panazol J. L
Paneque D
Panter M
Paoletti R
Papyan G
Paredes J. M
Pareschi G
Parsons R. D
Arribas M. P
Pedaletti G
Pepato A
Persic M
Petrucci P. O
Peyaud B
Piechocki W
Pita S
Pivato G
Płatos Ł
Platzer R
Pogosyan L
Pohl M
Pojmański G
Ponz J. D
Potter W
Prandini E
Preece R
Prokoph H
Pühlhofer G
Punch M
Quel E
Quirrenbach A
Rajda P
Rando R
Rataj M
Raue M
Reimann C
Reimann O
Reimer A
Reimer O
Renaud M
Renner S
Reymond J. M
Rhode W
Ribó M
Ribordy M
Rico J
Rieger F
Ringegni P
Ripken J
Ristori P
Rivoire S
Rob L
Rodriguez S
Roeser U
Romano P
Romero G. E
Rosier-Lees S
Rovero A. C
Roy F
Royer S
Rudak B
Rulten C. B
Ruppel J
Russo F
Ryde F
Sacco B
Saggion A
Sahakian V
Saito K
Saito T
Sakaki N
Salazar E
Salini A
Sánchez F
Conde M. Á. S
Santangelo A
Santos E. M
Sanuy A
Sapozhnikov L
Sarkar S
Scalzotto V
Scapin V
Scarcioffolo M
Schanz T
Schlenstedt S
Schlickeiser R
Schmidt T
Schmoll J
Schroedter M
Schultz C
Schultze J
Schulz A
Schwanke U
Schwarzburg S
Schweizer T
Seiradakis Ioannis-Hugh
Selmane S
Seweryn K
Shayduk M
Shellard R. C
Shibata T
Sikora M
Silk J
Sillanpää A
Sitarek J
Skole C
Smith N
Sobczyńska D
Haro M. S
Sol H
Spanier F
Spiga D
Spyrou S
Stamatescu V
Stamerra A
Starling R. L. C
Stawarz Ł
Steenkamp R
Stegmann C
Steiner S
Stergioulas Nikolaos
Sternberger R
Stinzing F
Stodulski M
Straumann U
Suárez A
Suchenek M
Sugawara R
Sulanke K. H
Sun S
Supanitsky A. D
Sutcliffe P
Szanecki M
Szepieniec T
Szostek A
Szymkowiak A
Tagliaferri G
Tajima H
Takahashi H
Takahashi K
Takalo L
Takami H
Talbot R. G
Tam P. H
Tanaka M
Tanimori T
Tavani M
Tavernet J. P
Tchernin C
Tejedor L. A
Telezhinsky I
Temnikov P
Tenzer C
Terada Y
Terrier R
Teshima M
Testa V
Tibaldo L
Tibolla O
Tluczykont M
Peixoto C. J. T
Tokanai F
Tokarz M
Toma K
Torres D. F
Tosti G
Totani T
Toussenel F
Vallania P
Vallejo G
van der Walt J
van Eldik C
Vandenbroucke J
Vankov H
Vasileiadis G
Vassiliev V. V
Vegas I
Venter L
Vercellone S
Veyssiere C
Vialle J. P
Videla M
Vincent P
Vink J
Vlahakis N
Vlachos Loukas
Vogler P
Vollhardt A
Volpe F
von Gunten H. P
Vorobiov S
Wagner S
Wagner R. M
Wagner B
Wakely S. P
Walter P
Walter R
Warwick R
Wawer P
Wawrzaszek R
Webb N
Wegner P
Weinstein A
Weitzel Q
Welsing R
Wetteskind H
White R
Wierzcholska A
Wilkinson M. I
Williams D. A
Winde M
Wischnewski R
Wiśniewski Ł
Wolczko A
Wood M
Xiong Q
Yamamoto T
Yamaoka K
Yamazaki R
Yanagita S
Yoffo B
Yonetani M
Yoshida A
Yoshida T
Yoshikoshi T
Zabalza V
Zagdański A
Zajczyk A
Zdziarski A
Zech A
Ziȩtara K
Ziółkowski P
Zitelli V
Zychowski P
Design concepts for the Cherenkov Telescope Array CTA: An advanced facility for ground-based high-energy gamma-ray astronomy
Experimental Astronomy
τόμ.32 αρ.3 σ.193-316
Bais Alkiviadis
Tourpali Kleareti
Kazantzidis A
Akiyoshi H
Bekki S
Braesicke P
Chipperfield M. P
Dameris M
Eyring V
Garny H
Iachetti D
Jöckel P
Kubin A
Langematz U
Mancini E
Michou M
Morgenstern O
Nakamura T
Newman P. A
Pitari G
Plummer D. A
Rozanov E
Shepherd T. G
Shibata K
Tian W
Yamashita Y
Projections of UV radiation changes in the 21st century: impact of ozone recovery and cloud effects
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
Copernicus Publications
τόμ.11 αρ.15 σ.7533-7545
McKenzie R. L
Aucamp P. J
Bais Alkiviadis
Bjorn L. O
Ilyas M
Madronich S
Ozone depletion and climate change: impacts on UV radiation
Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences
τόμ.10 αρ.2 σ.182-198
Άρθρο σε Πρακτικά Συνεδρίου
Bais Alkiviadis
Fragkos K
Tourpali Kleareti
Kazantzidis A
Langematz U
Rozanov E
Shepherd T. G
Kubin A
Projections of springtime surface UV-B radiation over southern high latitudes using ozone and clouds derived from chemistry-climate models
EGU General Assembly 2011
Vienna, Austria
Bais Alkiviadis
Variations of UV radiation in the 21st century due to ozone and climate changes
14th Congress of the European Society for Photobiology
Geneva, Switzerland
Blumthaler M
Mayer B
Buras R
Webb A. R
Bais Alkiviadis
Kreuter A
Kift R
Kouremeti N
Case study about 3D-albedo effects on solar irradiance
The XXV IUGG General Assembly, Earth on the Edge: Science for a Sustainable Planet
Melbourne, Australia
Tzoumanikas P
Kazantzidis A
Fotopoulos S
Economou G
Bais Alkiviadis
Cloud detection and properties with whole sky images
10th European Conference on Applications of Meteorology (ECAM)
Berlin, Germany
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Balis Dimitrios
Giannakaki E
Muller D
Amiridis V
Kelektsoglou K
Rapsomanikis S
Bais Alkiviadis
Estimation of the microphysical aerosol properties over Thessaloniki, Greece, during the SCOUT-O(3) campaign with the synergy of Raman lidar and Sun photometer data
Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres
Kazantzidis A
Tourpali Kleareti
Bais Alkiviadis
Variability of cloud-free ultraviolet dose rates on global scale due to modeled scenarios of future ozone recovery
Photochemistry and Photobiology
τόμ.86 αρ.1 σ.117-122
Koukouli M. E
Kazadzis S
Amiridis V
Ichoku C
Balis Dimitrios
Bais Alkiviadis
Signs of a negative trend in the MODIS aerosol optical depth over the Southern Balkans
Atmospheric Environment
τόμ.44 αρ.9 σ.1219-1228
Lee D. S
Pitari G
Grewe V
Gierens K
Penner J. E
Petzold A
Prather M. J
Schumann U
Bais Alkiviadis
Berntsen T
Iachetti D
Lim L. L
Sausen R
Transport impacts on atmosphere and climate: Aviation
Atmospheric Environment
τόμ.44 αρ.37 σ.4678-4734
Άρθρο σε Πρακτικά Συνεδρίου
Andrady A
Aucamp P. J
Bais Alkiviadis
Ballare C. L
Bjorn L. O
Bornman J. F
Caldwell M
Cullen A. P
Erickson D. J
de Gruijl F. R
Hader D. P
Ilyas M
Kulandaivelu G
Kumar H. D
Longstreth J
McKenzie R. L
Norval M
Paul N
Redhwi H. H
Smith R. C
Solomon K. R
Sulzberger B
Takizawa Y
Tang X. Y
Teramura A. H
Torikai A
van der Leun J. C
Wilson S. R
Worrest R. C
Zepp R. G
Environmental effects of ozone depletion and its interactions with climate change: progress report, 2009
Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences
τόμ.9 αρ.3 σ.275-294
Balis Dimitrios
Giannakaki Elina
Katragkou Eleni
Wiegner Matthias
Markakis Kostas
Giannaros Theodoros
Amiridis Vassilis
Bais Alkiviadis
Study of the aerosol load at an urban and a nearby suburban site using lidar, sunphotometer measurements and model pm10 estimates
25th International Laser Radar Conference
St. Petersburg, Russia
Balis Dimitrios
Giannakaki E
Müller D
Amiridis V
Bais Alkiviadis
Estimation of the microphysical aerosol properties over thessaloniki, greece, during the SCOUT-O3 campaign with the synergy of raman lidar and sunphotometer data
10th International Conference on Meteorology, Climatology and Atmospheric Physics
Patras, Greece
den Outer P. N
Slaper H
Kaurola J
Lindfors A
Kazantzidis A
Bais Alkiviadis
Feister U
Junk J
Janouch M
Josefsson W
Reconstructing of erythemal ultraviolet radiation levels in Europe for the past four decades
Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres
τόμ.115 σ.D10102
Kazantzidis Α
Nikitidou E
Verdebout J
Bais Alkiviadis
Satellite estimation of the cloud modification factor on solar irradiance over Greece
10th International Conference on Meteorology, Climatology and Atmospheric Physics
Patras, Greece
Kazantzidis Α
Meleti Charikleia
Anthis A
Bais Alkiviadis
Reconstruction of UV erythemal dose at Thessaloniki, Greece, using measurements of total ozone and sunshine duration
10th International Conference on Meteorology, Climatology and Atmospheric Physics
Patras, Greece
Tourpali Kleareti
Bais Alkiviadis
Kazantzidis A
Projections of surface UV in the course of the 21st century
10th International Conference on Meteorology, Climatology and Atmospheric Physics
Patras, Greece
Zempila M. M
Meleti Charikleia
Bais Alkiviadis
Kazantzidis A
Climatology of Erythemally and Vitamin D Weighted Irradiance at Thessaloniki from a NILU-UV Multi-filter Radiometer and a YES UVB-1 Radiometer
XIX Congress of the Carpathian Balkan Geological Association
Thessaloniki, Greece
Zempila M. M
Kazantzidis A
Bais Alkiviadis
Kazadzis S
Den Outer P. N
Koskela T
Slaper H
Calculations of the Human Vitamin D Exposure from UV Spectral Measurements at Three European Stations
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference of the Balkan Physical Union (Vols 1 and 2)
Alexandroupolis, Greece
τόμ.1203 σ.795-800
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Georgoulias A. K
Balis Dimitrios
Koukouli M. E
Meleti Charikleia
Bais Alkiviadis
Zerefos Christos
A study of the total atmospheric sulfur dioxide load using ground-based measurements and the satellite derived Sulfur Dioxide Index
Atmospheric Environment
τόμ.43 αρ.9 σ.1693-1701
Kazadzis S
Kouremeti N
Bais Alkiviadis
Kazantzidis A
Meleti Charikleia
Aerosol forcing efficiency in the UVA region from spectral solar irradiance measurements at an urban environment
Annales Geophysicae
τόμ.27 αρ.6 σ.2515-2522
Kazadzis S
Bais Alkiviadis
Balis Dimitrios
Kouremeti N
Zempila M
Arola A
Giannakaki E
Amiridis V
Kazantzidis A
Spatial and temporal UV irradiance and aerosol variability within the area of an OMI satellite pixel
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
τόμ.9 αρ.14 σ.4593-4601
Kazadzis S
Bais Alkiviadis
Arola A
Krotkov N
Kouremeti N
Meleti Charikleia
Ozone monitoring instrument spectral UV irradiance products: Comparison with ground based measurements at an urban environment
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
τόμ.9 αρ.2 σ.585-594
Kazantzidis A
Bais Alkiviadis
Zempila M. M
Meleti Charikleia
Eleftheratos K
Zerefos Christos
Evaluation of ozone column measurements over Greece with NILU-UV multi-channel radiometers
International Journal of Remote Sensing
τόμ.30 αρ.15-16 σ.4273-4281
Kazantzidis A
Bais Alkiviadis
Zempila M. M
Kazadzis S
Den Outer P. N
Koskela T
Slaper H
Calculations of the human vitamin D exposure from UV spectral measurements at three European stations
Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences
τόμ.8 αρ.1 σ.45-51
Meleti Charikleia
Bais Alkiviadis
Kazadzis S
Kouremeti N
Gkarane Aikaterini
Zerefos Christos
Factors affecting solar ultraviolet irradiance measured since 1990 at Thessaloniki, Greece
International Journal of Remote Sensing
τόμ.30 αρ.15-16 σ.4167-4179
Pissulla D
Seckmeyer G
Cordero R. R
Blumthaler M
Schallhart B
Webb A
Kift R
Smedley A
Bais Alkiviadis
Kouremeti N
Cede A
Herman J
Kowalewskig M
Comparison of atmospheric spectral radiance measurements from five independently calibrated systems
Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences
τόμ.8 αρ.4 σ.516-527
Tourpali Kleareti
Bais Alkiviadis
Kazantzidis A
Zerefos Christos
Akiyoshi H
Austin J
Brühl C
Butchart N
Chipperfield M. P
Dameris M
Deushi M
Eyring V
Giorgetta M. A
Kinnison D. E
Mancini E
Marsh D. R
Nagashima T
Pitari G
Plummer D. A
Rozanov E
Shibata K
Tian W
Clear sky UV simulations for the 21st century based on ozone and temperature projections from Chemistry-Climate Models
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
τόμ.9 αρ.4 σ.1165-1172
Zerefos Christos
Eleftheratos K
Meleti Charikleia
Kazadzis S
Romanou A
Ichoku C
Tselioudis G
Bais Alkiviadis
Solar dimming and brightening over Thessaloniki, Greece, and Beijing, China
Tellus, Series B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology
τόμ.61 αρ.4 σ.657-665
Άρθρο σε Πρακτικά Συνεδρίου
Andrady A
Aucamp P. J
Bais Alkiviadis
Ballare C. L
Bjoern L. O
Bornman J. F
Caldwell M
Cullen A. P
Erickson D. J
de Gruijl F. R
Haeder D. P
Ilyas M
Kulandaivelu G
Kumar H. D
Longstreth J
McKenzie R. L
Norval M
Paul N
Redhwi H. H
Smith R. C
Solomon K. R
Sulzberger B
Takizawa Y
Tang X. Y
Teramura A. H
Torikai A
van der Leun J. C
Wilson S. R
Worrest R. C
Zepp R. G
Environmental effects of ozone depletion and its interactions with climate change: Progress report, 2008
Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences
τόμ.8 αρ.1 σ.13-22
Arola A
Kazadzis S
Lindfors A
Krotkov N
Kujanpää J
Tamminen J
Bais Alkiviadis
di Sarra A
Villaplana J. M
Brogniez C
Sianou-Linardi Anna
Janouch M
Weihs P
Webb A
Koskela T
Kouremeti N
Meloni D
Buchard V
Auriol F
Ialongo I
Staneck M
Simic S
Smedley A
Kinne S
A new approach to correct for absorbing aerosols in OMI UV
Geophysical Research Letters
τόμ.36 αρ.22 σ.L22805, doi:1029/2009GL041137
Arola A
Kazadzis S
Kujanpaa J
Lindfors A
Bais Alkiviadis
Webb A
Weihs P
di Sarra A
Koskela T
Janousch M
Vilaplana J. M
Sianou-Linardi Anna
Brogniez C
Ozone monitoring instrument satellite UV irradiance product correction using a global aerosol climatology
Proceedings Volume 7462, Ultraviolet and Visible Ground- and Space-based Measurements, Trace Gases, Aerosols and Effects VI; 74620D (2009)
San Diego, CA, USA
Heikkila A
Kazadzis S
Tolonen-Kivimaki O
Meinander O
Lindfors A
Lakkala K
Koskela T
Kaurola J
Sormanen A
Karha P
Naula-Iltanen A
Syrjala S
Kaunismaa M
Juhola J
Ture T
Feister U
Kouremeti N
Bais Alkiviadis
Vilaplana J. M
Rodriguez J. J
Guirado C
Cuevas E
Koskinen J
Effects of terrestrial UV radiation on selected outdoor materials: an interdisciplinary approach
Proceedings Volume 7462, Ultraviolet and Visible Ground- and Space-based Measurements, Trace Gases, Aerosols and Effects VI; 74620G (2009)
San Diego, CA, USA
τόμ.7462 σ.74620G-9
Kazantzidis A
Krotkov N
Blumthaler M
Bais Alkiviadis
Kazadzis S
Balis Dimitrios
Schmidhauser R
Kouremeti N
Giannakaki E
Arola A
Aerosol single scattering albedo retrieval with various techniques in the UV and visible wavelength range
Proceedings SPIE
(eds) J. R. Herman, and W. Gao
San Diego, CA, USA
Lindfors A
Tanskanen A
Arola A
van der A. R
Bais Alkiviadis
Feister U
Janouch M
Josefsson W
Koskela T
Lakkala K
den Outer P. N
Smedley A. R. D
Slaper H
Webb A. R
The PROMOTE UV Record: toward a global satellite-based climatology of surface ultraviolet irradiance
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing
τόμ.2 αρ.3 σ.207-212
Seckmeyer G
Smolskaia I
Pissulla D
Bais Alkiviadis
Tourpali Kleareti
Meleti Charikleia
Zerefos Christos
Solar UV: Measurements and Trends
Proceedings of the Symposium for the 20th Anniversary of the Montreal Protocol
(Eds) Zerefos Christos, Contopoulos G., Skalkeas Gregory
Athens, Greece
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Feister U
Junk J
Woldt M
Bais Alkiviadis
Helbig A
Janouch M
Josefsson W
Kazantzidis A
Lindfors A
Den Outer P. N
Slaper H
Long-term solar UV radiation reconstructed by ANN modelling with emphasis on spatial characteristics of input data
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
τόμ.8 αρ.12 σ.3107-3118
Gerasopoulos E
Zerefos Christos
Tsagouri I
Founda D
Amiridis V
Bais Alkiviadis
Belehaki A
Christou N
Economou G
Kanakidou M
Karamanos A
Petrakis M
Zanis Prodromos
The total solar eclipse of March 2006: Overview
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
τόμ.8 αρ.17 σ.5205-5220
Hülsen G
Gröbner J
Bais Alkiviadis
Blumthaler M
Disterhoft P
Johnsen B
Lantz K. O
Meleti Charikleia
Schreder J
Vilaplana Guerrero J. M
Ylianttila L
Intercomparison of erythemal broadband radiometers calibrated by seven UV calibration facilities in Europe and the USA
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
τόμ.8 αρ.16 σ.4865-4875
Kouremeti N
Bais Alkiviadis
Kazadzis S
Blumthaler M
Schmitt R
Charge-coupled device spectrograph for direct solar irradiance and sky radiance measurements
Applied Optics
τόμ.47 αρ.10 σ.1594-1607
Seckmeyer G
Pissulla D
Glandorf M
Henriques D
Johnsen B
Webb A
Sianou-Linardi Anna
Bais Alkiviadis
Kjeldstad B
Brogniez C
Lenoble J
Gardiner B
Kirsch P
Koskela T
Kaurola J
Uhlmann B
Slaper H
den Outer P
Janouch M
Werle P
Grobner J
Mayer B
de la Casiniere A
Simic S
Carvalho F
Variability of UV irradiance in Europe
Photochemistry and Photobiology
τόμ.84 αρ.1 σ.172-179
Seckmeyer G
Glandorf M
Wichers C
McKenzie R
Henriques D
Carvalho F
Webb A
Sianou-Linardi Anna
Bais Alkiviadis
Kjeldstad B
Brogniez C
Werle P
Koskela T
Lakkala K
Gröbner J
Slaper H
Den Outer P
Feister U
Europe's darker atmosphere in the UV-B
Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences
τόμ.7 αρ.8 σ.925-930
Staiger H
Den Outer P. N
Bais Alkiviadis
Feister U
Johnsen B
Vuilleumier L
Hourly resolved cloud modification factors in the ultraviolet
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions
τόμ.8 αρ.1 σ.181-214
Thiel S
Ammannato L
Bais Alkiviadis
Bandy B
Blumthaler M
Bohn B
Engelsen O
Gobbi G. P
Grobner J
Jakel E
Junkermann W
Kazantzis Stylianos
Kift R
Kjeldstad B
Kouremeti N
Kylling A
Mayer B
Monks P. S
Reeves C. E
Schallhart B
Scheirer R
Schmidt S
Schmitt R
Schreder J
Silbernagl R
Topaloglou Chrysanthi
Thorseth T. M
Webb A. R
Wendisch M
Werle P
Influence of clouds on the spectral actinic flux density in the lower troposphere (INSPECTRO): overview of the field campaigns
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
τόμ.8 αρ.6 σ.1789-1812
Topaloglou Chrysanthi
Mayer B
Kazadzis S
Bais Alkiviadis
Blumthaler M
Estimation of photolysis frequencies from TOMS satellite measurements and routine meteorological observations
Annales Geophysicae
τόμ.26 αρ.7 σ.1965-1975
Άρθρο σε Πρακτικά Συνεδρίου
Andrady Anthony
Aucamp Pieter J
Bais Alkiviadis
Ballaré Carlos L
Björn Lars Olof
Bornman Janet F
Caldwell Martyn
Callaghan Terry
Cullen Anthony P
Erickson David J
Gruijl Frank R. de
Häder Donat-P
Ilyas Mohammad
Kulandaivelu G
Kumar H. D
Longstreth Janice
McKenzie Richard L
Norval Mary
Redhwi Halim Hamid
Smith Raymond C
Solomon Keith R
Sulzberger Barbara
Takizawa Yukio
Tang Xiaoyan
Teramura Alan H
Torikai Ayako
van der Leun Jan C
Wilson Stephen R
Worrest Robert C
Zepp. Richard G
Environmental effects of ozone depletion and its interactions with climate change: Progress report, 2007
Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences
τόμ.7 σ.15-27
den Outer P
Slaper H
Kaurola J
Lindfors A
Kazantzidis A
Bais Alkiviadis
Feister U
Junk J
Janouch M
Josefsson W
UV history reconstruction using five different models for eight European Sites
Quadrennial Ozone Symposium
(επιμ.) Isaksen, I
Tromsoe, Norway
Giannakaki E
Balis Dimitrios
Mueller D
Amiridis V
Rapsomanikis S
Bais Alkiviadis
Estimates of microphysical properties over Thessaloniki, Greece using a Raman lidar and sunphotometric data
24th International Laser Radar Conference
Boulder, Colorado
Kazantzidis A
Verdebout J
Symeonidis P
Bais Alkiviadis
Zempila M.M
Meleti Charikleia
Satellite-derived surface maps of solar irradiance over Greece: methodology, first results and comparison with ground-based measurements
9th Conference on Meteorology - Climatology and Atmoshperic Physics
(επιμ.) Maheras, P
Thessaloniki, Greece
Kazantzidis A
Meleti Charikleia
Zebila M.M
Bais Alkiviadis
Zerefos Christos
Eleftheratos K
Evaluation of ozone column measurements with NILU-UV multifilter radiometrs
Quadrennial Ozone Symposium
(επιμ.) Isaksen, I
Tromsoe, Norway
Kazantzis Stylianos
Bais Alkiviadis
Balis Dimitrios
Zebila M.M
Kouremeti Natalia
Kazantzidis Andreas
Giannakaki E
Koukouli M
Meleti Charikleia
Amiridis V
Herman J
Tanskanen A
Validation of OMI-derived UV radiation, total ozone and aerosol properties against ground based measurements
9th Conference on Meteorology, Climatology and Atmospheric Physics
(eds) Maheras P., Zanis P., Anagnostopoulou C., Mavrommatis T., Pytharoulis I
Thessaloniki, Greece
Meleti Charikleia
Bais Alkiviadis
Makrogiannis Timoleon
Solar radiation variability over Thessaloniki and its relation to air quality
9th Conference on Meteorology, Climatology and Atmospheric Physics
(eds) Machairas Panagiotis, Zanis Prodromos, Anagnostopoulos Christos, MavrommatisTheodoros, Pytharoulis Ioannis,
Thessaloniki, Greece
Meleti Charikleia
Gkarane Aikaterini
Kazadzis S
Bais Alkiviadis
Kouremeti N
Zerefos Christos
Long term variability of solar UV irradiance at Thessaloniki
Quadrennial Ozone Symposium
(επιμ.) Isaksen, I
Tromsoe, Norway
Meleti Charikleia
Bais Alkiviadis
Zerefos Christos
The evolution of total ozone and solar UV radiation at Thessaloniki
Quadrennial Ozone Symposium
(επιμ.) Isaksen, I
Tromsoe, Norway
Tourpali Kleareti
Kazadzis S
Bais Alkiviadis
Kazantzidis A
Koukouli M. E
Mayer B
Jockel P
Variability of surface erythemal irradiance calculated from a Chemistry- Climate Model output
Quadrennial Ozone Symposium
(επιμ.) Isaksen, I
Tromsoe, Norway
Γεωργούλιας Α
Κουκουλή Μ. Ε
Αμοιρίδης Β
Meleti Charikleia
Αλεξανδρή Γ
Balis Dimitrios
Bais Alkiviadis
Zerefos Christos
Μελέτη της μεταφοράς του διοξειδίου του θείου πάνω από την πόλη της Θεσσαλονίκης
Πρακτικά, 9ο Συνέδριο Μετεωρολογίας, Κλιματολογίας και Φυσικής της Ατμόσφαιρας
Θεσσαλονίκη - Ελλάδα
σ. 585-592
Καζαντζής Σ
Μπάης Αλκιβιάδης
Μπαλής Δημήτριος
Ζεμπιλά Μ
Κουρεμέτη Ν
Καζαντζίδης Α
Μελέτη Χαρίκλεια
Γιαννακάκη Ε
Κουκουλή Μ. Ε
Αμοιρίδης Β
Herman J
Taskanen A
Aξιολόγηση των μετρήσεων της υπεριώδους ακτινοβολίας, του ολικού όζοντος και των αιωρούμενων σωματίδιων από το όργανο OMI του δορυφόρου AURA από το έδαφος υπό συνθήκες διαφορετικών τύπων αερολυμάτων
Πρακτικά, 9ο Συνέδριο Μετεωρολογίας, Κλιματολογίας και Φυσικής της Ατμόσφαιρας
Θεσσαλονίκη - Ελλάδα
σ. 657-664
Καζαντζίδης Α
Verdebout J
Συμεωνίδης Π
Μπάης Αλκιβιάδης
Ζεμπιλά Μ
Μελέτη Χαρίκλεια
Χαρτογράφηση της ηλιακής ακτινοβολίας στην Ελλάδα με τη χρήση δορυφορικών εκτιμήσεων: Παρουσίαση της μεθοδολογίας, των προκαταρκτικών αποτελεσμάτων και συγκρίσεις με επίγειους σταθμούς
Πρακτικά: 9ο Συνέδριο Μετεωρολογίας, Κλιματολογίας και Φυσικής της Ατμόσφαιρας
Θεσσαλονίκη - Ελλάδα
σ. 665-670
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Andrady A
Aucamp P. J
Bais Alkiviadis
Ballaré C. L
Björn L. O
Bornman J. F
Caldwell M
Cullen A. P
Erickson D. J
De Gruijl F. R
Häder D. P
Ilyas M
Kulandaivelu G
Kumar H. D
Longstreth J
McKenzie R. L
Norval M
Paul N
Redhwi H. H
Smith R. C
Solomon K. R
Sulzberger B
Takizawa Y
Tang X
Teramura A. H
Torikai A
Van Der Leun J. C
Wilson S. R
Worrest R. C
Zepp R. G
Environmental effects of ozone depletion and its interactions with climate change: Progress report, 2007
Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences
τόμ.7 αρ.1 σ.15-27
Andrady A. L
Aucamp P. J
Bais Alkiviadis
Ballaré C. L
Björn L. O
Bornman J. F
Caldwell M. M
Cullen A. P
De Gruijl F. R
Erickson III D. J
Flint S. D
Häder D. P
Hamid H. S
Ilyas M
Kulandaivelu G
Kumar H. D
McKenzie R. L
Longstreth J
Lucas R. M
Noonan F. P
Norval M
Paul N. D
Smith R. C
Solomon K. R
Sulzberger B
Takizawa Y
Tang X
Torikai A
Van Der Leun J. C
Wilson S. R
Worrest R. C
Zepp R. G
Environmental effects of ozone depletion: 2006 Assessment: Interactions of ozone depletion and climate change - Executive summary
Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences
τόμ.6 αρ.3 σ.212-217
Kazadzis S
Bais Alkiviadis
Blumthaler M
Webb A
Kouremeti N
Kift R
Schallhart B
Kazantzidis A
Effects of total solar eclipse of 29 March 2006 on surface radiation
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
τόμ.7 αρ.22 σ.5775-5783
Kazadzis S
Bais Alkiviadis
Amiridis V
Balis Dimitrios
Meleti Charikleia
Kouremeti N
Zerefos Christos
Rapsomanikis S
Petrakakis M
Kelesis A
Tzoumaka P
Kelektsoglou K
Nine years of UV aerosol optical depth measurements at Thessaloniki, Greece
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
τόμ.7 αρ.1 σ.537-567
Kazantzidis A
Bais Alkiviadis
Emde C
Kazadzis S
Zerefos Christos
Attenuation of global ultraviolet and visible irradiance over Greece during the total solar eclipse of 29 March 2006
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
τόμ.7 αρ.23 σ.5959-5969
McKenzie R. L
Aucamp P. J
Bais Alkiviadis
Bjorn L. O
Ilyas M
Changes in biologically-active ultraviolet radiation reaching the Earth's surface
Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences
τόμ.6 αρ.3 σ.218-231
Tanskanen A
Lindfors A
Määttä A
Krotkov N
Herman J
Kaurola J
Koskela T
Lakkala K
Fioletov V
Bernhard G
McKenzie R
Kondo Y
O'Neill M
Slaper H
den Outer P
Bais Alkiviadis
Tamminen J
Validation of daily erythemal doses from Ozone Monitoring Instrument with ground-based UV measurement data
Journal of Geophysical Research D: Atmospheres
τόμ.112 αρ.24
Tourpali Kleareti
Zerefos Christos
Balis Dimitrios
Bais Alkiviadis
The 11-year solar cycle in stratospheric ozone: Comparison between Umkehr and SBUVv8 and effects on surface erythemal irradiance
Journal of Geophysical Research D: Atmospheres
τόμ.112 αρ.12
Zerefos Christos
Gerasopoulos E
Tsagouri I
Psiloglou B. E
Belehaki A
Herekakis T
Bais Alkiviadis
Kazadzis S
Eleftheratos C
Kalivitis N
Mihalopoulos N
Evidence of gravity waves into the atmosphere during the March 2006 total solar eclipse
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
τόμ.7 αρ.18 σ.4943-4951
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Andrady A
Aucamp P. J
Bais Alkiviadis
Ballaré C. L
Björn L. O
Bornman J. F
Caldwell M
Cullen A. P
Erickson D. J
De Gruijl F. R
Häder D. P
Ilyas M
Kulandaivelu G
Kumar H. D
Longstreth J
McKenzie R. L
Norval M
Redhwi H. H
Smith R. C
Solomon K. R
Sulzberger B
Takizawa Y
Tang X
Teramura A. H
Torikai A
Van Der Leun J. C
Wilson S. R
Worrest R. C
Zepp R. G
Environmental effects of ozone depletion and its interactions with climate change: Progress report, 2005
Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences
τόμ.5 αρ.1 σ.13-24
Blumthaler M
Bais Alkiviadis
Webb A
Kazadzis S
Kift R
Kouremeti N
Schallhart B
Kazantzidis A
Variations of solar radiation at the Earth's surface during the total solar eclipse of 29 March 2006
Proceedings Volume 6362, Remote Sensing of Clouds and the Atmosphere XI;
τόμ.6362 σ.U126-U133 1009
Cede Alexander
Kowalewski Matt
Kazadzis Stelios
Bais Alkiviadis
Kouremeti Natalia
Blumthaler Mario
Herman Jay
Correction of direct irradiance measurements of Brewer spectrophotometers due to the effect of internal polarization
Geophysical Research Letters
τόμ.33 αρ.2 σ. L02806
den Outer P
Slaper H
Bais Alkiviadis
Feister U
Janouch M
Josefsson W
Kaurola J
Koskela T
UV climatology from quality controlled ground-based spectral UV-measurements
Proceedings Volume 6362, Remote Sensing of Clouds and the Atmosphere XI; 636214 (2006)
τόμ.6362 σ.U282-U291-1009
Gkarane Aikaterini
Bais Alkiviadis
Kazadzis S
Kazantzidis A
Meleti Charikleia
Monitoring of UV spectral irradiance at Thessaloniki (1990-2005): data re-evaluation and quality control
Annales Geophysicae
τόμ.24 αρ.12 σ.3215-3228
Grobner J
Blumthaler M
Kazadzis S
Bais Alkiviadis
Webb A
Schreder J
Seckmeyer G
Rembges D
Quality assurance of spectral solar UV measurements: results from 25 UV monitoring sites in Europe, 2002 to 2004
τόμ.43 αρ.2 σ.S66-S71
Kazantzidis Andreas
Bais Alkiviadis
Gröbner Julian
Herman Jay
Kazadzis Stelios
Krotkov Nickolay
Kyro Esko
den Outer Peter
Gkarane Aikaterini
Görts Peter
Lakkala Kaisa
Meleti Charikleia
Slaper Harry
Tax RIck
Turunen Timo
Comparison of satellite-derived UV irradiances with ground-based measurements at four European stations
Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres
τόμ.111 σ.D13207, doi:10.1029/2005JD006672
Koepke P
De Backer H
Bais Alkiviadis
Curylo A
Eerme K
Feister U
Johnsen B
Junk J
Kazantzidis A
Krzyscin J
Lindfors A
Olseth J. A
den Outer P
Pribullova A
Schmalwieser A. W
Slaper H
Staiger H
Verdebout J
Vuilleumier L
Weihs P
Modelling solar UV radiation in the past: Comparison of algorithms and input data
Remote Sensing of Clouds and the Atmosphere Xi
τόμ.6362 σ.U292-U302 1009
Koukouli M. E
Balis Dimitrios
Amiridis V
Kazadzis S
Bais Alkiviadis
Nickovic S
Torres O
Aerosol variability over Thessaloniki using ground based remote sensing observations and the TOMS aerosol index
Atmospheric Environment
τόμ.40 αρ.28 σ.5367-5378
Άρθρο σε Πρακτικά Συνεδρίου
Amiridis V
Giannakaki E
Koukouli M
Kazadzis S
Balis Dimitrios
Bais Alkiviadis
Evaluation of the OMI aserosol index using coincident lidar observations
International Laser and Radar conference
(Eds) Sugimoto, C. and Nagasawa, N
Nara, Japan
Kazantzidis A
Bais Alkiviadis
Topaloglou Chrysanthi
Gkarane Aikaterini
Zempila M
Meleti Charikleia
Zerefos Christos
Quality assurance of the Greek UV Network: Preliminary results from the pilot phase operation
SPIE Remote Sensing Proceedings
Stockholm, Sweden
Kazantzidis A
Bais Alkiviadis
Gkarane Aikaterini
Kazadzis S
Meleti Charikleia
Estimation of UV irradiance from ancillary data and comparison with measurements at Thessaloniki, Greece (40.5°N, 23°E)
Proceedings SPIE 6362
Koukouli M. E
Balis Dimitrios
Bais Alkiviadis
Amiridis V
Giannakaki E
Kazadzis S
Kouremeti N
Torres O
Aerosol characterization over northern greece; Aerosol loading derived from satellite observations and ground-based measurements
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Amiridis V
Balis Dimitrios
Kazadzis S
Bais Alkiviadis
Giannakaki E
Papayannis A
Zerefos Christos
Four-year aerosol observations with a Raman lidar at Thessaloniki, Greece, in the framework of European Aerosol Research Lidar Network (EARLINET)
Journal of Geophysical Research D: Atmospheres
τόμ.110 αρ.21 σ.1-12
Andrady A
Aucamp P. J
Bais Alkiviadis
Ballaré C. L
Björn L. O
Bornman J. F
Caldwell M
Callaghan T
Cullen A. P
Erickson D. J
de Gruijl F. R
Häder D. P
Ilyas M
Kulandaivelu G
Kumar H. D
Longstreth J
McKenzie R. L
Norval M
Redhwi H. H
Smith R. C
Solomon K. R
Sulzberger B
Takizawa Y
Tang X
Teramura A. H
Torikai A
van der Leun J. C
Wilson S. R
Worrest R. C
Zepp R. G
Environmental effects of ozone depletion and its interactions with climate change: Progress report, 2004
Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences
τόμ.4 αρ.2 σ.177-184
Arola A
Kazadzis S
Krotkov N
Bais Alkiviadis
Gröbner J
Herman J. R
Assessment of TOMS UV bias due to absorbing aerosols
Journal of Geophysical Research D: Atmospheres
τόμ.110 αρ.23 σ.1-7
Bais Alkiviadis
Kazantzidis A
Kazadzis S
Balis Dimitrios
Zerefos Christos
Meleti Charikleia
Deriving an effective aerosol single scattering albedo from spectral surface UV irradiance measurements
Atmospheric Environment
τόμ.39 αρ.6 σ.1093-1102
Bais Alkiviadis
Kazadzis S
Gkarane Aikaterini
Kouremeti N
Gröbner J
Blumthaler M
Seckmeyer G
Webb A. R
Koskela T
Görts P
Schreder J
Portable device for characterizing the angular response of UV spectroradiometers
Applied Optics
τόμ.44 αρ.33 σ.7136-7143
Glandorf M
Arola A
Bais Alkiviadis
Seckmeyer G
Possibilities to detect trends in spectral UV irradiance
Theoretical and Applied Climatology
τόμ.81 αρ.1-2 σ.33-44
Gröbner J
Schreder J
Kazadzis S
Bais Alkiviadis
Blumthaler M
Görts P
Tax R
Koskela T
Seckmeyer G
Webb A. R
Rembges D
Traveling reference spectroradiometer for routine quality assurance of spectral solar ultraviolet irradiance measurements
Applied Optics
τόμ.44 αρ.25 σ.5321-5331
Kazadzis S
Bais Alkiviadis
Kouremeti N
Gerasopoulos E
Gkarane Aikaterini
Blumthaler M
Schallhart B
Cede A
Direct spectral measurements with a Brewer spectroradiometer: Absolute calibration and aerosol optical depth retrieval
Applied Optics
τόμ.44 αρ.9 σ.1681-1690
Kazantzidis Andreas
Bais Alkiviadis
Balis Dimitrios
Kosmidis Evangelos
Zerefos Christos
Sensitivity of solar UV radiation to ozone and temperature profiles at Thessaloniki (40.5°N, 23°E), Greece
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics
τόμ.67 αρ.14 σ.1321-1330
Kylling A
Webb A. R
Kift R
Gobbi G. P
Ammannato L
Barnaba F
Bais Alkiviadis
Kazadzis S
Wendisch M
Jäkel E
Schmidt S
Kniffka A
Thiel S
Junkermann W
Blumthaler M
Silbernagl R
Schallhart B
Schmitt R
Kjeldstad B
Thorseth T. M
Scheirer R
Mayer B
Spectral actinic flux in the lower troposphere: Measurement and 1-D simulations for cloudless, broken cloud and overcast situations
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
τόμ.5 αρ.7 σ.1975-1997
Topaloglou Chrysanthi
Kazadzis S
Bais A. F
Blumthaler M
Schallhart B
Balis Dimitrios
NO2 and HCHO photolysis frequencies from irradiance measurements in Thessaloniki, Greece
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
τόμ.5 αρ.6 σ.1645-1653
Άρθρο σε Πρακτικά Συνεδρίου
Bais Alkiviadis
Kazantzidis Andreas
Kazadzis S
Kouremeti N
Application of a model derived cosine correction method on Brewer spectral measurements
European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2005
Vienna, Austria
Bais Alkiviadis
Blumthaler M
Webb A
Seckmeyer G
Thiel S
Kazadzis S
Redondas A
Kift R
Kouremeti N
Schallhart B
Schmitt R
Pissulla D
Diaz J. P
Garcia O
Rodriguez A. M. Diaz
Smedley A
Intercomparison of solar UV direct irradiance spectral measurements at Izana in June 2005
Proceedings Volume 5886, Ultraviolet Ground- and Space-based Measurements, Models, and Effects V; 588609 (2007)
San Diego, CA, USA
τόμ.5886 σ.588609-10
Gkarane Aikaterini
Bais Alkiviadis
Tourpali Kleareti
Meleti Charikleia
Zerefos Christos
Kazadzis Stylianos
Variability of spectral UV irradiance at Thessaloniki, Greece, from 15 years measurements
(eds) Bernhard Germar, Slusser James R., Herman, Jay R. and Gao, Wei
San Diego, USA
τόμ.5886 σ.1-10
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Andrady A
Aucamp P. J
Bais Alkiviadis
Ballaré C. L
Björn L. O
Bornman J. F
Caldwell M
Cullen A. P
Erickson D. J
de Gruijl F. R
Häder D. P
Ilyas M
Kulandaivelu G
Kumar H. D
Longstreth J
McKenzie R. L
Norval M
Redhwi H. H
Smith R. C
Solomon K. R
Takizawa Y
Tang X
Teramura A. H
Torikai A
van der Leun J. C
Wilson S
Worrest R. C
Zepp R. G
Environmental effects of ozone depletion and its interactions with climate change: Progress Report 2003
Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences
τόμ.3 αρ.1 σ.1-5
Balis Dimitrios
Amiridis V
Zerefos Christos
Kazantzidis A
Kazadzis S
Bais Alkiviadis
Meleti Charikleia
Gerasopoulos E
Papayannis A
Matthias V
Dier H
Andreae M. O
Study of the effect of different type of aerosols on UV-B radiation from measurements during EARLINET
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
τόμ.4 αρ.2 σ.307-321
Hofzumahaus A
Lefer B. L
Monks P. S
Sr Hall
Kylling A
Mayer B
Shetter R. E
Junkermann W
Bais Alkiviadis
Calvert J. G
Cantrell C. A
Madronich S
Edwards G. D
Kraus A
Muller M
Bohn B
Schmitt R
Johnston P
McKenzie R
Frost G. J
Griffioen E
Krol M
Martin T
Pfister G
Roth E. P
Ruggaber A
Swartz W. H
Lloyd S. A
Van Weele M
Photolysis frequency of O(3) to O((1)D): Measurements and modeling during the International Photolysis Frequency Measurement and Modeling Intercomparison (IPMMI)
Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres
τόμ.109 αρ.D8
Kazadzis S
Topaloglou Chrysanthi
Bais Alkiviadis
Blumthaler M
Balis Dimitrios
Kazantzidis A
Schallhart B
Actinic flux and O1D photolysis frequencies retrieved from spectral measurements of irradiance at Thessaloniki, Greece
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
τόμ.4 αρ.8 σ.2215-2226
Άρθρο σε Πρακτικά Συνεδρίου
Arola A
Kazadzis S
Krotkov N
Bais Alkiviadis
Herman J. R
Lakkala K
Assessment of TOMS UV bias due to the absorbing aerosols
Ultraviolet Ground- and Space-Based Measurements, Models, and Effects IV
Denver, CO
τόμ.5545 σ.28-35
Bais Alkiviadis
Kosmidis Evangelos
Kazantzidis Andreas
Kazadzis Stelios
Topaloglou Chrysanthi
Zerefos Christos
Establishment of a network for UV monitoring in Greece
XX Quadrennial Ozone Symposium
(Ed.) Zerefos, Christos
Kos, Greece
International Ozone Commission
Bais Alkiviadis
Kazantzidis A
Meleti Charikleia
Gkarane Aikaterini
Grobner J
Herman J. R
Krotkov N
Kyro E
Lakkala K
Turunen T
Reinen H
Görts P
den Outer P. N
Slaper H
Vanicek K
Janouch M
Stanek M
Validation of TOMS-derived surface UV irradiances with quality-checked spectral UV measurements from five European stations
XX Quadrennial Ozone Symposium
(επιμ.) Zerefos, C. S
Kos, Greece
International Ozone Commission
Gröbner J
Bais Alkiviadis
Kazadzis S
Blumthaler M
Schreder J
Görts P
Tax R. B
Koskela T
Seckmeyer G
Wuttke S
Webb A. R
Quality assurance of spectral solar UV measurements in Europe (QASUME)
XX Quadrennial Ozone Symposium
(επιμ.) Zerefos, C. S
Kos, Greece
International Ozone Commission
Kazadzis Stelios
Bais Alkiviadis
Kouremeti Natalia
Gerasopoulos Evaggelos
Amiridis Vasileios
Gkarane Aikaterini
Aerosol optical depth measurements (1997-2003) at Thessaloniki, Greece
XX Quadrennial Ozone Symposium: Symposium: 1-8 June 2004, Kos, Greece
Κως - Ελλάδα
International Ozone Commission, 2004
Kazantzidis Andreas
Bais Alkiviadis
Balis Dimitrios
Kosmidis Evangelos
Zebila Melina M
Zerefos Christos
Sensitivity of solar UV radiation calculations to ozone and temperature profiles
XX Quadrennial Ozone Symposium
(επιμ.) Zerefos, Christos
Kos, Greece
International Ozone Commission
Kosmidis Evangelos
Bais Alkiviadis
Meleti Charikleia
McElroy C. T
Zerefos Christos
A review on the Brewer-Umkehr measurements made in Thessaloniki, Greece for the last 13 years
XX Quadrennial Ozone Symposium
(Ed.) Zerefos, Christos
Kos, Greece
International Ozone Commission
Meleti Charikleia
Bais Alkiviadis
Zerefos Christos
Gkarane Aikaterini
Kazadzis S
Temporal and spatial variability of solar ultraviolet measurements in Greece
XX Quadrennial Ozone Symposium
(επιμ.) Zerefos, C. S
Kos Island, Greece
International Ozone Commission
Slaper H
den Outer P. N
Williams J
Bais Alkiviadis
Kaurola J
Koskela T
Lakkala K
Seckmeyer G
Weihs P
Towards a European UV-climatology utilising ground-based and satellite based analysis
XX Quadrennial Ozone Symposium
(επιμ.) Zerefos, C. S
Kos, Greece
International Ozone Commission
τόμ.1 σ.249-250
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Arola A
Lakkala K
Bais Alkiviadis
Kaurola J
Meleti Charikleia
Taalas P
Factors affecting short- and long-term changes of spectral UV irradiance at two European stations
Journal of Geophysical Research D: Atmospheres
τόμ.108 αρ.17 σ.ACL 9-1 - ACL 9-11
Bais Alkiviadis
Madronich S
Crawford J
Hall S. R
Mayer B
van Weele M
Lenoble J
Calvert J. G
Cantrell C. A
Shetter R. E
Hofzumahaus A
Koepke P
Monks P. S
Frost G
McKenzie R
Krotkov N
Kylling A
Swartz W. H
Lloyd S
Pfister G
Martin T. J
Roeth E. P
Griffioen E
Ruggaber A
Krol M
Kraus A
Edwards G. D
Mueller M
Lefer B. L
Johnston P
Schwander H
Flittner D
Gardiner B. G
Barrick J
Schmitt R
International Photolysis Frequency Measurement and Model Intercomparison (IPMMI): Spectral actinic solar flux measurements and modeling
Journal of Geophysical Research D: Atmospheres
τόμ.108 αρ.16 σ.IPM 2-1 - IPM 2-20
Balis Dimitrios
Amiridis V
Zerefos Christos
Meleti Charikleia
Kazantzidis A
Kazadzis S
Bais Alkiviadis
Papayannis A
Experimental estimates of the lidar ratio and, the single scattering albedo during EARLINET and their association with the of levels of UV irradiance at the Earth's surface
Cantrell C. A
Calvert J. G
Bais Alkiviadis
Shetter R. E
Lefer B. L
Edwards G. D
Overview and conclusions of the International Photolysis Frequency Measurement and Modeling Intercomparison (IPMMI) study
Journal of Geophysical Research D: Atmospheres
τόμ.108 αρ.16 σ.IPM 1-1 - IPM 1-16
Kylling A
Webb A. R
Bais Alkiviadis
Blumthaler M
Schmitt R
Thiel S
Kazantzidis A
Kift R
Misslbeck M
Schallhart B
Schreder J
Topaloglou Chrysanthi
Kazadzis S
Rimmer J
Actinic flux determination from measurements of irradiance
Journal of Geophysical Research D: Atmospheres
τόμ.108 αρ.16 σ.ACH 11-1 - ACH 11-10
Mckenzie R. L
Bjorn L. O
Bais Alkiviadis
Ilyasd M
Changes in biologically active ultraviolet radiation reaching the Earth's surface
Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences
τόμ.2 αρ.1 σ.5-15
Shetter R. E
Junkermann W
Swartz W. H
Frost G. J
Crawford J. H
Lefer B. L
Barrick J. D
Hall S. R
Hofzumahaus A
Bais Alkiviadis
Calvert J. G
Cantrell C. A
Madronich S
Muller M
Kraus A
Monks P. S
Edwards G. D
McKenzie R
Johnston P
Schmitt R
Griffioen E
Krol M
Kylling A
Dickerson R. R
Lloyd S. A
Martin T
Gardiner B
Mayer B
Pfister G
Roth E. P
Koepke P
Ruggaber A
Schwander H
van Weele M
Photolysis frequency of NO
: Measurement and modeling during the International Photolysis Frequency Measurement and Modeling Intercomparison (IPMMI)
Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres
τόμ.108 αρ.D16 σ.doi:10.1029/2002JD002932
Solomon K. R
Tang X
Wilson S. R
Zanis Prodromos
Bais Alkiviadis
Changes in tropospheric composition and air quality due to stratospheric ozone depletion
Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences
τόμ.2 αρ.1 σ.62-67
Κεφάλαιο σε Συλλογικό Τόμο ή Λήμμα σε Λεξικό/Εγκυκλοπαίδεια
Kerr J. B
Seckmeyer G
Bais Alkiviadis
Bernhard G
Blumthaler M
Diaz S. B
Krotkov N. A
Lubin D
McKenzie R. L
Sabziparvar A. A
Verdebout J
Surface ultraviolet radiation: Past and future
Άρθρο σε Πρακτικά Συνεδρίου
Bais Alkiviadis
Blumthaler Mario
Grφbner Julian
Seckmeyer Gunther
Webb Ann R
Gorts Peter
Koskela Tapani
Rembges Diana
Kazadzis Stelios
Schreder Josef
Cotton Peter
Kelly Peter
Kouremeti Natalia
Rikkonen Kimo
Studemund H
Tax Rick
Wuttke Sigrid
Quality assurance of spectral ultraviolet measurements in Europe through the development of a transportable unit (QASUME)
Ultraviolet Ground- and Space-based Measurements, Models, and Effects II
Hangzhou, China
τόμ.4896 σ.232-238
Bais Alkiviadis
Kazadzis S
Meleti Charikleia
Gkarane Aikaterini
Verdebout J
Comparison of satellite-derived surface UV irradiances with spectroradiometric measurements at Thessaloniki, Greece
10th Congress of the European Society for Photobiology (ESP)
Vienna, Austria
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Balis Dimitrios
Zerefos Christos
Kourtidis K
Bais Alkiviadis
Hofzumahaus A
Kraus A
Schmitt R
Blumthaler M
Gobbi G. P
Measurements and modeling of photolysis rates during the Photochemical Activity and Ultraviolet Radiation (PAUR) II campaign
Journal of Geophysical Research D: Atmospheres
τόμ.107 αρ.18 σ.5-1-5-12
Gröbner J
Rembges D
Bais Alkiviadis
Blumthaler M
Cabot T
Josefsson W
Koskela T
Thorseth T. M
Webb A. R
Wester U
Quality assurance of reference standards from nine European solar-ultraviolet monitoring laboratories
Applied Optics
τόμ.41 αρ.21 σ.4278-4282
Huber M
Blumthaler M
Schreder J
Bais Alkiviadis
Topaloglou Chrysanthi
Effect of ambient temperature on Robertson-Berger-type erythemal dosimeters
Applied Optics
τόμ.41 αρ.21 σ.4273-4277
Webb A. R
Bais Alkiviadis
Blumthaler M
Gobbi G. P
Kylling A
Schmitt R
Thiel S
Barnaba F
Danielsen T
Junkermann W
Kazantzidis A
Kelly P
Kift R
Liberti G. L
Misslbeck M
Schallhart B
Schreder J
Topaloglou Chrysanthi
Measuring spectral actinic flux and irradiance: Experimental results from the Actinic Flux Determination from Measurements of Irradiance (ADMIRA)
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology
τόμ.19 αρ.7 σ.1049-1062
Κεφάλαιο σε Συλλογικό Τόμο ή Λήμμα σε Λεξικό/Εγκυκλοπαίδεια
McKenzie R. L
Bjφrn L. O
Bais Alkiviadis
Ilyas M
Changes in biologically active ultraviolet radiation reaching the Earth's surface
Chapter 1 in UNEP Effects Panel Assessment Report: 2002
Άρθρο σε Πρακτικά Συνεδρίου
Bais Alkiviadis
Kazantzidis Andreas
Kazadzis Stylianos
Balis Dimitrios
Zerefos Christos
Meleti Charikleia
Effects of aerosol optical depth and single scattering albedo on surface UV irradiance
Proceedings of SPIE
San Diego, CA, USA
τόμ.4482 σ.15-22
Balis Dimitrios
Zerefos Christos
Kourtidis K
Bais Alkiviadis
Zanis Prodromos
Hofzumahaus A
Kraus A
Schmitt R
Blumthaler M
Gobbi G. P
The variability of the photolysis rates of ozone and nitrogen dioxide during the PAUR II campaign
Proceedings of “A Changing Atmosphere”- 8th European Symposium on the Physico-Chemical Behaviour of Atmospheric Pollutants
(eds) Hjorth, J., Raes, F. and Angeletti, G
Torino, Italy
Kazantzidis A
Bais Alkiviadis
Zerefos Christos
Synthesis and extension of global UV spectra from Brewer discrete measurements
6th Hellenic Conference in Meteorology, Climatology and Atmospheric Physics
Ioannina, Greece
Munakata Nobuo
Bolsee David
Gillotay Didier
Kazadzis Stylianos
Bais Alkiviadis
Makita Kazuo
Boeira Lucia
Schuch Nelson J
Comparisons of spore dosimetry and spectral photometry for measurement of biologically effective doses of solar UV radiation
Ultraviolet Ground- and Space-based Measurements, Models, and Effects
San Diego, CA, United States
τόμ.4482 σ.341-349
Webb Ann R
Kift Richard
Thiel Stephan
Bais Alkiviadis
Blumthaler Mario
Kylling Arve
Schmitt Rainer M
Gobbi Gian-Paolo
Empirical approach to converting spectral UV measurements to actinic flux data
Ultraviolet Ground- and Space-based Measurements, Models, and Effects
San Diego, CA, USA
τόμ.4482 σ.104-114
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Bais Alkiviadis
Gardiner B. G
Slaper H
Blumthaler M
Bernhard G
McKenzie R
Webb A. R
Seckmeyer G
Kjeldstad B
Koskela T
Kirsch P. J
Gröbner J
Kerr J. B
Kazadzis S
Leszczynski K
Wardle D
Josefsson W
Brogniez C
Gillotay D
Reinen H
Weihs P
Svenoe T
Eriksen P
Kuik F
Redondas A
SUSPEN intercomparison of ultraviolet spectroradiometers
Journal of Geophysical Research D: Atmospheres
τόμ.106 αρ.D12 σ.12509-12525
De Backer H
Koepke P
Bais Alkiviadis
de Cabo X
Frei T
Gillotay D
Haite C
Heikkila A
Kazantzidis A
Koskela T
Kyro E
Lapeta B
Lorente J
Masson K
Mayer B
Plets H
Redondas A
Renaud A
Schauberger G
Schmalwieser A
Schwander H
Vanicek K
Comparison of measured and modelled uv indices for the assessment of health risks
Meteorological Applications
τόμ.8 αρ.3 σ.267-277
Kazantzidis Andreas
Balis Dimitrios
Bais Alkiviadis
Kazadzis S
Galani E
Kosmidis E
Blumthaler M
Comparison of model calculations with spectral UV measurements during the SUSPEN campaign: The effect of aerosols
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences
τόμ.58 αρ.12 σ.1529-1539
McKenzie R. L
Seckmeyer G
Bais Alkiviadis
Kerr J. B
Madronich S
Satellite retrievals of erythemal UV dose compared with ground-based measurements at northern and southern midlatitudes
Journal of Geophysical Research D: Atmospheres
τόμ.106 αρ.D20 σ.24051-24062
Vasaras A
Bais Alkiviadis
Feister U
Zerefos Christos
Comparison of two methods for cloud flagging of spectral UV measurements
Atmospheric Research
τόμ.57 αρ.1 σ.31-42
Zerefos Christos
Balis Dimitrios
Zanis Prodromos
Meleti Charikleia
Bais Alkiviadis
Tourpali Kleareti
Melas Dimitrios
Ziomas Ioannis
Galani E
Kourtidis K
Papayannis A
Gogosheva Z
Changes in surface UV solar irradiance and ozone over the Balkans during the eclipse of August 11, 1999
Advances in Space Research
τόμ.27 αρ.12 σ.1955-1963
Zerefos Christos
Kourtidis K. A
Balis Dimitrios
Bais Alkiviadis
Calpini B
Photochemical activity over the eastern Mediterranean under variable environmental conditions
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part C: Solar, Terrestrial and Planetary Science
τόμ.26 αρ.7 σ.549-554
Zerefos Christos
Balis Dimitrios
Tzortziou M
Bais Alkiviadis
Tourpali Kleareti
Meleti Charikleia
Bernhard G
Herman J
A note on the interannual variations of UV-B erythemal doses and solar irradiance from ground-based and satellite observations
Annales Geophysicae
τόμ.19 αρ.1 σ.115-120
Κεφάλαιο σε Συλλογικό Τόμο ή Λήμμα σε Λεξικό/Εγκυκλοπαίδεια
Seckmeyer G
Bais Alkiviadis
Bernhard G
Blumthaler M
Booth C. R
Disterhoft P
Eriksen P
McKenzie R. L
Miyauchi M
Roy C
Instruments to measure solar ultraviolet irradiance. Part 1: Spectral instruments
WMO, Global Atmospheric Watc
Geneva, Switzerland
αρ.125 σ.pσ. 30
Άρθρο σε Πρακτικά Συνεδρίου
Bais Alkiviadis
Kazadzis Stelios
Gkarane Aikaterini
Kazantzidis Andreas
Topaloglou Chrysanthi
Zerefos Christos
Uncertainties in global and direct UV irradiance spectra measured with a Brewer MKIII spectrophotometer
San Diego, California - USA
τόμ.4482 αρ.50
Balis Dimitrios
Zerefos Christos
Amiridis V
Meleti Charikleia
Bais Alkiviadis
Kazantzidis A
Papayannis A
Chourdakis G
Tsaknakis G
Trickl T
Study of the aerosol effect on the UV-B irradiance at the earth's surface: Case studies selected from urban sites in the frame of the EARLINET project
European Aerosol Conference
Leipzig, Germany
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Kazadzis S
Bais Alkiviadis
Balis Dimitrios
Zerefos Christos
Blumthaler M
Retrieval of downwelling UV actinic flux density spectra from spectral measurements of global and direct solar UV irradiance
Journal of Geophysical Research D: Atmospheres
τόμ.105 αρ.D4 σ.4857-4864
Mantis H. T
Repapis C. C
Philandras C. M
Paliatsos A. G
Zerefos Christos
Bais Alkiviadis
Meleti Charikleia
Balis Dimitrios
A 5-year climatology of the solar erythemal ultraviolet in Athens, Greece
International Journal of Climatology
τόμ.20 αρ.10 σ.1237-1247
Munakata N
Kazadzis S
Bais Alkiviadis
Hieda K
Ronto G
Rettberg P
Horneck G
Comparisons of spore dosimetry and spectral photometry of solar-UV radiation at four sites in Japan and Europe
Photochemistry and Photobiology
τόμ.72 αρ.6 σ.739-745
Zerefos Christos
Meleti Charikleia
Balis Dimitrios
Bais Alkiviadis
Gillotay D
On changes of spectral UV-B in the 90's in Europe
Advances in Space Research
τόμ.26 αρ.12 σ.1971-1978
Zerefos Christos
Balis Dimitrios
Meleti Charikleia
Bais Alkiviadis
Tourpali Kleareti
Kourtidis K
Vanicek K
Cappellani F
Kaminski U
Colombo T
Stubi R
Manea L
Formenti P
Andreae M. O
Changes in surface solar UV irradiances and total ozone during the solar eclipse of August 11, 1999
Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres
τόμ.105 αρ.D21 σ.26463-26473
Άρθρο σε Πρακτικά Συνεδρίου
Bais Alkiviadis
Calvert J
Cantrell C
Madronich S
Shetter R
Crawford J
Frost G
Griffioen E
Hofzumahaus A
Junkermann W
Koepke P
Krol M
Krotkov N
Kylling A
Lenoble J
Martin T
Mayer B
McKenzie R
Monk P
Roeth E. P
Pfister G
Schmitt R
Swartz W
van Weele M
An overview of the results from the international photolysis frequency measurement and model intercomparison
International Radiation Symposium
St. Petersburg, Russia
Balis Dimitrios
Zerefos Christos
Bais Alkiviadis
Taalas P
Vogiatzis N
Ramos N
Mihelaraki M
Anthis A
Four years comparison of GOME and ground-based total ozone measurements
Quadrennial Ozone Symposium
Sapporo, Japan
McKenzie R. L
Seckmeyer G
Bais Alkiviadis
Madronich S
Satellite retrievals of UV compared with ground-based measurements at Northern and Southern mid-latitudes
2nd SPARC General Assembly
Mar del Plata, Argentina
Zerefos Christos
Balis Dimitrios
Tzortziou M
Bais Alkiviadis
Tourpali Kleareti
Herman J
Interannual natural fluctuations in erythemal doses at ground level
Quadrennial Ozone Symposium
Sapporo, Japan
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Krins A
Dorschel B
Henniger J
Knuschke P
Bais Alkiviadis
Readings of polysulphone film after fractionated and continuous exposures to UV radiation and consequences for the calculation of the reading resulting from polychromatic UV radiation
Radiation Protection Dosimetry
τόμ.83 αρ.4 σ.303-307
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Bais Alkiviadis
Kazadzis S
Balis Dimitrios
Zerefos Christos
Blumthaler M
Correcting global solar ultraviolet spectra recorded by a Brewer spectroradiometer for its angular response error
Applied Optics
τόμ.37 αρ.27 σ.6339-6344
Balis Dimitrios
Tourpali Kleareti
Zerefos Christos
Meleti Charikleia
Ziomas Ioannis
Bais Alkiviadis
Papayiannis A
Paliatsos A
On the daily maximum UV-B doses during the significant ozone deficiencies in the transition seasons of 1992/93
Advances in Space Research
τόμ.22 αρ.11 σ.1505-1508
Koepke P
Bais Alkiviadis
Balis Dimitrios
Buchwitz M
De Backer H
De Cabo X
Eckert P
Eriksen P
Gillotay D
Heikkilä A
Koskela T
Lapeta B
Litynska Z
Lorente J
Mayer B
Renaud A
Ruggaber A
Schauberger G
Seckmeyer G
Seifert P
Schmalwieser A
Schwander H
Vanicek K
Weber M
Comparison of Models Used for UV Index Calculations
Photochemistry and Photobiology
τόμ.67 αρ.6 σ.657-662
Kylling A
Bais Alkiviadis
Blumthaler M
Schreder J
Zerefos Christos
Kosmidis Evangelos
Effect of aerosols on solar UV irradiances during the Photochemical Activity and Solar Ultraviolet Radiation campaign
Journal of Geophysical Research D: Atmospheres
τόμ.103 αρ.D20 σ.26051-26060
Papayannis A
Balis Dimitrios
Bais Alkiviadis
Van Der Bergh H
Calpini B
Durieux E
Fiorani L
Jaquet L
Ziomas Ioannis
Zerefos Christos
Role of urban and suburban aerosols on solar UV radiation over Athens, Greece
Atmospheric Environment
τόμ.32 αρ.12 σ.2193-2201
Repapis C. C
Mantis H. T
Paliatsos A. G
Philandras C. M
Bais Alkiviadis
Meleti Charikleia
Case study of UV-B modification during episodes of urban air pollution
Atmospheric Environment
τόμ.32 αρ.12 σ.2203-2208
Zerefos Christos
Meleti Charikleia
Balis Dimitrios
Tourpali Kleareti
Bais Alkiviadis
Quasi-biennial and longer-term changes in clear sky UV-B solar irradiance
Geophysical Research Letters
τόμ.25 αρ.23 σ.4345-4348
Άρθρο σε Πρακτικά Συνεδρίου
Bais Alkiviadis
Gardiner B. G
Slaper H
Kirsch P. J
Kazadzis S
Blumthaler M
Brogniez C
Eriksen P
Gillotay D
Josefsson W
Kjeldstad B
Koskela T
Kuik F
Leszczynski K
McKenzie R. L
Redondas A
Reinen H
Seckmeyer G
Svenøe T
Wardle D. I
Webb A. R
Weihs P
Allabar W
Bernhard G
Gay M
Goebel D
Groebner J
Huber M
Johnston P. V
Karlsson J.-E
Kerr J. B
Kotkamp M
Manzano J
Masserot D
Meleti Charikleia
Mestechkina T
Pachart E
Persen T
Rengarajan G
Saarinen E
Schmitt R
Schreder J
Tax R
Thorseth T. M
Visuri R
Walravens B
Wauben W
Results from comparisons of global solar UV spectra measured during the SUSPEN intercomparison campaign
European Conference on UV Radiation
Helsinki, Finland
Bais Alkiviadis
Blumthaler M
Kazadzis S
Slaper H
Brogniez C
Eriksen P
Gardiner B. G
Gillotay D
Ehramjian J
Josefsson W
Kjeldstad B
Koskela T
Kuik F
Leszczynski K
McKenzie R. L
Redondas A
Reinen H
Seckmeyer G
Svenøe T
Wardle D. I
Webb A. R
Weihs P
Allabar W
Bernhard G
Gay M
Goebel D
Groebner J
Huber M
Johnston P. V
Karlsson J.-E
Kerr J. B
Kirsch P. J
Kotkamp M
Manzano J
Masserot D
Meleti Charikleia
Mestechkina T
Pachart E
Persen T
Rengarajan G
Robertson J
Saarinen E
Schmitt R
Schreder J
Tax R
Thorseth T. M
Visuri R
Walravens B
Wauben W
The effect of the cosine response on global solar UV spectra measured during the SUSPEN intercomparison campaign
European Conference on UV Radiation
Helsinki, Finland
den Outer P. N
Slaper H
Reinen H. A. J. M
Bais Alkiviadis
Cosine correction of solar UV measurements under variable cloud cover
European Conference on UV Radiation
Helsinki, Finland
Helsinki, Finland
Vasaras A
Bais Alkiviadis
Meleti Charikleia
Characterization of spectral UV measurements according to the cloud effects
4th Hellenic Congress on Meteorology-Climatology and Atmospheric Physics
Athens, Greece
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Bais Alkiviadis
Blumthaler M
Webb A. R
Groebner J
Kirsch P. J
Gardiner B. G
Zerefos Christos
Svenoe T
Martin T. J
Spectral UV measurements over Europe within the Second European Stratospheric Arctic and Midlatitude Experiment activities
Journal of Geophysical Research D: Atmospheres
τόμ.102 αρ.7 σ.8731-8736
Bais Alkiviadis
Absolute spectral measurements of direct solar ultraviolet irradiance with a Brewer spectrophotometer
Applied Optics
τόμ.36 αρ.21 σ.5199-5204
Marenco F
Santacesaria V
Bais Alkiviadis
Balis Dimitrios
Di Sarra A
Papayannis A
Zerefos C
Optical properties of tropospheric aerosols determined by lidar and spectrophotometric measurements (Photochemical Activity and Solar Ultraviolet Radiation Campaign)
Applied Optics
τόμ.36 αρ.27 σ.6875-6886
Zerefos Christos
Balis Dimitrios
Bais Alkiviadis
Gillotay D
Simon P. C
Mayer B
Seckmeyer G
Variability of UV-B at four stations in Europe
Geophysical Research Letters
τόμ.24 αρ.11 σ.1363-1366
Ziomas Ioannis
Tzoumaka P
Balis Dimitrios
Papayannis A
Melas Dimitrios
Bais Alkiviadis
Zerefos Christos
Atmospheric pollution measurements with the differential optical absorption spectroscopy method
Fresenius Environmental Bulletin
τόμ.6 αρ.5-6 σ.320-324
Κεφάλαιο σε Συλλογικό Τόμο ή Λήμμα σε Λεξικό/Εγκυκλοπαίδεια
Bais Alkiviadis
Spectrometers: Operational errors and uncertainties
Solar Ultraviolet Radiation Modeling, Measurements and Effects
(eds) Zerefos, C. S. and Bais, A. F
Blumthaler M
Bais Alkiviadis
Cosine corrections of global sky measurements
The Nordic Intercomparison of Ultraviolet and Total Ozone Instruments at Izana, October 1996
(eds) Kjeldstad, B., Johnsen, B. and Koskela, T
Finnish Meteorological Institute
Johnson Bjoern
Bais Alkiviadis
Kjeldstad Berit
Koskela Tapani
The Nordic intercomparison of ultraviolet and total ozone instruments at Izaña, October 1996. Final Report
Meteorological Publications ; no. 36
Finnish Meteorological Institute
Άρθρο σε Πρακτικά Συνεδρίου
Balis Dimitrios
Bais Alkiviadis
Papayannis A
Marenco F
Santacesaria V
Zerefos Christos
Comparison of model calculations with spectral solar UV measurements
XVIII Quadrennial Ozone Symposium
(eds) Bojkov, R. D. and Visconti, G
L' Aquila, Italy
Elansky N. F
Postylyakov O. V
Mitin I. V
Bais Alkiviadis
Zerefos Christos
The Extended UMKEHR Method for Retrieving Ozone Profiles from Brewer Observations
XVIII Quadrennial Ozone Symposium
(eds) Bojkov, R. D. and Visconti, G
L' Aquila, Italy
Kosmidis Evangelos
Tourpali Kleareti
Zerefos Christos
Bais Alkiviadis
Ziomas Ioannis
Balis Dimitrios
Testing of the Brewer Umkehr algorithm
XVIII Quadrennial Ozone Symposium
(Eds) Bojkov, R. D. and Visconti, G
L' Aquila, Italy
Βιβλίο - Διδακτικό Εγχειρίδιο
Zerefos Christos (επιμ.)
Bais Alkiviadis (επιμ.)
Solar Ultraviolet Radiation: Modelling, Measurements and Effects (Nato ASI Subseries I: (52))
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Bais Alkiviadis
Zerefos Christos
McElroy C. T
Solar UVB measurements with the double- And single-monochromator Brewer Ozone Spectrophotometers
Geophysical Research Letters
τόμ.23 αρ.8 σ.833-836
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Zerefos Christos
Meleti Charikleia
Bais Alkiviadis
Lampros Athanasios
The recent UVB variability over southeastern Europe
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology
τόμ.31 αρ.1-2 σ.15-19
Zerefos Christos
Bais Alkiviadis
Meleti Charikleia
Ziomas Ioannis
A note on the recent increase of solar UV-B radiation over northern middle latitudes
Geophysical Research Letters
τόμ.22 αρ.10 σ.1245-1247
Ziomas Ioannis
Melas Dimitrios
Zerefos Christos
Bais Alkiviadis
Paliatsos A. G
Forecasting peak pollutant levels from meteorological variables
Atmospheric Environment
τόμ.29 αρ.24 σ.3703-3711
Ziomas Ioannis
Melas Dimitrios
Zerefos Christos
Bais Alkiviadis
On the relationship between peak ozone levels and meteorological variables
Fresenius Environmental Bulletin
τόμ.4 αρ.1 σ.53-58
Άρθρο σε Πρακτικά Συνεδρίου
Bais Alkiviadis
Blumthaler M
A Small Scale Intercomparison of UV Spectroradiometers
European Symposium on Effects of Environmental UV Radiation
Munich, Germany
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Bais Alkiviadis
Zerefos Christos
Tourpali Kleareti
Solar UV-B Measurements with a Double Monochromator Brewer Spectrophotometer
Geomagnetizm i Aeronomiya
τόμ.34 αρ.5 σ.196-199
Bais Alkiviadis
Zerefos Christos
Meleti Charikleia
Ziomas Ioannis
Tourpali Kleareti
Karaouza V
Balis Dimitrios
Variability of solar UV-B radiation at high and middle latitudes during EASOE 1991/92
Geophysical Research Letters
τόμ.21 αρ.13 σ.1403-1406
Bais Alkiviadis
Tourpali Kleareti
Zerefos Christos
Ziomas Ioannis
Reply to the paper: On the total ozone depletion over Greece derived from satellite flown and ground-based instruments
International Journal of Remote Sensing
τόμ.15 αρ.16 σ.3295-3301
Bais Alkiviadis
Tourpali Kleareti
Zerefos Christos
Ziomas Ioannis
On the Total Ozone Depletion over Greece Derived from Satellite Flown and Ground-Based Instruments - Reply
International Journal of Remote Sensing
τόμ.15 αρ.16 σ.3295-3301
Blumthaler M
Webb A. R
Seckmeyer G
Bais Alkiviadis
Huber M
Mayer B
Simultaneous spectroradiometry: a study of solar UV irradiance at two altitudes
Geophysical Research Letters
τόμ.21 αρ.25 σ.2805-2808
Bojkov R. D
Zerefos Christos
Balis Dimitrios
Ziomas Ioannis
Bais Alkiviadis
Record Ozone Minimum over Middle and High-Latitudes of the Northern-Hemisphere During Winter-Spring Season 1992/93
Geomagnetizm i Aeronomiya
τόμ.34 αρ.5 σ.97-104
Zerefos Christos
Tourpali Kleareti
Bais Alkiviadis
Further studies on possible volcanic signal to the ozone layer
Journal of Geophysical Research
τόμ.99 αρ.D12 σ.25,741-25,746
Κεφάλαιο σε Συλλογικό Τόμο ή Λήμμα σε Λεξικό/Εγκυκλοπαίδεια
Koskela T
Bais Alkiviadis
Cuevas E
Dahlback A
Damski J
Eriksen P
Johnsen B
Josefsson W
Koskela T
Kylling A
Kyrö E
Lamb K
Leszczynski K
Svenøe T
Wester U
The Nordic intercomparison of ultraviolet and total ozone instruments at Izaña from 24 October to 5 November 1993. Final report
Meteorological Publications
Finnish Meteorological
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Bais Alkiviadis
Zerefos Christos
Meleti Charikleia
Ziomas Ioannis
Tourpali Kleareti
Spectral measurements of solar UVB radiation and its relations to total ozone, SO2, and clouds
Journal of Geophysical Research
τόμ.98 αρ.D3 σ.5199-5204
Bojkov R. D
Zerefos Christos
Balis Dimitrios
Ziomas C
Bais Alkiviadis
Record low total ozone during northern winters of 1992 and 1993
Geophysical Research Letters
τόμ.20 αρ.13 σ.1351-1354
Gardiner B. G
Webb A. R
Bais Alkiviadis
Blumthaler M
Dirmhirn I
Forster P
Gillotay D
Henriksen K
Huber M
Kirsch P. J
Simon P. C
Svenøe T
Weihs P
Zerefos Christos
European intercomparison of ultraviolet spectroradiometers
Environmental Technology
τόμ.14 σ.25-43
Κεφάλαιο σε Συλλογικό Τόμο ή Λήμμα σε Λεξικό/Εγκυκλοπαίδεια
Bais Alkiviadis
Zerefos Christos
Tourpali Kleareti
Solar UV-B measurements at high latitudes with a double monochromator Brewer spectrophotometer
NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Atmospheric Studies by Optical Methods
Άρθρο σε Πρακτικά Συνεδρίου
Bais Alkiviadis
Zerefos Christos
Effect of changes in ozone on solar UV-B radiation at Reykjavik
Atmospheric Radiation
Tromso, Norway
τόμ.2049 σ.263-267
Bais Alkiviadis
Zerefos Christos
Meleti Charikleia
Solar Ultraviolet irradiance measurements at Reykjavik during the winters 91/92 and 92/93
XVIII General Assembly of the European Geophysical Society
Wiesbaden, Germany
Bojkov R. D
Zerefos Christos
Balis Dimitrios
Ziomas Ioannis
Bais Alkiviadis
Record ozone minimum over middle and high latitudes of the northern hemisphere during the winter-spring seasons 1991-92 and 1992-93
NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Atmospheric Studies by Optical Methods
Apatity, Russia
Zerefos Christos
Bais Alkiviadis
Balis Dimitrios
The effects of Pinatubo aerosol on spectral UV-B measurements over middle latitudes in Europe
European Symposium on Effects of Environmental UV Radiation
Munich, Germany
Zerefos Christos
Balis Dimitrios
Bais Alkiviadis
Papayannis A
Ziomas Ioannis
Karaouza V
Bojkov R. D
Occurrences of Low-Total Ozone Episodes over the Northern Hemisphere
EGS XVIII General Assembly of the European Geophysical Society
Wiesbaden, Germany
Zerefos Christos
Bais Alkiviadis
Meleti Charikleia
UV-B measurements under extreme ozone deficiencies
International Symposium on Environmental UV Radiation and Health Effects
Munich-Neuherberg, Germany
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Zerefos Christos
Bais Alkiviadis
Ziomas Ioannis
Bojkov R. D
On the relative importance of Quasi-Biennial Oscillation and El Nino/Southern Oscillation in the revised Dobson total ozone records
Journal of Geophysical Research
τόμ.97 αρ.D9 σ.10,135-10,144
Άρθρο σε Πρακτικά Συνεδρίου
Bais Alkiviadis
Zerefos Christos
Meleti Charikleia
Ziomas Ioannis
Comparison of UV-B measurements performed with a Brewer spectrophotometer and a new UVB-1 broad band detector
Quadrennial Ozone Symposium
(επιμ.) Hudson, R. D
Charlottesville, Virginia, USA
Papayannis A
Ziomas Ioannis
Bais Alkiviadis
Zerefos Christos
Development of a Mie Lidar for aerosol monitoring in the lower troposphere
Annual Conference of KRIKOS Organization
Thessaloniki, Greece
Zerefos Christos
Balis Dimitrios
Bais Alkiviadis
Ziomas Ioannis
Tourpali Kleareti
Meleti Charikleia
Tzoumaka P
Mantis H. T
Repapis C. C
Fioletov V
Khattatov V
Bojkov R. D
The evolution of synoptic ozone anomalies during the European Arctic Stratospheric Ozone Experiment in winter 1991/92
Quadrennial Ozone Symposium
(Ed.) Hudson, R. D
Charlottesville, Virginia, USA
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Amanatidis G. T
Bais Alkiviadis
Kelessis A. G
Zerefos Christos
Ziomas Ioannis
Erratum: Stratospheric and total NO2 column measurements with a modified Canterbury filter photometer (Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry 9, 435-446)
Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry
τόμ.12 αρ.1 σ.103
Άρθρο σε Πρακτικά Συνεδρίου
Bais Alkiviadis
Meleti Charikleia
Zerefos Christos
Ziomas Ioannis
Solar Ultraviolet Radiation Spectral Measurements with the Brewer Spectrophotometer
General Conference of the Balkan Physical Union
Thessaloniki, Greece
Ziomas Ioannis
Zerefos Christos
Bais Alkiviadis
Balis Dimitrios
Meleti Charikleia
Tourpali Kleareti
Denezakos A
Temporal and spatial variations of air pollution in the valley of Ptolemaida, Greece
1st General Conference of the Balkan Physical Union
Thessaloniki, Greece
Ziomas Ioannis
Tzoumaka P
Bais Alkiviadis
Zerefos Christos
Petrakakis M
Air pollution levels and their relation to meteoroΒlogical conditions in the atmosphere of Thessaloniki, Greece
1st General Conference of the Balkan Physical Union
Thessaloniki, Greece
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Bais Alkiviadis
Ziomas Ioannis
A computerized system for air pollution and meteorological data acquisition
Environmental Technology
τόμ.11 αρ.4 σ.371-380
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Amanatidis G. T
Bais Alkiviadis
Kelessis A. G
Zerefos Christos
Ziomas Ioannis
Stratospheric and total NO2 column measurements with a modified Canterbury filter photometer
Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry
τόμ.9 αρ.4 σ.435-446
Bais Alkiviadis
Zerefos Christos
Ziomas Ioannis
Design of a system for real-time modelling of the dispersion of hazardous gas releases in industrial plants. 1. Emissions from industrial stacks
Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries
τόμ.2 αρ.3 σ.155-160
Zerefos Christos
Ziomas Ioannis
Bais Alkiviadis
Amanatidis G. T
Kelessis A. G
Chemical Oxidants in Air of Northern Greece in Relation to Meteorological and Solar Flux Conditions
Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry
τόμ.20-1 σ.3-9
Ziomas Ioannis
Zerefos C. S
Bais Alkiviadis
Proyou A. G
Amanatidis G. T
Kelessis A. G
Significant increasing trends in surface ozone in Greece
Environmental Technology Letters
τόμ.10 αρ.12 σ.1071-1082
Ziomas Ioannis
Zerefos Christos
Bais Alkiviadis
Design of a system for real-time modelling of the dispersion of hazardous gas releases in industrial plants. 2. Accidental releases from storage installations
Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries
τόμ.2 αρ.4 σ.194-199
Άρθρο σε Πρακτικά Συνεδρίου
Bais Alkiviadis
Kelessis A
Ziomas Ioannis
Zerefos Christos
Amanatidis G
Tourpali Kleareti
Six years of regular ozone observations with a Brewer Spectrophotometer at Thessaloniki, Greece
Quadrennial Ozone Symposium
(Eds) Bojkov, R. D. and Fabian, P
Göttingen, Germany
A. Deepak
Άρθρο σε Πρακτικά Συνεδρίου
Amanatidis G. T
Zerefos Christos
Bais Alkiviadis
Ziomas Ioannis
Kelessis A. G
Two years of regular stratospheric NO2 measurements at Thessaloniki, Greece using twilight photometry
Quadrennial Ozone Symposium
(επιμ.) Deepack, A
Göttingen, Germany
Zerefos Christos
Ziomas Ioannis
Bais Alkiviadis
Heavy gas dispersion with demonstration of computerized predictive tools
Thessaloniki, Greece
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Mantis H. T
Zerefos Christos
Bais Alkiviadis
Ziomas Ioannis
Kelessis A
The Northern-Hemisphere Ozone Minimum in 1982-1983
Archives for Meteorology Geophysics and Bioclimatology Series B-Theoretical and Applied Climatology
τόμ.36 αρ.2 σ.135-145
Άρθρο σε Πρακτικά Συνεδρίου
Mariolopoulos E
Repapis C
Zerefos Christos
Varotsos C
Ziomas Ioannis
Bais Alkiviadis
A neglected long-term series of ground-level ozone
Quadrennial Ozone Symposium
(eds) Zerefos, C. S. and Ghazi, A
Zerefos Christos
Ziomas Ioannis
Bais Alkiviadis
Variability of the vertical ozone distribution
Quadrennial Ozone Symposium
(eds) Zerefos, C. and Ghazi, A
Halkidiki, Greee
Zerefos Christos
Bais Alkiviadis
Ziomas Ioannis
Monochromatic UV magnification factors and total ozone
Quadrennial Ozone Symposium
(eds) Zerefos, C. S. and Ghazi, A
Halkidiki, Greece
Άρθρο σε Πρακτικά Συνεδρίου
Bais Alkiviadis
Zerefos Christos
Ziomas Ioannis
Zoumakis N
Mantis H. T
Hofmann D
Fiocco G
Decreases in the ozone and the SO2 columns following the appearance of the El Chichon aerosol cloud at midlatitudes
Quadrennial Ozone Symposium
(eds) Zerefos, C. S. and Ghazi, A
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Ziomas Ioannis
Zerefos Christos
Bais Alkiviadis
Metaxas D
Tautorat U
On the strength of the ozone sink at the ground
Archives for Meteorology, Geophysics, and Bioclimatology Series B
τόμ.33 αρ.3 σ.229-236
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Zempila M.-M
Giannaros T.M
Bais Alkiviadis
Melas Dimitrios
Kazantzidis A
Evaluation of WRF shortwave radiation parameterizations in predicting Global Horizontal Irradiance in Greece
Ενημερώθηκε: 2023-03-26