Παράκαμψη προς το κυρίως περιεχόμενο
Μονάδα Διασφάλισης Ποιότητας
Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης
Πολιτική Ποιότητας
Διασφάλιση Ποιότητας
Σύστημα Διαχείρισης Ποιότητας
Είστε εδώ
Αναφορά Βιογραφικών
Βιογραφικό Σημείωμα
Κωνσταντίνος Φουντουλάκης
Καθηγητής, Τμήμα Ιατρικής
Προσωπικά Στοιχεία
Scopus ID
Google Scholar ID
Konstantinos Fountoulakis
PubMed ID
Γνωστικό Αντικείμενο
Γενική Ψυχιατρική
Προπτυχιακές Σπουδές
Διδακτορικό Δίπλωμα
2005, Ψυχιατρική Κλινικη Πανεπιστημίου Γενεύης
Διδακτικό Έργο
Μαθήματα Χειμερινού εξαμήνου ακαδημαϊκού έτους 2019–20
Μαθήματα Εαρινού εξαμήνου ακαδημαϊκού έτους 2019–20
Επίβλεψη Εργασιών
Εργασίες Φοιτητών εντός ΑΠΘ
Σε εξέλιξη
Καρακατσουλης Γρηγοριος. Μελέτη κλινικών δεικτών και έκβαση μετά από 5-10 έτη σε ασθενείς που νοσηλεύτηκαν σε παθολογική κλινική λόγω απόπειρας αυτοκτονίας μετά το έτος 2000
Καραβελας Ευαγγελος. Συχνότητα των ήπιων νευρολογικών σημείων σε ασθενείς με διπολική διαταραχή και σχιζοσυναισθηματική διαταραχή διπολικού τύπου
Παναγιωτιδης Παναγιωτης. Συχνότητα των ήπιων νευρολογικών σημείων σε ασθενείς με σχιζοφρενικού τύπου ψύχωση.
Ερευνητικά Έργα
Εξατομικευμένος οδηγός διατροφικής συμπεριφοράς και εξάσκησης για την πρόληψη της παχυσαρκίας και των διατροφικών διαταραχών
Δημιουργία δικτυακού κοινωνικού χάρτη στο Δήμο Θεσσαλονίκης
Επιμόρφωση Εκπαιδευτικών-Γονέων παιδιών με Αναπηρίες και Γονέων Μαθητών με Αναπηρίες
Οικονομικό μοντέλο για τη διαχείριση ασθενών με σχιζοφρένεια
ΠΥΘΑΓΟΡΑΣ ΙΙ (γενικό): Μετάφραση, προσαρμογή, στάθμιση και έκδοση του CAMDEX-R στην Ελλάδα
Μια ανοιχτή τυχαιοποιημένη δοκιμή δώδεκα εβδομάδων που συγκρίνει το Sodium Valoroate chronosphere με λίθιο σε ασθενείς Διπολικής Ι, οι οποίοι υποφέρουν από κάποιο μανιακό επεισόδιο
Δημιουργία Διιδρυματικού Προγράμματος Μεταπτυχιακών Σπουδών για τη χορήγηση Μεταπτυχιακού Διπλώματος Εξιδείκευσης σε προηγμένα συστήματα υπολογιστών και επικοινωνιών με επισπεύδον το Τμήμα Ηλεκτρολόγων Μηχανικών και Μηχανικών Υπολογιστών
Συμβουλευτική εταιρείας Janssen για καινούριο φάρμακο
Αποτελεσματικότητα της pregabalin ως πρόσθετη θεραπεία της Γενικευμένης Αγχώδους Διαταραχής συνυπάρχουσας με Μείζονα Καταθλιπτική Διαταραχή: Διπλά τυφλή ελεγχόμενη με placebo μελέτη
Αξιοποίηση των αποτελεσμάτων από την αξιολόγηση της ψυχοεκπαιδευτικής διαδικασίας
Ομιλίες και διαλέξεις για την ψυχική υγεία
Νεώτερα επιστημονικά δεδομένα για τη Μείζονα Κταθλιπτική Διαταραχή
Εγκυροποίηση και αξιοπιστία της κλίμακας subjective well being
Αξιολόγηση και εκπαίδευση στην αξιολόγηση της αποτελεσματικότητας της ψυχοθεραπευτικής διαδικασίας σε νοσηλευόμενους ασθενείς με σοβαρά νευροψυχιατρικά νοσήματα
Αξιολόγηση και εκπαίδευση στην αξιολόγηση της αποτελεσματικότητας της ψυχοθεραπευτικής διαδικασίας σε νοσηλευόμενους ασθενείς με σοβαρά νευροψυχιατρικά νοσήματα
Δομικές διαταραχές του εγκεφάλου όπως εμφανίζονται με DT-MRI σε ασθενείς με σχιζοφρένεια
Αξιολόγηση της αποτελεσματικότητας της ψυχοθεραπευτικής διαδικασίας σε νοσηλευόμενους ασθενείς με σοβαρά νευροψυχιατρικά νοσήματα.
Κατάρτιση προγραμμάτων ΕΦΕΤ
Μια συγκριτική, τυχαιοποιημένη, ανοιχτή, πολυκεντρική μελέτη για την αποτελεσματικότητα και την ασφάλεια της αλλαγής θεραπείας με Αριπιπραζόλη σε εξωτερικούς ασθενείς με σχιζοφρένεια, στους οποίους η ρισπεριδόνη παρουσιάζει μειωμένη αποτελεσματικότητα και οι οποίοι εμφανίζουν θέματα ασφαλείας και ανεκτικότητας, ενώ λαμβάνουν ρισπεριδόνη
Ανάπτυξη πειραματικής κλίμακας κατάθλιψης.
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Suicides in Greece before and during the period of austerity by sex and age group: Relationship to unemployment and economic variables
Journal of Affective Disorders
τόμ.260 σ.174-182
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Gonda Xenia
Modeling human temperament and character on the basis of combined theoretical approaches
Annals of General Psychiatry
τόμ.18 αρ.1
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Bauer M.
Glenn T.
Alda M.
Aleksandrovich M. A.
Andreassen O. A.
Angelopoulos E.
Ardau R.
Ayhan Y.
Baethge C.
Bharathram S. R.
Bauer R.
, et al.
Solar insolation in springtime influences age of onset of bipolar I disorder
Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica
Dragioti Elena
Wiklund Tobias
Siamouli Melina
Moutou Katerina
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Could PANSS be a useful tool in the determining of the stages of schizophrenia? A clinically operational approach
Journal of Psychiatric Research
τόμ.86 αρ.C σ.66-72
Esan Oluyomi
Osunbote Christopher
Oladele Oluremi
Fakunle Sina
Ehindero Christopher
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Bipolar I disorder in remission vs. schizophrenia in remission: Is there a difference in burden?
Comprehensive Psychiatry
τόμ.72 αρ.C σ.130-135
Ferentinos Panagiotis
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Lewis Cathryn M.
Porichi Evgenia
Dikeos Dimitris
Papageorgiou Charalambos
Douzenis Athanassios
Validating a two-dimensional bipolar spectrum model integrating DSM-5's mixed features specifier for Major Depressive Disorder
Comprehensive Psychiatry
τόμ.77 αρ.C σ.89-99
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
The misleading concept of initial severity in depression clinical trials: development and results from a mathematical model
Australasian Psychiatry
τόμ.25 αρ.1 σ.18-20
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Young Allan
Yatham Lakshmi
Grunze Heinz
Vieta Eduard
Blier Pierre
Moeller Hans Jurgen
Kasper Siegfried
The International College of Neuropsychopharmacology (CINP) Treatment Guidelines for Bipolar Disorder in Adults (CINP-BD-2017), Part 1: Background and Methods of the Development of Guidelines
International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology
τόμ. 20 αρ. 2 σ.98-120
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Yatham Lakshmi
Grunze Heinz
Vieta Eduard
Young Allan
Blier Pierre
Kasper Siegfried
Moeller Hans Jurgen
The International College of Neuro-Psychopharmacology (CINP) Treatment Guidelines for Bipolar Disorder in Adults (CINP-BD-2017), Part 2: Review, Grading of the Evidence, and a Precise Algorithm
International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
DSM-III-R change in definition might have affected placebo response to antidepressants
The Lancet Psychiatry
τόμ.4 αρ.1 σ.21-22
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Gonda Xenia
Differential correlation of suicide and homicide rates according to geographical areas: A study with population-level data
Psychiatry Research
τόμ.249 αρ.C σ.167-171
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Gonda Xenia
Siamouli Melina
Moutou Katerina
Nitsa Zoe
Leonard Brian E.
Kasper Siegfried
Higher than recommended dosages of antipsychotics in male patients with schizophrenia are associated with increased depression but no major neurocognitive side effects: Results of a cross-sectional pilot naturalistic study
Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry
τόμ.75 αρ.C σ.113-119
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Changing response rates in clinical trials of depression: how did the introduction of DSM-III and DSM-III-R influence the outcome?
Evidence Based Mental Health
τόμ.20 αρ.2 σ.64-64
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Is Really Crocus Sativus as Effective as Citalopram in the Treatment of Depression?
Vol.50 αρ.1
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Therapeutic effect of sertindole on neurocognitive deficit independently of positive and negative symptoms response: A case report
Psychiatry Research
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Popovic D.
Mosheva M.
Siamouli M.
Moutou K.
Gonda X.
Mood Symptoms in Stabilized Patients with Schizophrenia: A Bipolar Type with Predominant Psychotic Features
Psychiatria Danubina
τόμ.29 αρ.2 σ.:148-154
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Souliotis Kyriakos
Regionalising without rationalising in the Greek mental health care system
The Lancet Psychiatry
τόμ.4 αρ.8 σ.e18
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Vieta Eduard
Young Allan
Yatham Lakshmi
Grunze Heinz
Blier Pierre
Moeller Hans Jurgen
Kasper Siegfried
The International College of Neuropsychopharmacology (CINP) Treatment Guidelines for Bipolar Disorder in Adults (CINP-BD-2017), Part 4: Unmet Needs in the Treatment of Bipolar Disorder and Recommendations for Future Research
International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology
Vol.20 αρ.2 σ.196-205
Koufaki I.
Polizoidou V.
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
The concept of temperament and its contribution to the understanding of the bipolar spectrum
τόμ.28 αρ.2 σ.142-155
Ntountoulaki Elisavet
Paika Vassiliki
Papaioannou Dimitra
Guthrie Elspeth
Kotsis Konstantinos
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Carvalho Andre F.
Hyphantis Thomas
The relationship of the perceived impact of the current Greek recession with increased suicide risk is moderated by mental illness in patients with long-term conditions
Journal of Psychosomatic Research
τόμ.96 αρ.C σ.98-105
Paika Vassiliki
Andreoulakis Elias
Ntountoulaki Elisavet
Papaioannou Dimitra
Kotsis Konstantinos
Siafaka Vassiliki
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Pargament Kenneth I.
Carvalho Andre F.
Hyphantis Thomas
The Greek-Orthodox version of the Brief Religious Coping (B-RCOPE) instrument: psychometric properties in three samples and associations with mental disorders, suicidality, illness perceptions, and quality of life
Annals of General Psychiatry
τόμ.16 αρ.1
Tournavitis Alexandros
Tortopidis Dimitrios
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Menexes George
Koidis Petros
Psychopathologic Profiles of TMD Patients with Different Pain Locations
The International Journal of Prosthodontics
τόμ.30 αρ.3 σ.251-257
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Kaprinis Stergios
Kaprinis Georgios
Special characteristics affecting the neuropsychologic assessment of the elderly in Greece
American Journal of Alzheimer's Disease and Other Dementias
τόμ.17 αρ.5 σ.273-276
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Siamouli Melina
Kantartzis Sotiris
Panagiotidis Panagiotis
Iakovidis Apostolos
Kaprinis Georgios
Acute Dystonia with Low-Dosage Aripiprazole in Tourette's Disorder
Annals of Pharmacotherapy
τόμ.40 αρ.4 σ.775-777
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Savvopoulos Christos
Zannis Prodromos
Apostolopoulou Martha
Fountoukidis Ilias
Kakaletsis Nikolaos
Kanellos Ilias
Dimellis Dimos
Hyphantis Thomas
Tsikerdekis Athanasios
Pompili Maurizio
, et al.
Climate change but not unemployment explains the changing suicidality in Thessaloniki Greece (2000–2012)
Journal of Affective Disorders
τόμ.193 αρ.C σ.331-338
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Tegos Thomas
Goulis Dimitrios
Nimatoudis Ioannis
Kimiskidis Vasileios
Treatment of a female patient with persistent genital arousal and Parkinson’s disease with paliperidone
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry
τόμ.51 αρ.1 σ.98-99
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Gonda Xenia
Koufaki Ioanna
Hyphantis Thomas
Cloninger C. Robert
The Role of Temperament in the Etiopathogenesis of Bipolar Spectrum Illness
Harvard Review of Psychiatry
τόμ.24 αρ.1 σ.36-52
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Chatzikosta Isaia
Pastiadis Konstantinos
Zanis Prodromos
Kawohl Wolfram
Kerkhof Ad J. F. M.
Navickas Alvydas
Höschl Cyril
Lecic-Tosevski Dusica
Sorel Eliot
Rancans Elmars
, et al.
Relationship of suicide rates with climate and economic variables in Europe during 2000–2012
Annals of General Psychiatry
τόμ.15 αρ.1
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Are molecular scanners going to make double-blind placebo-controlled trials impossible?
Evidence Based Mental Health
τόμ.19 αρ.4 σ.128-128
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Suicide and the economic situation in Europe: are we experiencing the development of a 'reverse stigma?
The British Journal of Psychiatry
τόμ.209 αρ.4 σ.273-274
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Balaris D.
Nikolaou V.
Nimatoudis Ioannis
Non-conventional pharmacological agents for the treatment of bipolar disorder: Α systematic review of the evidence
τόμ.27 αρ.4 σ.253-263
Garriga Marina
Pacchiarotti Isabella
Kasper Siegfried
Zeller Scott L.
Allen Michael H.
Vázquez Gustavo
Baldaçara Leonardo
San Luis
McAllister-Williams R. Hamish
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Courtet Philippe
, et al.
Assessment and management of agitation in psychiatry: Expert consensus
The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry
τόμ.17 αρ.2 σ.86-128
Ntountoulaki Elisavet
Guthrie Elspeth
Kotsis Konstantinos
Paika Vassiliki
Tatsioni Athina
Tomenson Barbara
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Carvalho Andre F.
Hyphantis Thomas
Double RASS cutpoint accurately diagnosed suicidal risk in females with long-term conditions attending the emergency department compared to their male counterparts
Comprehensive Psychiatry
τόμ.69 αρ.C σ.193-201
Preti Antonio
Vrublevska Jelena
Veroniki Areti Angeliki
Huedo-Medina Tania B
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Prevalence, impact and treatment of generalised anxiety disorder in bipolar disorder: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Evidence Based Mental Health
τόμ.19 αρ.3 σ.73-81
Samara Anastasia
Kouidi Evangelia
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Alexiou Serafeim
Deligiannis Asterios
The Effects of Aquatic Exercise on Functional Capacity and Health-Related Quality of Life in Hemodialysis Patients
Journal of Clinical & Experimental Nephrology
τόμ.01 αρ.03
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Bauer M.
Glenn T.
Alda M.
Andreassen O.A.
Angelopoulos E.
Ardau R.
Baethge C.
Bauer R.
Bellivier F.
Belmaker R.H.
Berk M.
, et al.
Influence of birth cohort on age of onset cluster analysis in bipolar I disorder
European Psychiatry
τόμ.30 αρ.1 σ.99-105
Bauer Michael
Glenn Tasha
Alda Martin
Andreassen Ole A.
Angelopoulos Elias
Ardau Raffaella
Baethge Christopher
Bauer Rita
Baune Bernhard T.
Bellivier Frank
Belmaker Robert H.
, et al.
Influence of light exposure during early life on the age of onset of bipolar disorder
Journal of Psychiatric Research
τόμ.64 αρ.C σ.1-8
Carvalho A. F.
Quevedo J.
McIntyre R. S.
Soeiro-de-Souza M. G.
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Berk M.
Hyphantis T. N.
Vieta E.
Treatment Implications of Predominant Polarity and the Polarity Index: A Comprehensive Review
International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology
τόμ.18 αρ.2 σ.pyu079-pyu079
Dragioti Elena
Dimoliatis Ioannis
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Evangelou Evangelos
A systematic appraisal of allegiance effect in randomized controlled trials of psychotherapy
Annals of General Psychiatry
τόμ.14 αρ.1 σ.1-9
Eory Ajandek
Rozsa Sandor
Gonda Xenia
Dome Peter
Torzsa Peter
Simavorian Tatevik
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Pompili Maurizio
Serafini Gianluca
Akiskal Knarig K.
Akiskal Hagop S.
, et al.
The association of affective temperaments with smoking initiation and maintenance in adult primary care patients
Journal of Affective Disorders
τόμ.172 αρ.C σ.397-402
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
S. McIntyre Roger
F. Carvalho Andre
From Randomized Controlled Trials of Antidepressant Drugs to the Meta-Analytic Synthesis of Evidence: Methodological Aspects Lead to Discrepant Findings
Current Neuropharmacology
τόμ.13 αρ.5 σ.605-615
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Savvopoulos Christos
Apostolopoulou Martha
Dampali Roxani
Zaggelidou Eleni
Karlafti Eleni
Fountoukidis Ilias
Kountis Pavlos
Limenopoulos Vasilis
Plomaritis Eustratios
Theodorakis Pavlos
, et al.
Rate of suicide and suicide attempts and their relationship to unemployment in Thessaloniki Greece (2000–2012)
Journal of Affective Disorders
τόμ.174 αρ.C σ.131-136
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Gonda Xenia
Baghai Thomas C.
Baldwin David S.
Bauer Michael
Blier Pierre
Gattaz Wagner
Hasler Gregor
Möller Hans-Jürgen
Tandon Rajiv
Vieta Eduard
, et al.
Report of the WPA section of pharmacopsychiatry on the relationship of antiepileptic drugs with suicidality in epilepsy
International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Gazouli Maria
Kelsoe John
Akiskal Hagop
The pharmacodynamic properties of lurasidone and their role in its antidepressant efficacy in bipolar disorder
European Neuropsychopharmacology
τόμ.25 αρ.3 σ.335-342
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Annals of general psychiatry reviewer acknowledgement 2014
Annals of General Psychiatry
τόμ.14 αρ.1 σ.9
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Treatment guidelines for mental disorders: reality or illusion?
Psychiatriki/ Ψυχιατρική
τόμ.26 αρ.2 σ.89
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Rozsa Sandor
Siamouli Melina
Moutou Katerina
Pantoula Eleonora
Cloninger Claude Robert
Standardization and normative data of the Greek version of the temperament and character inventory (TCI)
Annals of General Psychiatry
τόμ.14 αρ.1
Kaltsatou Antonia
Kouidi Evangelia
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Sipka C.
Theochari V.
Kandylis Dimitrios
Deligiannis Asterios
Effects of exercise training with traditional dancing on functional capacity and quality of life in patients with schizophrenia: a randomized controlled study
Clinical Rehabilitation
τόμ.29 αρ.9 σ.882-891
Kaltsatou Antonia
Kouidi Evangelia
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Sipka C.
Theochari V.
Kandylis Dimitrios
Deligiannis Asterios
Effects of exercise training with traditional dancing on functional capacity and quality of life in patients with schizophrenia: a randomized controlled study
Clinical Rehabilitation
τόμ.29 αρ.9 σ.882-91
Miziou Stella
Tsitsipa Eirini
Moysidou Stefania
Karavelas Vangelis
Dimelis Dimos
Polyzoidou Vagia
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Psychosocial treatment and interventions for bipolar disorder: a systematic review
Annals of General Psychiatry
τόμ.14 αρ.1
Rosenblat Joshua
McIntyre Roger
Alves Gilberto
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Carvalho Andre
Beyond Monoamines-Novel Targets for Treatment-Resistant Depression: A Comprehensive Review
Current Neuropharmacology
τόμ.13 αρ.5 σ.636-655
Tsitsipa Eirini
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
The neurocognitive functioning in bipolar disorder: a systematic review of data
Annals of General Psychiatry
τόμ.14 αρ.1
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Bauer Michael
Glenn Tasha
Alda Martin
Andreassen Ole A.
Angelopoulos Elias
Ardau Raffaella
Baethge Christopher
Bauer Rita
Bellivier Frank
Belmaker Robert H.
Berk Michael
, et al.
Relationship between sunlight and the age of onset of bipolar disorder: An international multisite study
Journal of Affective Disorders
τόμ.167 σ.104-111
Carvalho André F.
R. Nunes-Neto Paulo
S. Castelo Milena
S. Macêdo Danielle
Dimellis Dimos
G. Soeiro-de-Souza Márcio
K. Soczynska Joanna
S. McIntyre Roger
Hyphantis Thomas
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Screening for bipolar depression in family medicine practices: Prevalence and clinical correlates
Journal of Affective Disorders
τόμ.162 αρ.C σ.120-127
Carvalho André F.
McIntyre Roger S.
Dimelis Dimos
Gonda Xenia
Berk Michael
Nunes-Neto Paulo R.
Cha Danielle S.
Hyphantis Thomas N.
Angst Jules
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Predominant polarity as a course specifier for bipolar disorder: A systematic review
Journal of Affective Disorders
τόμ.163 αρ.C σ.56-64
Carvalho André F.
Dimellis Dimos
Gonda Xenia
Vieta Eduard
McIntyre Roger S.
Φουντουλάκης Κωνσταντίνος
Rapid Cycling in Bipolar Disorder
The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry
τόμ.75 αρ.06 σ.e578-e586
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Annals of General Psychiatry reviewer acknowledgement 2013
Annals of General Psychiatry
τόμ.13 αρ.1 σ.3
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Siamouli Melina
Magiria Matina
Pantoula Eleonora
Moutou Katerina
Kemeridou Marina
Mavridou Eirini
Panagiotidis Panagiotis
Loli Efimia
Batsiari Elena
Preti Antonio
, et al.
Standardization of the TEMPS-A in the Greek general population
Journal of Affective Disorders
τόμ.158 αρ.C σ.19-29
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Theodorakis Pavlos N.
Austerity and health in Greece
The Lancet
τόμ.383 αρ.9928 σ.1543
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Gonda Xenia
Dome Peter
Theodorakis Pavlos N
Rihmer Zoltan
Possible delayed effect of unemployment on suicidal rates: the case of Hungary
Annals of General Psychiatry
τόμ.13 αρ.1 σ.12
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Möller Hans-Jürgen
Are antidepressants clinically useful? Conclusion of a decade of debate
World Psychiatry
τόμ.13 αρ.2 σ.201-202
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Editorial: cognitive dysfunction in major depressive disorder - pathophysiology, clinical implications and treatment opportunities
CNS and Neurological Disorders Drug Targets
τόμ.13 αρ.10 σ.1637-9
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Kawohl W.
Theodorakis Pavlos N.
Kerkhof A. J. F. M.
Navickas A.
Hoschl C.
Lecic-Tosevski D.
Sorel E.
Rancans E.
Palova E.
Juckel G.
, et al.
Relationship of suicide rates to economic variables in Europe: 2000-2011
The British Journal of Psychiatry
τόμ.205 αρ.6 σ.486-496
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Siamouli Melina
Moysidou Stefania
Pantoula Eleonora
Moutou Katerina
Panagiotidis Panagiotis
Kemeridou Marina
Mavridou Eirini
Loli Efimia
Batsiari Elena
Preti Antonio
, et al.
Standardization of the NEO-PI-3 in the Greek general population
Annals of General Psychiatry
τόμ.13 αρ.1 σ.36
Grunze Heinz
Sayyaparaju Kiran Kumar
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
When to start aripiprazole therapy in patients with bipolar mania
Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment
τόμ. 10 σ.459
Pompili Maurizio
Harnic D1
Gonda X1
Forte A1
Dominici G1
Innamorati M1
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Serafini G.
Sher L.
Janiri L.
Rihmer Z.
, et al.
Impact of living with bipolar patients: Making sense of caregivers’ burden
World Journal of Psychiatry
τόμ.4 αρ.1 σ.1
Pompili Maurizio
Innamorati Marco
Gonda Xenia
Serafini Gianluca
Erbuto Denise
Ricci Federica
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Lester David
Vazquez Gustavo
Rihmer Zoltan
Amore Mario
, et al.
Pharmacotherapy in bipolar disorders during hospitalization and at discharge predicts clinical and psychosocial functioning at follow-up
Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical and Experimental
τόμ.29 αρ.6 σ.578-588
Reinares María
Sánchez-Moreno José
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Psychosocial interventions in bipolar disorder: What, for whom, and when
Journal of Affective Disorders
τόμ.156 αρ.C σ.46-55
Siamouli Melina
Samara Myrto
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Is Antiepileptic-Induced Suicidality a Data-Based Class Effect or an Exaggeration? A Comment on the Literature
Harvard Review of Psychiatry
τόμ.22 αρ.6 σ.379-381
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Carvalho André F.
Hyphantis Thomas N.
Taunay Tauily C.
Macêdo Danielle S.
Floros Georgios D.
Ottoni Gustavo L.
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Lara Diogo R.
The relationship between affective temperaments, defensive styles and depressive symptoms in a large sample
Journal of Affective Disorders
τόμ.146 αρ.1 σ.58-65
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Annals of General Psychiatry reviewer acknowledgement 2012
Annals of General Psychiatry
τόμ.12 αρ.1 σ.5
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Siamouli Melina
Grammatikopoulos Ilias A
Koupidis Sotirios A
Siapera Marianna
Theodorakis Pavlos N
Economic crisis-related increased suicidality in Greece and Italy: a premature overinterpretation: Table 1
Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health
τόμ.67 αρ.4 σ.379-380
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Savvopoulos Christos
Siamouli Melina
Zaggelidou Eleni
Mageiria Stamatia
Iakovidis Apostolos
Chatzitolios Apostolos
Trends in suicidality amid the economic crisis in Greece
European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience
τόμ.263 αρ.5 σ.441-444
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Kontis Dimitrios
Gonda Xenia
Yatham Lakshmi N
A systematic review of the evidence on the treatment of rapid cycling bipolar disorder
Bipolar Disorders
τόμ.15 αρ.2 σ.115-137
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Koupidis Sotirios A
Siamouli Melina
Grammatikopoulos Ilias A
Theodorakis Pavlos N
Suicide, recession, and unemployment
The Lancet
τόμ.381 αρ.9868 σ.721-722
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Hoschl Cyril
Kasper Siegfried
Lopez-Ibor Juan
Möller Hans-Jürgen
The media and intellectuals' response to medical publications: the anti-depressants' case
Annals of General Psychiatry
τόμ.12 αρ.1 σ.11
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Andreoulakis lias E.
Iakovidis Apostolos
Nonsensory Hallucinations or Obsessive Symptoms?
The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease
τόμ.201 αρ.9 σ.818-823
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Samara Myrto
Siamouli Melina
Burning issues in the meta-analysis of pharmaceutical trials for depression
Journal of Psychopharmacology
τόμ.28 αρ.2 σ.106-117
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Gonda Xenia
Andreoulakis Elias
Fokas Konstantinos
Iakovidis Apostolos
No differences between drug naive and drug experienced unipolar depressed patients in terms of neurobiological testing: A cross sectional study
Journal of Psychiatric Research
τόμ.47 αρ.12 σ.1984-1990
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Veroniki Areti
Siamouli Melina
Möller Hans-Jürgen
No role for initial severity on the efficacy of antidepressants: results of a multi-meta-analysis
Annals of General Psychiatry
τόμ.12 αρ.1 σ.26
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Koupidis S. A.
Grammatikopoulos I. A.
Theodorakis P. N.
First reliable data suggest a possible increase in suicides in Greece
τόμ.347 αρ.aug06 1 σ.f4900-f4900
Hyphantis Thomas N.
Taunay Tauily C.
Macedo Danielle S.
Soeiro-de-Souza Márcio G.
Bisol Luísa W.
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Lara Diogo R.
Carvalho André F.
Affective temperaments and ego defense mechanisms associated with somatic symptom severity in a large sample
Journal of Affective Disorders
τόμ.150 αρ.2 σ.481-489
Muralidharan Kesavan
Ali Mazen
Silveira Leonardo E.
Bond David J.
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Lam Raymond W.
Yatham Lakshmi N.
Efficacy of second generation antipsychotics in treating acute mixed episodes in bipolar disorder: A meta-analysis of placebo-controlled trials
Journal of Affective Disorders
τόμ.150 αρ.2 σ.408-414
Pacchiarotti Isabella
Bond David J.
Baldessarini Ross J.
Nolen Willem A.
Grunze Heinz
Licht Rasmus W.
Post Robert M.
Berk Michael
Goodwin Guy M.
Sachs Gary S.
Tondo Leonardo
, et al.
The International Society for Bipolar Disorders (ISBD) Task Force Report on Antidepressant Use in Bipolar Disorders
American Journal of Psychiatry
τόμ.170 αρ.11 σ.1249-1262
Panagiotidis P.
Kaprinis Georgios
Iakovidis Apostolos
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Neurological soft signs in schizophrenia: correlations with age, sex, educational status and psychopathology
Psychiatriki - Ψυχιατρική
τόμ.24 αρ.4 σ.272-87
Reinares María
Rosa Adriane R.
Franco Carolina
Goikolea José Manuel
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Siamouli Melina
Gonda Xenia
Frangou Sophia
Vieta Eduard
A systematic review on the role of anticonvulsants in the treatment of acute bipolar depression
The International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology
τόμ.16 αρ.02 σ.485-496
Ristić-Ignjatović D.
Hinić D.
Jakovljević M.
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Siepera M.
Rancić N.
A ten-year study of depressive symptoms in Serbian medical students
Acta Clinica Croatica
τόμ.52 αρ.2 σ.157-163
Yatham Lakshmi N.
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Rahman Zia
Ammerman Diane
Fyans Paula
Marler Sabrina V.
Baker Ross A.
Carlson Berit X.
Efficacy of aripiprazole versus placebo as adjuncts to lithium or valproate in relapse prevention of manic or mixed episodes in bipolar I patients stratified by index manic or mixed episode
Journal of Affective Disorders
τόμ.147 αρ.1-3 σ.365-372
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Baghai Thomas C.
Blier Pierre
Baldwin David S.
Bauer Michael
Goodwin Guy M.
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Kasper Siegfried
Leonard Brian E.
Malt Ulrik F.
Stein Dan J.
Versiani Marcio
, et al.
Executive summary of the report by the WPA section on pharmacopsychiatry on general and comparative efficacy and effectiveness of antidepressants in the acute treatment of depressive disorders
European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience
τόμ.262 αρ.1 σ.13-22
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Kontis Dimitrios
Mathematical Coupling and the True Role of Baseline Severity in Acute Mania Trials
τόμ.37 αρ.3 σ.850-850
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Kontis Dimitrios
Gonda Xenia
Siamouli Melina
Yatham Lakshmi N.
Treatment of mixed bipolar states
The International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology
τόμ.15 αρ.07 σ.1015-1026
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Past, present and future in the treatment of major psychotic disorders
Current Pharmaceutical Design
τόμ.18 αρ.12 σ.1557-1557
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
The Possible Involvement of NMDA Glutamate Receptor in the Etiopathogenesis of Bipolar Disorder
Current Pharmaceutical Design
τόμ.18 αρ.12 σ.1605-1608
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Gonda Xenia
Samara Myrto
Siapera Marianna
Karavelas Vaggelis
Ristic Dragana I
Iakovidis Apostolos
Antiepileptic drugs and suicidality
Journal of Psychopharmacology
τόμ.26 αρ.11 σ.1401-1407
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Siamouli Melina
Comparative efficacy of anti-manic drugs in acute mania
The Lancet
τόμ.379 αρ.9819 σ.893-894
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Grammatikopoulos Ilias A
Koupidis Sotirios A
Siamouli Melina
Theodorakis Pavlos N
Health and the financial crisis in Greece
The Lancet
τόμ.379 αρ.9820 σ.1001-1002
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Introduction - Bipolar Illness: Current Understanding and Future Perspectives
CNS Neuroscience and Therapeutics
τόμ.18 αρ.3 σ.193-193
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Kasper Siegfried
Andreassen Ole
Blier Pierre
Okasha Ahmed
Severus Emanuel
Versiani Marcio
Tandon Rajiv
Möller Hans-Jürgen
Vieta Eduard
Efficacy of pharmacotherapy in bipolar disorder: a report by the WPA section on pharmacopsychiatry
European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience
τόμ.262 αρ.S1 σ.1-48
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Andreoulakis Elias
Iakovidis Apostolos
Possible Polyneuritis Cranialis in a Psychotic Patient: Diagnostic and Therapeutic Dilemmas
The Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences
τόμ.24 αρ.4 σ.E26-E27
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Kelsoe John R.
Akiskal Hagop
Receptor targets for antidepressant therapy in bipolar disorder: An overview
Journal of Affective Disorders
τόμ.138 αρ.3 σ.222-238
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Pantoula Eleonora
Siamouli Melina
Moutou Katerina
Gonda Xenia
Rihmer Zoltan
Iakovidis Apostolos
Akiskal Hagop
Development of the Risk Assessment Suicidality Scale (RASS): A population-based study
Journal of Affective Disorders
τόμ.138 αρ.3 σ.449-457
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Möller Hans-Jürgen
Antidepressant drugs and the response in the placebo group: the real problem lies in our understanding of the issue
Journal of Psychopharmacology
τόμ.26 αρ.5 σ.744-750
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Refractoriness in Bipolar Disorder: Definitions and Evidence-Based Treatment
CNS Neuroscience and Therapeutics
τόμ.18 αρ.3 σ.227-237
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Lekka Eirini
Kouidi Evangelia
Chouvarda Ioanna
Deligiannis Asterios
Magklaveras Nikolaos
Development of the Global Disability Scale (Glo.Di.S): preliminary results
Annals of General Psychiatry
τόμ.11 αρ.1 σ.14
Gonda Xenia
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Csukly Gabor
Dome Peter
Sarchiapone Marco
Laszik Andras
Bedi Katalin
Juhasz Gabriella
Siamouli Melina
Rudisch Tibor
Molnar Eszter
, et al.
Star-crossed? The association of the 5-HTTLPR s allele with season of birth in a healthy female population, and possible consequences for temperament, depression and suicide
Journal of Affective Disorders
τόμ.143 αρ.1-3 σ.75-83
Möller H.-J.
Bitter I.
Bobes J.
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Höschl C.
Kasper S.
Position statement of the European Psychiatric Association (EPA) on the value of antidepressants in the treatment of unipolar depression
European Psychiatry
τόμ.27 αρ.2 σ.114-128
Steinhauser Georg
Adlassnig Wolfram
Risch Jesaka Ahau
Anderlini Serena
Arguriou Petros
Armendariz Aaron Zolen
Bains William
Baker Clark
Barnes Martin
Barnett Jonathan
Baumgartner Michael
, et al.
Peer review versus editorial review and their role in innovative science
Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics
τόμ.33 αρ.5 σ.359-376
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Baghai T. C.
Blier P.
Baldwin D. S.
Bauer M.
Goodwin G. M.
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Kasper S.
Leonard B. E.
Malt U. F.
Stein D.
Versiani M.
, et al.
General and comparative efficacy and effectiveness of antidepressants in the acute treatment of depressive disorders: a report by the WPA section of pharmacopsychiatry
European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience
τόμ.261 suppl.3 σ.207-245
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Gonda Xenia
Vieta Eduard
Rihmer Zoltan
Class effect of pharmacotherapy in bipolar disorder: fact or misbelief?
Annals of General Psychiatry
τόμ.10 αρ.1 σ.8
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Siamouli Melina
Panagiotidis Panagiotis T
Magiria Stamatia
Kantartzis Sotiris
Terzoglou Vassiliki A
Oral Timucin
The standardised copy of pentagons test
Annals of General Psychiatry
τόμ.10 αρ.1 σ.13
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Vieta E.
Schmidt F.
Aripiprazole monotherapy in the treatment of bipolar disorder: a meta-analysis
Journal of Affective Disorders
τόμ.133 αρ.3 σ.361-370
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Siamouli M.
Magiria S.
Panagiotidis P. T.
Kantartzis S.
Terzoglou V. A.
Oral T.
A standardized scoring method for the copy of cube test, developed to be suitable for use in psychiatric populations.
Annals of General Psychiatry
τόμ.10 αρ.1 σ.19
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Samara M.
Siapera M.
Iakovidis Apostolos
Tardive Tourette-like syndrome: a systematic review
International Clinical Psychopharmacology
τόμ.26 αρ.5 σ.237-242
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Pavlidis I.
Kosta-Tsolaki Magdalini
Life events and dementia: what is the nature of their relationship?
Psychiatry Research
τόμ.190 αρ.1 σ.156-158
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Pantoula E.
Siamouli M.
Moutou K.
Gonda X.
Rihmer Z.
Iakovidis Apostolos
Akiskal H.
Development of the Risk Assessment Suicidality Scale (RASS): a population-based study
τόμ.22 αρ.2 σ.132-147
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Panagiotidis P.
Tardive Tourette-like syndrome in a patient treated with paliperidone
Journa of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences
τόμ.23 αρ.4 σ.E35-6
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Möller H.
Efficacy of antidepressants: a re-analysis and re-interpretation of the Kirsch data
International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology
τόμ.14 αρ.3 σ.405-412
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Gonda X.
Rihmer Z.
Suicide prevention programs through community intervention
Journal of Affective Disorders
τόμ.130 αρ.1-2 σ.10-16
Gonda X.
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Harro J.
Pompili M.
Akiskal H. S.
Bagdy G.
Rihmer Z.
The possible contributory role of the S allele of 5-HTTLPR in the emergence of suicidality
Journal of Psychopharmacology
τόμ.25 αρ.7 σ.857-866
Gonda Xenia
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Csukly Gabor
Bagdy Gyorgy
Pap Dorottya
Molnár Eszter
Laszik Andras
Lazary Judit
Sarosi Andrea
Faludi Gabor
Sasvari-Szekely Maria
, et al.
Interaction of 5-HTTLPR genotype and unipolar major depression in the emergence of aggressive/hostile traits
Journal of Affective Disorders
τόμ.132 αρ.3 σ.432-437
Goodwin G. M.
Abbar M.
Schlaepfer T. E.
Grunze H.
Licht R. W.
Bellivier F.
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Altamura A. C.
Pitchot W.
Ågren H.
Holsboer-Trachsler E.
, et al.
Aripiprazole in patients with bipolar mania and beyond: an update of practical guidance.
Current Medical Research and Opinion
τόμ.27 αρ.12 σ.2285-2299
Möller H. J.
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Problems in determining efficacy and effectiveness of antidepressants
τόμ.22 αρ.4 σ.298-306
Nivoli A.
Colom F.
Murru A.
Pacchiarotti I.
Castro-Loli P.
González-Pinto A.
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Vieta E.
New treatment guidelines for acute bipolar depression: a systematic review
Journal of affective disorders
τόμ.129 αρ.1-3 σ.14-26
Rihmer Z.
Erdos P.
Ormos M.
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Vazquez G.
Pompili M.
Gonda X.
Association between affective temperaments and season of birth in a general student population.
Journal of Affective Disorders
τόμ.132 αρ.1-2 σ.64-70
Rosa A. R.
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Siamouli M.
Gonda X.
Vieta E.
Is anticonvulsant treatment of mania a class effect? Data from randomized clinical trials
CNS neuroscience and therapeutics
τόμ.17 αρ.3 σ.167-177
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Siamouli M.
Panagiotidis P.
Magiria S.
Kantartzis S.
Papastergiou N.
Shoretsanitis G.
Pantoula E.
Moutou K.
Kouidi Evangelia
Deres S.
Obesity and smoking in patients with schizophrenia and normal controls: a case-control study
Psychiatry Research
τόμ.176 αρ.1 σ.13-16
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
An update of evidence-based treatment of bipolar depression: where do we stand?
Current Opinion in Psychiatry
τόμ.23 αρ.1 σ.19-24
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Retinal response anomalies in patients with mental illness and high risk relatives.
Biological Psychiatry
τόμ.68 αρ.2 σ.e3 author reply e5
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Pharmaceutical treatment of acute bipolar depression
F1000 Medicine Reports
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
The emerging modern face of mood disorders: a didactic editorial with a detailed presentation of data and definitions
Annals of general psychiatry
τόμ.9 σ.1-22
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Disruption of biological rhythms as a core problem and therapeutic target in mood disorders: the emerging concept of 'rhythm regulators'
Ann Gen Psychiatry
τόμ.9 σ.3
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
The BALANCE trial
τόμ.375 αρ.9723 σ.1343-4; author reply 1344
Gonda X.
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Rihmer Z.
Laszik A.
Akiskal H. S.
Bagdy G.
How possible is the development of an operational psychometric method to assess the presence of the 5-HTTLPR s allele? Equivocal preliminary findings
Annals of general psychiatry
τόμ.9 σ.21
Gonda X.
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Csukly G.
Telek T.
Pap D.
Rihmer Z.
Bagdy G.
Association of a trait-like bias towards the perception of negative subjective life events with risk of developing premenstrual symptoms
Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry
τόμ.34 αρ.3 σ.500-505
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Vieta E.
Efficacy and safety of aripiprazole in the treatment of bipolar disorder: a systematic review
Annals of General Psychiatry
τόμ.8 σ.1-15
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Siamouli M.
Re: How well do psychosocial interventions work in bipolar disorder?
The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry
τόμ.54 αρ.8 σ.578
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Gonda X.
Vieta E.
Schmidt F.
Treatment of psychotic symptoms in bipolar disorder with aripiprazole monotherapy: a meta-analysis
Annals of General Psychiatry
τόμ.8 σ.27
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Gonda X.
Siamouli M.
Rihmer Z.
Psychotherapeutic intervention and suicide risk reduction in bipolar disorder: a review of the evidence
Journal of Affective Disorders
τόμ.113 αρ.1-2 σ.21-29
Gonda X.
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Rihmer Z.
Lazary J.
Laszik A.
Akiskal K. K.
Akiskal H. S.
Bagdy G.
Towards a genetically validated new affective temperament scale: a delineation of the temperament phenotype of 5-HTTLPR using the TEMPS-A
Journal of Affective Disorders
τόμ.112 αρ.1-3 σ.19-29
Gonda X.
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Juhasz G.
Rihmer Z.
Lazary J.
Laszik A.
Akiskal H. S.
Bagdy G.
Association of the s allele of the 5-HTTLPR with neuroticism-related traits and temperaments in a psychiatrically healthy population
European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience
τόμ.259 αρ.2 σ.106-113
Rihmer Z.
Gonda X.
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Suicide prevention programs through education in the frame of healthcare
Psychiatria Hungarica : A Magyar Pszichiátriai Társaság tudományos folyóirata
τόμ.24 αρ.6 σ.382-387
Siamouli M.
Moutou K.
Pantoula E.
Magiria S.
Chatzivasileiou I.
Arapidis K.
Chatzivasileiou A.
Deres S.
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Preliminary data concerning the reliability and psychometric properties of the Greek translation of the 20-item Subjective Well-Being Under Neuroleptic Treatment Scale (SWN-20)
Annals of General Psychiatry
τόμ.8 σ.1-8
Suh Guk-Hee
Wimo Anders
Gauthier Serge
O'Connor Daniel
Ikeda Manabu
Homma Akira
Dominguez Jacqueline
Yang Bong-Min
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
International price comparisons of Alzheimer's drugs: a way to close the affordability gap
International Psychogeriatrics
τόμ.21 αρ.06 σ.1116
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Vieta Eduard
Bouras Constantin
Notaridis Grigorios
Giannakopoulos Panteleimon
Kaprinis Georgios
Akiskal Hagop
A systematic review of existing data on long-term lithium therapy: neuroprotective or neurotoxic?
The International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology
τόμ.11 αρ.02
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Vieta E.
Bouras C.
Notaridis G.
Giannakopoulos P.
Kaprinis Georgios
Akiskal H.
A systematic review of existing data on long-term lithium therapy: neuroprotective or neurotoxic?
International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology
τόμ.11 αρ.2 σ.269-287
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Vieta E.
Treatment of bipolar disorder: a systematic review of available data and clinical perspectives
International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology
τόμ.11 αρ.7 σ.999-1029
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Siamouli M.
Panagiotidis P.
Magiria S.
Kantartzis S.
Iakovidis Apostolos
Kaprinis Georgios
Ultra short manic-like episodes after antidepressant augmentation with modafinil
Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry
τόμ.32 αρ.3 σ.891-892
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Siamouli M.
Magiria S.
Kaprinis Georgios
Late-life depression, religiosity, cerebrovascular disease, cognitive impairment and attitudes towards death in the elderly: interpreting the data
Medical Hypotheses
τόμ.70 αρ.3 σ.493-496
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Panagiotidis P. T.
Siamouli M.
Magiria S.
Sokolaki S.
Kantartzis S.
Rova K.
Papastergiou N.
Shoretstanitis G.
Oral T.
Mavridis T.
, et al.
Development of a standardized scoring method for the Graphic Sequence Test suitable for use in psychiatric populations
Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology
τόμ.21 αρ.1 σ.18-27
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Leucht S.
Kaprinis Georgios
Personality disorders and violence.
Current Opinion in Psychiatry
τόμ.21 αρ.1 σ.84-92
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Grunze H.
Panagiotidis P.
Kaprinis Georgios
Treatment of bipolar depression: an update.
Journal of Affective Disorders
τόμ.109 αρ.1-2 σ.21-34
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Gonda X.
Rihmer Z.
Iakovidis Apostolos
Revisiting the Dexamethasone Suppression Test in unipolar major depression: an exploratory study
Annals of General Psychiatry
τόμ.7 σ.1-9
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Giannakopoulos P.
Kövari E.
Bouras C.
Assessing the role of cingulate cortex in bipolar disorder: neuropathological, structural and functional imaging data
Brain Research Reviews
τόμ.59 αρ.1 σ.9-21
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Akiskal H. S.
Focus on bipolar illness
CNS spectrums
τόμ.13 αρ.9 σ.762
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
The contemporary face of bipolar illness: complex diagnostic and therapeutic challenges
CNS spectrums
τόμ.13 αρ.9 σ.763-74, 777-9
Toni C.
Perugi G.
Frare F.
Tusini G.
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Akiskal K. K.
Akiskal H. S.
The clinical-familial correlates and naturalistic outcome of panic-disorder-agoraphobia with and without lifetime bipolar II comorbidity
Annals of General Psychiatry
τόμ.7 σ.1-9
Triantafyllou N.
Evangelopoulos M.
Kimiskidis Vasileios
Kararizou E.
Boufidou F.
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Siamouli M.
Nikolaou C.
Sfagos C.
Vlaikidis Nikolaos
Vassilopoulos D.
Increased plasma homocysteine levels in patients with multiple sclerosis and depression.
Annals of General Psychiatry
τόμ.7 σ.17
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Vieta E.
Siamouli M.
Valenti M.
Magiria S.
Oral T.
Fresno D.
Giannakopoulos P.
Kaprinis Georgios
Treatment of bipolar disorder: a complex treatment for a multi-faceted disorder.
Annals of General Psychiatry
τόμ.6 σ.27
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Samolis S.
Iakovidis Apostolos
Kaprinis Georgios
Ecchymoses as an adverse effect of fluoxetine treatment
Psychiatry Research
τόμ.152 αρ.1 σ.91-92
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Magiria S.
Siamouli Melpomeni (Melina)
Panagiotidis P.
Nimatoudis Ioannis
Iakovidis Apostolos
Kaprinis Georgios
A seven- year follow-up of an extremely refractory bipolar I patient
CNS Spectrums
τόμ.12 αρ.10 σ.733-734
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Iakovidis Apostolos
Karamouzis Michail
Kaprinis Georgios
Ierodiakonou C.
Season of birth, clinical manifestations and Dexamethasone Suppression Test in unipolar major depression
Annals of General Psychiatry
τόμ.6 σ.20
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Iakovidis Apostolos
Karamouzis Michail
Gerasimou G.
Grammatikos Filippos
Fotiou Fotios
Kaprinis Georgios
Is it possible to predict the long-term response to venlafaxine with the use of biological markers and psychophysiological methods?
Journal of Affective Disorders
τόμ.99 αρ.1-3 σ.155-163
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Bech P.
Panagiotidis P.
Siamouli M.
Kantartzis S.
Papadopoulos Athanasios
Papadopoulou Maria
Kaprinis Stergios
Kourila-Kaprini Eleftheria
Iakovidis Apostolos
Kaprinis Stergios
, et al.
Comparison of depressive indices: reliability, validity, relationship to anxiety and personality and the role of age and life events
Journal of Affective Disorders
τόμ.97 αρ.1-3 σ.187-195
Gonda X.
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Kaprinis Georgios
Rihmer Z.
Prediction and prevention of suicide in patients with unipolar depression and anxiety
Annals of General Psychiatry
τόμ.6 σ.23
Kimiskidis Vasileios
Triantafyllou N. I.
Kararizou E.
Gatzonis S.
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Siatouni A.
Loucaidis P.
Pseftogianni D.
Vlaikidis Nikolaos
Kaprinis Georgios
Depression and anxiety in epilepsy: the association with demographic and seizure-related variables
Annals of General Psychiatry
τόμ.6 σ.28
Martinez-Aran A.
Vieta E.
Torrent C.
Sanchez-Moreno J.
Goikolea J. M.
Salamero M.
Malhi G. S.
Gonzalez-Pinto A.
Daban C.
Alvarez-Grandi S.
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
, et al.
Functional outcome in bipolar disorder: the role of clinical and cognitive factors
Bipolar disorders
τόμ.9 αρ.1-2 σ.103-113
Panagiotidis P. T.
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Siamouli M.
Magiria S.
Iakovidis Apostolos
Kaprinis Georgios
Risperidone-induced sialorrhea responsive to biperiden treatment
Schizophrenia Research
τόμ.93 αρ.1-3 σ.410-411
Sartorius N.
Baghai T. C.
Baldwin D. S.
Barrett B.
Brand U.
Fleischhacker W.
Goodwin G.
Grunze H.
Knapp M.
Leonard B. E.
Lieberman J.
, et al.
Antidepressant medications and other treatments of depressive disorders: a CINP Task Force report based on a review of evidence
International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology
τόμ.10 suppl.1 σ.S1-207
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Papadopoulou Marina
Kleanthous Soula
Papadopoulou Anna
Bizeli Vasiliki
Nimatoudis Ioannis
Iakovidis Apostolos
Kaprinis Georgios
Reliability and psychometric properties of the Greek translation of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory form Y: Preliminary data
Annals of General Psychiatry
τόμ.31 αρ.5 σ.1-10
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Kaprinis Georgios
Personality disorders: new data versus old concepts
Current Opinion in Psychiatry
τόμ.19 αρ.1 σ.90-94
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Iakovidis Apostolos
Kaprinis Stergios
Kaprinis Georgios
Life events and clinical subtypes of major depression: A cross-sectional study
Psychiatry Research
τόμ.143 αρ.2-3 σ.235-244
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Kantartzis Sotiris
Siamouli Melina
Panagiotidis Panagiotis
Kaprinis Stergios
Iakovidis Apostolos
Kaprinis Georgios
Peripheral thyroid dysfunction in depression
The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry
τόμ.7 αρ.3 σ.131-137
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Panagiotidis Panagiotis
Siamouli Melina
Kantartzis Sotiris
Mavridis Theocharis
Iakovidis Apostolos
Kaprinis Georgios
Amisulpride-induced tardive dyskinesia
Schizophrenia Research
τόμ.88 αρ.1-3 σ.232-234
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Iakovidis Apostolos
Siamouli M.
Koumaris V.
Kaprinis Stergios
Successful treatment of anorexia with a combination of high-dose olanzapine, fluoxetine and mirtazapine
International journal of clinical pharmacology and therapeutics
τόμ.44 αρ.9
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Kantartzis S.
Siamouli M.
Panagiotidis P.
Kaprinis Georgios
Kourila-Kaprini Eleftheria
Iakovidis Apostolos
Kaprinis Stergios
Beneficial effect of long-acting injectable risperidone on the neurocognitive deficit of a schizophrenic patient: A case report
International journal of clinical pharmacology and therapeutics
τόμ.44 αρ.11 σ.589-92
Leucht Stefan
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Improvement of the physical health of people with mental illness
Current Opinion in Psychiatry
τόμ.19 αρ.4 σ.411-412
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Vieta E.
Sanchez-Moreno J.
Kaprinis Stergios
Goikolea J.M.
Kaprinis Georgios
Treatment guidelines for bipolar disorder: A critical review
Journal of Affective Disorders
τόμ.86 αρ.1 σ.1-10
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Annals of General Psychiatry
Annals of General Psychiatry
τόμ.4 αρ.1 σ.3
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Fotiou Fotios
Iakovidis Apostolos
Kaprinis Georgios
Is there a dysfunction in the visual system of depressed patients?
Annals of General Psychiatry
τόμ.29 αρ.4 σ.7
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Kaprinis Stergios
Iakovidis Apostolos
Fokas Konstantinos
Kaprinis Georgios
Are Dexamethasone Suppression Test Nonsuppression and Thyroid Dysfunction Related to a Family History of Dementia in Patients with Major Depression? An Exploratory Study
The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry
τόμ.50 αρ.6 σ.342-345
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Siamouli M.
Fotiou Fotios
Kaprinis Georgios
Changes in the pupil reflex arc in depressive patients
Journal of Affective Disorders
τόμ.87 αρ.2-3 σ.341-342
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Siamouli Melina
Fotiou Fotios
Kaprinis Georgios
Lateralization of pupillary light reflex parameters. Comment on the paper: Bär KJ, Boettger MK, Till S, Dolicek J, Sauer H. Clin Neurophysiol 2005;116:790-798.
Clinical Neurophysiology
τόμ.116 αρ.10 σ.2505
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Kaprinis Stergios
Kaprinis Georgios
Geriatric depression: a challenge for the 21st century
Aging Clinical and Experimental Research
τόμ.16 αρ.3 σ.173-5
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Kaprinis Stergios
Fotiou Fotios
Is there a role for pupillometry in the diagnostic approach of Alzheimer's disease? a review of the data
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society
τόμ.52 αρ.1 σ.166-168
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Iakovidis Apostolos
Fotiou Fotios
Nimatoudis Ioannis
Bascialla Fransesca
Ioannidou Christina
Kaprinis Georgios
Bech Per
Neurobiological and Psychological Correlates of Suicidal Attempts and Thoughts of Death in Patients with Major Depression
τόμ.49 αρ.1 σ.42-52
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Iakovidis Apostolos
Kaprinis Stergios
Combined Oral Venlafaxine and Intravenous Clomipramine-A: Successful Temporary Response in a Patient with Extremely Refractory Depression
The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry
τόμ.49 αρ.1 σ.73-74
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Nimatoudis Ioannis
Iakovidis Apostolos
Kaprinis Georgios
Off-label indications for atypical antipsychotics: A systematic review
Annals of General Hospital Psychiatry
τόμ.3 αρ.1 σ.4
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Iakovidis Apostolos
Kaprinis Georgios
Successful treatment of Tourette's disorder with amisulpride
Annals of Pharmacotherapy
τόμ.38 αρ.5 σ.901-901
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Iakovidis Apostolos
Gerasimou George
Fotiou Fotios
Ioannidou Christina
Bascialla Fransesca
Grammatikos Filippos
Kaprinis Georgios
The relationship of regional cerebral blood flow with subtypes of major depression
Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry
τόμ.28 αρ.3 σ.537-546
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Iakovidis Apostolos
Grammatikos Filippos
Kaprinis Georgios
Bech Per
Thyroid function in clinical subtypes of major depression: an exploratory study
BMC Psychiatry
τόμ.4 αρ.1
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Nimatoudis Ioannis
Iakovidis Apostolos
Kaprinis Georgios
Report of three cases that received maintenance treatment with risperidone as a mood stabilizer
Annals of General Hospital Psychiatry
τόμ.3 αρ.1 σ.10
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Kaprinis Stergios
Iakovidis Apostolos
Fotiou Fotios
Kaprinis Georgios
Biological markers and psychophysiological methods as long term response predictors to fluoxetine treatment
Journal of Affective Disorders
τόμ.80 αρ.2-3 σ.291-292
Iakovides Stefanos A
Iliadou Vasiliki-Maria
Bizeli Vassiliki TH
Kaprinis Georgios
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Kaprinis Georgios
Psychophysiology and psychoacoustics of music: Perception of complex sound in normal subjects and psychiatric patients
Annals of General Hospital Psychiatry
τόμ.3 αρ.1 σ.6
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Fotiou Fotios
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Iakovidis Apostolos
Kaprinis Georgios
Pattern-reversed visual evoked potentials in subtypes of major depression
Psychiatry Research
τόμ.118 αρ.3 σ.259-271
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Iakovidis Apostolos
Kaprinis Stergios
Kaprinis Georgios
Diffuse muscle pain with quetiapine
The British Journal of Psychiatry
τόμ.182 αρ.1 σ.81
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Iakovidis Apostolos
Kleanthous S
Samolis S
Gougoulias K
Tsiptsios I
Kaprinis Stergios
Bech P
Reliability, validity and psychometric properties of the Greek translation of the Major Depression Inventory
BMC Psychiatry
τόμ.3 αρ.1
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Iakovidis Apostolos
Kleanthous Soula
Samolis Stavros
Gougoulias Kyriakos
Kaprinis Stergios
Bech Per
The greek translation of the symptoms rating scale for depression and anxiety: preliminary results of the validation study
BMC Psychiatry
τόμ.3 αρ.1
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
O'Hara Ruth
Iakovidis Apostolos
Camilleri Christopher P
Kaprinis Stergios
Kaprinis Georgios
Yesavage Jerome
Unipolar late-onset depression: A comprehensive review
Annals of General Hospital Psychiatry
τόμ.2 αρ.1 σ.11
Iakovidis Apostolos
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Kaprinis Stergios
Kaprinis Georgios
The relationship between job stress, burnout and clinical depression
Journal of Affective Disorders
τόμ.75 αρ.3 σ.209-221
Tsiptsios Iacovos
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Sitzoglou Konstantinos
Papanicolaou Anastasia
Phokas Konstantinos
Fotiou Fotios
Kaprinis Stergios
Clinical and neuroimaging correlates of abnormal short-latency Somatosensory Evoked Potentials in elderly vascular dementia patients: A psychophysiological exploratory study
Annals of General Hospital Psychiatry
τόμ.2 αρ.1 σ.8
Άρθρο σε Πρακτικά Συνεδρίου
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Iakovidis Apostolos
Koumaris V.
Kaprinis Georgios
Successful treatment of anorexia with a combination of olanzapine, fluoxetine and mirtazapine at high doses: a case report
Annals of General Hospital Psychiatry
International Society on Brain and Behaviour: 1st International Congress on Brain and Behaviour
Thessaloniki - Greece
BioMed Central
τόμ.2 αρ.1Sup σ.S73
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Iakovidis Apostolos
Ioannidou Ch
Bascialla F.
Nimatoudis Ioannis
Kaprinis Georgios
Janca A.
Dahl A.
Reliability and cultural applicability of the Greek version of the International Personality Disorders Examination
BMC Psychiatry
τόμ.2 αρ.1
Iakovidis Apostolos
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Fotiou Fotios
Fokas Konstantinos
Nimatoudis Ioannis
Kaprinis Stergios
Relation of personality disorders to subtypes of major depression according both to DSM-IV and ICD-10
The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry
τόμ.47 αρ.2 σ.196-7
Iakovidis Apostolos
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Balaskas Ilias
Manika Aikaterini
Markopoulou M.
Kaprinis Georgios
Tourkantonis Achillefs
Relationship of age and psychosocial factors with biological ratings in patients with end-stage renal disease undergoing dialysis
Aging Clinical and Experimental Research
τόμ.14 αρ.5 σ.354-60
Kaprinis Georgios
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Kaprinis Stergios
Arguments against the Cognitive Dysmetria Hypothesis of Schizophrenia
Perceptual and Motor Skills
τόμ.94 αρ.3 σ.975-984
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Iakovidis Apostolos
Kleanthous Soula
Samolis Stavros
Kaprinis Stergios
Sitzoglou Konstantinos
Kaprinis Georgios
Bech Per
Reliability, Validity and Psychometric Properties of the Greek Translation of the Center for Epidemiological Studies-Depression (CES-D) Scale
BMC Psychiatry
τόμ.1 αρ.1
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Karamouzis Michail
Iakovidis Apostolos
Nimatoudis Ioannis
Diakogiannis Ioannis
Kaprinis Georgios
Dimitriadou-Vafeiadou Afroditi
Bech P.
Morning and Evening Plasma Melatonin and Dexamethasone Suppression Test in Patients with Nonseasonal Major Depressive Disorder from Northern Greece (Latitude 40–41.5°)
τόμ.44 αρ.3 σ.113-117
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Iakovidis Apostolos
Samolis Stavros
Kleanthous Soula
Kaprinis Stergios
Kaprinis Georgios
Bech Per
Reliability, validity and psychometric properties of the Greek translation of the zung depression rating scale
BMC Psychiatry
τόμ.1 αρ.1
Kosta-Tsolaki Magdalini
Sakka V.
Gerasimou G.
Dimacopoulos N.
Chatzizisi O.
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Kyriazis Georgios
Papanastasiou J.
Kazis Aristeidis
Correlation of rCBF (SPECT), CSF tau, and congnitive function in patients with dementia of the Alzheimer's type, other types of dementia, and congrol subjects
American Journal of Alzheimer's Disease and Other Dementias
τόμ.16 αρ.1 σ.21-31
O'Hara R.
Derouesné C.
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Yesavage JA.
Therapeutic approaches to age-associated neurocognitive disorders
Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience
τόμ.3 αρ.3 σ.191-213
Tsiptsios I.
Fotiou Fotios
Sitzoglou K.
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Neurophysiological investigation of cervical spondylosis
Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology/Electromyography and Motor Control
τόμ.41 αρ.5 σ.305-13
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Fotiou Fotios
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Kosta-Tsolaki Magdalini
Goulas Antonis
Palikaras A.
Changes in pupil reaction to light in Alzheimer’s disease patients: a preliminary report
International Journal of Psychophysiology
τόμ.37 αρ.1 σ.111-120
Fotiou Fotios
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Goulas Antonis
Alexopoulos L.
Palikaras A.
Automated standardized pupillometry with optical method for purposes of clinical practice and research
Clinical Physiology
τόμ.20 αρ.5 σ.336-347
Fotiou Fotios
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Evidence for a Central Cholinergic Deficit in Myasthenia Gravis
Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences
τόμ.12 αρ.4 σ.514-515
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Fotiou Fotios
Iakovidis Apostolos
Kaprinis Georgios
Do depressive patients with family history of dementia constitute a separate group? A case report study
International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice
τόμ.4 αρ.3 σ.215-222
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Kosta-Tsolaki Magdalini
Paulopoulos H.
Kazis Aristeidis
Validation of the epidemiological dementia index in geriatric outpatients
International Psychogeriatrics
τόμ.12 αρ.2 σ.195-208
Iakovidis Apostolos
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Grammatikos Filippos
Ierodiakonou Charalambos
Difference in Symptom Profile between Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Anxiety Secondary to Hyperthyroidism
The International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine
τόμ.30 αρ.1 σ.71-81
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Fotiou Fotios
Koutlas E.
Tsorlinis I.
Dimitriadis Athanasios
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Tsiptsios I.
Sitzoglou K.
Karampatakis Vasileios
Stangos N.
The value of neurophysiological and MRI assessment in demyelinating optic neuritis (DON)
Electromyogr Clin Neurophysiol.
τόμ.39 αρ.7 σ.397-404
Fotiou Fotios
Koutlas E.
Tsorlinis I.
Dimitriadis Athanasios
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Tsiptsios I.
Sitzoglou K.
Karampatakis Vasileios
Stangos N.
The value of neurophysiological and MRI assessment in demyelinating optic neuritis (DON)
Electromyogr Clin Neurophysiol.
τόμ.39 αρ.7 σ.397-404
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Fotiou Fotios
Iakovidis Apostolos
Tsiptsios J.
Goulas Antonis
Kosta-Tsolaki Magdalini
Ierodiakonou Charalampos
Changes in pupil reaction to light in melancholic patients
International Journal of Psychophysiology
τόμ.31 αρ.2 σ.121-128
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Iakovidis Apostolos
Nimatoudis Ioannis
Kaprinis Georgios
Ierodiakonou Charalampos
Comparison of the diagnosis of melancholic and atypical features according to DSM-IV and somatic syndrome according to ICD-10 in patients suffering from major depression
European Psychiatry
τόμ.14 αρ.8 σ.426-433
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Kosta-Tsolaki Magdalini
Iakovidis Apostolos
Yesavage J.
O'Hara R.
Kazis Aristeidis
Ierodiakonou C.
The validation of the short form of the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) in Greece
Aging Clinical and Experimental Research
τόμ.11 αρ.6 σ.367-72
Iakovidis Apostolos
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Moysidou Charoula
Ierodiakonou Charalambos
Burnout in Nursing Staff: Is There a Relationship between Depression and Burnout?
The International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine
τόμ.29 αρ.4 σ.421-433
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Fotiou Fotios
Goulas Antonis
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Papakostopoulos D.
Changes in psychophysiological processing of vision in myasthenia gravis
International Journal of Psychophysiology
τόμ.25 αρ.1 σ.303-10
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Kosta-Tsolaki Magdalini
Mohs RC.
Kazis Aristeidis
Epidemiological dementia index: a screening instrument for Alzheimer's disease and other types of dementia suitable for use in populations with low education level
Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders
τόμ.9 αρ.6 σ.329-38
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Kosta-Tsolaki Magdalini
Mohs R.C.
Kazis Aristeidis
Epidemiological Dementia Index: A Screening Instrument for Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Types of Dementia Suitable for Use in Populations with Low Education Level
Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders
τόμ.9 αρ.6 σ.329-338
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Kogiopoulos K.
Nimatoudis Ioannis
Iakovidis Apostolos
Nikolaou T.
Ierodiakonou Ch.
The concept of mental disorder in Greek cinema
Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica
τόμ.98 αρ.4 σ.336-340
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Iakovidis Apostolos
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Moysidou Charoula
Ierodiakonou Charalambos
Burnout in nursing staff: A clinical syndrome rather than a psychological reaction?
General Hospital Psychiatry
τόμ.19 αρ.6 σ.419-428
Kosta-Tsolaki Magdalini
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Chantzi E.
Kazis Aristeidis
Risk factors for clinically diagnosed Alzheimer's disease: a case-control study of a Greek population
International Psychogeriatrics
τόμ.9 αρ.3 σ.327-41
Kosta-Tsolaki Magdalini
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Nakopoulou E.
Kazis Aristeidis
Mohs RC.
Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Scale: the validation of the scale in Greece in elderly demented patients and normal subjects
Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders
τόμ.8 αρ.5 σ.273-80
Sitzoglou K.
Fotiou F.
Tsiptsios I.
Tsonidis Christos
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Papakostopoulos D.
Tsitsopoulos Filippos
Dermatomal SEPs: a complementary study in evaluating patients with lumbosacral disc prolapse
International Journal of Psychophysiology
τόμ.25 αρ.3 σ.221-226
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
The role of funcional neuroimaging in contrmporary psychiatry
Nuclear Medicine Review-CEE
τόμ.2 αρ.2 σ.54-59
Άρθρο σε Περιοδικό
Fountoulakis Konstantinos
Grunze Heinz
Vieta Eduard
Young Allan
Yatham Lakshmi
Blier Pierre
Kasper Siegfried
Moeller Hans Jurgen
The International College of Neuro-Psychopharmacology (CINP) treatment guidelines for Bipolar disorder in adults (CINP-BD-2017), part 3: The clinical guidelines.
International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology
Vol.20 αρ.2 σ.180–195
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Ενημερώθηκε: 2019-10-06